Upgrade Copperdale High to a private school when High School Years launches!
As a generational player, I could not be more excited about the High School Years expansion. While I wish it wasn’t quite so USA-centric, the expansion is still pretty much everything I’ve wanted for my teenagers for the last eight years. Parenthood was a fun addition for teens but High School Years is going to blow Parenthood out of the water. I just can’t wait to get my hands on this expansion!
There was just one little problem for me, however. I’ve been playing my main save for so many years that all my Sims are descended from old money and in my head, I’ve always imagined my kids and teens attending very elite private schools thanks to their family’s wealth. Copperdale High, while a great public school build, was not the vibe I was looking for for my private school teens. So I set out to build Copperdale Prep Academy, the finest and most expensive private secondary school in the Sim world!

I saw in the livestream that Copperdale High is a 64×64 lot so I picked out a 64×64 lot and got to work building the fanciest private school I possibly could. I did not use any modded content but I did go crazy with packs and kits for this one. I really wanted to utilize everything I had available to me to create the feel I was going for.
I managed to find a screenshot of the high school lot requirements and focused on those necessary areas, first. I made sure there were two classrooms, a cafeteria area, and anything else necessary for a school to function (desks, washrooms, computers, etc).

On the first floor, there is a lobby as you walk inside with trophy cases and a grand staircase. To the left is the dining hall which currently has the barista station from Get Together but will have the necessary cafeteria object when the expansion comes out. To the right is the administrative section of the school. The main office is located here which connects to the headmaster/headmistress’ office. There are also washrooms in this section and a janitor’s closet. Stairs lead down to the basement level of the school, but we’ll tour the basement last.

In the north wing of the first floor is the gymnasium with a full basketball court, raised bleachers, and exits out to the back of the school where there are social areas for the teens during lunch and after classes.

Upstairs there is a large classroom set up for a business or economics class of some kind, a large library with a computer lab section and chess tables for the computer and chess clubs, and a debate podium for those aspiring valedictorians to perfect their graduation speeches. Or just argue with their classmates in an administration-approved setting. Whichever. In the west wing of the second floor is the art room and music room. The art room has both easels and digital sketch pads and the music room has just about every musical tool and instrument any top-notch high school might have.

Copperdale Prep Academy prides itself on its top-rated extra curricular facilities, like its indoor pool and photography studio with a dark room, both located in the basement, along with change rooms and a science lab which is the second functional classroom for this build. At least, it will be when High School Years comes out and it gets updated with the necessary objects.

It took two full days of building and would have taken much longer if I didn’t already have the gym, cafeteria, and classroom built as storytelling set rooms in my library, but Copperdale Prep Academy is finally ready to accept new students!
You can download Copperdale Prep Academy by clicking the button below or search Copperdale Prep Academy under the ID SnarkyWitch in the Gallery! If you like this build, I’d really appreciate it if you clicked the heart button and left a nice comment, too!
I’ll see you fine Simmers at Copperdale Prep in the autumn!