Graduation, New Traits and much more covered. These are the Cheats for Sims 4 High School!
Sometimes cheating isn’t cheating. Sometimes it’s enhancing your story or even starting a new one that has Sims with established backgrounds and personalities. And sometimes, we just want to cheat!
Remember, you need to enable testingcheatsenabled true/on in your console and for some of these cheats, you will need to install the AllCheats Mod by TwistedMexi.
Here is our ultimate list of The Sims 4 High School Year cheats!

Looking for more Guides on The Sims 4 High School Years?
High School Cheats
High School Graduation Status
To add a trait, you need to use:
traits.equip_trait to add the trait
traits.equip_trait to remove the trait
For example, to add the Graduated Early trait to a Sim, you would type traits.equip_trait trait_HSExit_Graduate_Early into your cheats bar.
Description | Cheat |
High School Dropout | trait_HSExit_Dropout |
Earned GED | trait_HSExit_EarnedGED |
Expelled | trait_HSExit_Expelled |
Graduated Early | trait_HSExit_Graduate_Early |
Graduated with Honors | trait_HSExit_Graduate_Honors |
Graduated as Valedictorian | trait_HSExit_Graduate_Valedictorian |
Clubs and Activities
To add careers, you will need to add this cheat to the career cheat you want to use:
careers.add_career to add careers
careers.remove_career to remove careers
careers.promote to promote careers
careers.demote to demote careers
For example: careers.add_career careers_Volunteer_HSTeam_CheerTeam
(Although these are clubs and activities, in the Sims, they are classified as jobs.)
Description | Cheat |
Cheer Team | careers_Volunteer_HSTeam_CheerTeam |
Chess Team | careers_Volunteer_HSTeam_ChessTeam |
Computer Team | careers_Volunteer_HSTeam_ComputerTeam |
Football Team | careers_Volunteer_HSTeam_FootballTeam |
Other High School Cheats
To add a trait, you need to use:
traits.equip_trait to add the trait
traits.equip_trait to remove the trait
For example, to add the Graduated Early trait to a Sim, you would type traits.equip_trait trait_HighSchool_Active_HadOrientation into your cheats bar.
Description | Cheat |
Class 1 Student | trait_HighSchool_Active_Class1Student |
Had Orientation | trait_HighSchool_Active_HadOrientation |
Learned TPose Challenge | trait_HighSchool_Active_LearnedTPoseChallenge |
Teen Careers
To add careers, you will need to add this cheat to the career cheat you want to use:
careers.add_career to add careers
careers.remove_career to remove careers
careers.promote to promote careers
careers.demote to demote careers
For example: careers.add_career career_Teen_SimsfluencerSideHustle
Description | Cheat |
Simfluencer Career | career_Teen_SimsfluencerSideHustle |
Streamer Career | career_Teen_StreamerSideHustle |
Adult Careers
To add careers, you will need to add this cheat to the career cheat you want to use:
careers.add_career to add careers
careers.remove_career to remove careers
careers.promote to promote careers
careers.demote to demote careers
For example: careers.add_career careers_Adult_PartTime_StreamerSideHustle
Description | Cheat |
Adult Part-Time Simfluencer | careers_Adult_PartTime_SimsfluencerSideHustle |
Adult Part-Time Streamer | careers_Adult_PartTime_StreamerSideHustle |
Personality Traits
To add a trait, you need to use:
traits.equip_trait to add the trait
traits.equip_trait to remove the trait
For example, to add the Graduated Early trait to a Sim, you would type traits.equip_trait trait_Highflier into your cheats bar.
Description | Cheat |
Dauntless Trait | trait_Dauntless |
The Knowledge Trait | trait_Entrepreneur_TheKnowledge |
Highflier Trait | trait_Highflier |
Overachiever Trait | trait_Overachiever |
Party Animal Trait | trait_PartyAnimal |
Iconic Trait | trait_Iconic |
Relatable Trait | trait_Relatable |
Teen Pranks Prankster Trait | trait_TeenPranks_Prankster |
Untroubled Trait | trait_Untroubled |
Socially Awkward Trait | trait_SociallyAwkward |
Skill Cheats
For skill cheats, use stats.set_skill_level then the main cheat, in this case, AdultMinor_Entrepreneur. At the end of the cheat, the skill level is needed. This cheat goes up to level 5.
For example: stats.set_skill_level AdultMinor_Entrepreneur 3
Description | Cheat |
Entrepreneur Skill | AdultMinor_Entrepreneur |
To add these cheats, you need to add this modifyrelationship cheat then add the cheat you want to use at after the underscore of sentimenttrack.
modifyrelationship firstname lastname firstname lastname 100 sentimenttrack_
For example: modifyrelationship Bob Pancakes Eliza Pancakes100 sentimenttrack_Hurt_ST_Suspicious
Choose whatever number you wanted to use from -100 to 100.
