The Sims 4 Guides

Taking Market Stalls to the Next Level


Upping your Market Stalls game in The Sims 4

I recently came across a short video on Instagram from the user, pramita_lia98 has taken the market stalls and turned them into a cute and adorable corner store! I absolutely loved this idea and as I hadn’t done any building as such in my own game for a while, I decided to give it a go myself!

First things first, I needed to find the perfect location to create my market stall! After finding the perfect location in The Sims 4 My Wedding Stories’ Tartosa, I set about experimenting with a few different ideas until I found something that started to look like what I had in mind.

As shown in the video, I needed to start off with a small 2×3 room.

Taking Market Stalls to the Next Level

Next was to add the Awning by using the Move Objects Cheat, as well as adding the supporting beams and changing the wall height of the back wall to allow me to place the required beams.

Taking Market Stalls to the Next Level

With things starting to take shape, it was time to add a way for Sims to get in and out of the market stall. By adding a fence and gate, there was now a way to move around more freely.

I also used this time to give my market stall some more life by giving it a coat of paint and some wall trimmings as well!

Taking Market Stalls to the Next Level

As the shell was now complete, it was time to bring the market stall to life even more! I’d settled to do a kind of flower stall and after decorating it, this is how it turned out!

Taking Market Stalls to the Next Level

I had a lot of fun trying something different when it came to building and can only hope that with more practice and experimenting I’ll be able to improve on what I learnt from pramita_lia98‘s tutorial and many more that they have showcased on their Instagram page!

About the author


Hey, I'm Krista! Long time Simmer and Sims Community Staff.

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2 years ago

Is this functional, or just for show/decoration? Will sims buy stuff without using the yard sale table?