The Sims 4 The Sims 4 Guides

All About Round Walls in The Sims 4


Everything you need to know about the big new Build Mode Feature!

Towers? Silos? Movie Theaters? Think of all the buildings that can now be created with the new curved wall tool in Build Mode! Announced during the Deep Dive Livestream for The Sims 4 High School Years, curved walls are a much awaited for feature. Although more difficult than regular walls, curved walls seem to be easy to use once you know a few tricks.

All About Round Walls in The Sims 4

Curved walls are located in the walls section of the build catalog. Within the wall selections, there are three different sizes of curved wall pieces. They function similarly to curved, fenced foundation pieces. You can use alt to freely place both the doors and windows. Move Objects On does work, but some doors and windows will turn into a black cutout if it isn’t possible for them to fit on the curved wall.

All About Round Walls in The Sims 4
All About Round Walls in The Sims 4

Connect four of the same curved wall piece together to make a rounded shape. If you want a circle, you can delete the extra wall pieces and adjust the foundation piece, then copy the small shape and connect them to the original piece to make a round room.

Also, there is no way to put fence around the ceiling of a build. So the only way to do this is to create a round foundation piece using the same steps as making the round room. Then, moving the foundation piece on top of the round room. You can then add any fencing to the ceiling.

Custom Content Doors and Windows

Unfortunately, as of writing this, CC doors and windows do not work with curved walls without move objects on. We will have to wait for a batch fix from Sims 4 Studio or for each individual creator to update their doors and windows.

All About Round Walls in The Sims 4

Curved Wall Bugs

Unfortunately there are bugs with the curved walls! Kate Emerald showed off on Twitter the problems with trying to put curved walls inside to create a rounded room. Luckily, she was able to find a workaround that she posted in the tweet below!

Also, PlumbobKingdom showed what happens when you put a raised curved foundation inside a room. And KawaiiFoxita posted about stacking round rooms slightly off center from each other. These are only a couple of the examples of (mostly) cosmetic problems with the curved walls. Hopefully EA addresses the problems quickly and makes the walls more functional.

Community Builds!

Already, the community has been building some amazing builds using the new curved walls. From fair tale towers to Art Deco buildings to farms, people’s creativity has already started to show on Twitter. Here are five of our favorite builds that we’ve seen so far! They’re from KawaiiFoxita, uberstevo, arelladia, SimmerWill, and AngelsWay11.

What did you create using Round Walls? Upload your Screenshot in the Conversation below!

About the author


ThatSimsLady’s love of Sims is only rivaled by her love of grilled cheese. She is a mods addict, a friend to all ducks, and still tries to use The Sims 3 cheat codes in The Sims 4. When she is not playing Sims or writing about Sims, she can be found moderating and providing support on any number of Sims Discord Servers. You could say she eats, sleeps, and breathes Sims.