The Sims 4 Guides The Sims 4 Custom Content

Redefine the looks of PlantSims in The Sims 4 with this CC!


Bring back retro PlantSims or add new spins with this Custom Content!

Since the Plant-A-Sim scenario was added to The Sims 4 in a recent SDX drop, PlantSims have seen a renewed interest from Simmers. Many Simmers want to see PlantSims get an overhaul and become a fully fleshed out life state like other occult Sims (we second this!) but for now, we’ll have to be content with community creations to at least give our PlantSims a more plant-like appearance.

Here’s some fantastic PlantSim CC from the community to improve your PlantSims!

All the listed Custom Content for PlantSims shown down below are linked in the heading title of each one.

Sims 2 PlantSim Hair

Redefine the looks of PlantSims in The Sims 4 with this CC!

Creator: Esmeralda

If you’re feeling nostalgic for Sims 2 PlantSims, this set of PlantSim hair for children-elders will help take you back to the good ol’ days.

Sims 3 PlantSim Conversion

Redefine the looks of PlantSims in The Sims 4 with this CC!

Creator: CepZid

Or how about some Sims 3 nostalgia? This set of PlantSim outfit and hair conversions from The Sims 3 University has you covered!

Of the Earth PlantSim Stuff

Redefine the looks of PlantSims in The Sims 4 with this CC!

Creator: PYXIS

This stunning set of skin, vines, overlay, and hair will bring your PlantSims to life and truly make them look like they’re of the earth.

Flower Hawk Hair

Redefine the looks of PlantSims in The Sims 4 with this CC!

Creator: spiderfires

This lovely mohawk made from colourful blossoms is perfect for both male and female PlantSims!

Dead or Alive Colour of Love Poem Outfit

Redefine the looks of PlantSims in The Sims 4 with this CC!

Creator: astya96

Give your female PlantSims a more sultry look with these leaves and vines.

Cactus Buns

Redefine the looks of PlantSims in The Sims 4 with this CC!

Creator: spiderfires

These adorable cactus buns are perfect to add a touch of cuteness to any PlantSim!

Dead or Alive Outfits

Redefine the looks of PlantSims in The Sims 4 with this CC!

This cute ruffled two piece made of leaves, flowers, and butterflies will give your PlantSims a dreamy, ethereal look. The download also includes a flower crown.

Changeable Hair for PlantSims Mod

Redefine the looks of PlantSims in The Sims 4 with this CC!

Creator: G1G2

If you plan to download any custom hair for PlantSims, make sure you download this mod, too. I’ve been using it in my own game and can confirm it’s still working as of April 2022.

About the author


A cranky old lady who prefers the company of cats and Sims over people. Occasionally peeks out from her lair long enough to chuck Sims articles at innocent bystanders.

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