Description | Cheat |
Close ST Throw Football Bonding Moment | Close_ST_ThrowFootballBondingMoment |
Close ST Trusting | Close_ST_Trusting |
Crush LT generic | Crush_LT_generic |
Enamored ST HS Prom impressed By Promposal | Enamored_ST_HSProm_impressedByPromposal |
Guilty ST HS Prom Broken Pact | Guilty_ST_HSProm_BrokenPact |
Hurt ST HS Prom broken Ditch Promise | Hurt_ST_HSProm_brokenDitchPromise |
Hurt ST Suspicious | Hurt_ST_Suspicious |
Needs Distance LT Proposal | NeedsDistance_LT_Proposal |
Needs Distance ST Friend | NeedsDistance_ST_Friend |
Needs Distance ST Generic Romantic | NeedsDistance_ST_GenericRomantic |
Rejected LT Proposal | Rejected_LT_Proposal |
Rejected ST Friend | Rejected_ST_Friend |
Rejected ST Generic Romantic | Rejected_ST_GenericRomantic |
Bitter ST HS Prom No Prom Invite | Bitter_ST_HSProm_NoPromInvite |
Bitter ST Openable Window Fail Event | Bitter_ST_OpenableWindow_FailEvent |
Close LT I Know They’ve Got My Back | Close_LT_IKnowTheyveGotMyBack |
Close LT They Understand | Close_LT_TheyUnderstand |
Close LT Two Peas In A Pod | Close_LT_TwoPeasInAPod |
Close ST Good First Impression | Close_ST_GoodFirstImpression |
Close ST HS Prom skipping Prom Together | Close_ST_HSProm_skippingPromTogether |
Close ST Openable Window Success Event | Close_ST_OpenableWindow_SuccessEvent |
Likes and Dislikes
To add a like, dislike, or no opinion, you need to use:
traits.equip_trait to add the trait
traits.equip_trait to remove the trait
For example, to add the Graduated Early trait to a Sim, you would type traits.equip_trait trait_SimPreference_Dislikes_Fashion_Basics into your cheats bar.
Description | Cheat |
No Opinion Fashion Outdoorsy | trait_SimPreference_NoOpinion_Fashion_Outdoorsy |
No Opinion Fashion Polished | trait_SimPreference_NoOpinion_Fashion_Polished |
No Opinion Fashion Preppy | trait_SimPreference_NoOpinion_Fashion_Preppy |
No Opinion Fashion Rocker | trait_SimPreference_NoOpinion_Fashion_Rocker |
No Opinion Fashion Streetwear | trait_SimPreference_NoOpinion_Fashion_Streetwear |
Dislikes Fashion Basics | trait_SimPreference_Dislikes_Fashion_Basics |
Dislikes Fashion Boho | trait_SimPreference_Dislikes_Fashion_Boho |
Dislikes Fashion Country | trait_SimPreference_Dislikes_Fashion_Country |
Dislikes Fashion Hipster | trait_SimPreference_Dislikes_Fashion_Hipster |
Dislikes Fashion Outdoorsy | trait_SimPreference_Dislikes_Fashion_Outdoorsy |
Dislikes Fashion Polished | trait_SimPreference_Dislikes_Fashion_Polished |
Dislikes Fashion Preppy | trait_SimPreference_Dislikes_Fashion_Preppy |
Dislikes Fashion Rocker | trait_SimPreference_Dislikes_Fashion_Rocker |
Dislikes Fashion Streetwear | trait_SimPreference_Dislikes_Fashion_Streetwear |
Likes Fashion Basics | trait_SimPreference_Likes_Fashion_Basics |
Likes Fashion Boho | trait_SimPreference_Likes_Fashion_Boho |
Likes Fashion Country | trait_SimPreference_Likes_Fashion_Country |
Likes Fashion Hipster | trait_SimPreference_Likes_Fashion_Hipster |
Likes Fashion Outdoorsy | trait_SimPreference_Likes_Fashion_Outdoorsy |
Likes Fashion Polished | trait_SimPreference_Likes_Fashion_Polished |
Likes Fashion Preppy | trait_SimPreference_Likes_Fashion_Preppy |
Likes Fashion Rocker | trait_SimPreference_Likes_Fashion_Rocker |
Likes Fashion Streetwear | trait_SimPreference_Likes_Fashion_Streetwear |
No Opinion Fashion Basics | trait_SimPreference_NoOpinion_Fashion_Basics |
No Opinion Fashion Boho | trait_SimPreference_NoOpinion_Fashion_Boho |
No Opinion Fashion Country | trait_SimPreference_NoOpinion_Fashion_Country |
No Opinion Fashion Hipster | trait_SimPreference_NoOpinion_Fashion_Hipster |
To add buffs, you need to first put these phrases into the console and then the cheat phrase after it.
sims.add_buff adds buffs.
sims.remove_buff removes buffs.
For example, sims.add_buff CheerMat_TeamSpirit
These might have prerequisites to work such as being part of the Cheer Team to have a buff about the cheer team.
All Cheats by Twisted Mexi is REQUIRED to use these cheats.
Description | Cheat |
Bed Updates Low-quality Sit | BedUpdates_LowQuality_Sit |
Bed Updates Pillow Fight Lose | BedUpdates_Pillow Fight_Lose |
Bed Updates Pillow Fight Win | BedUpdates_Pillow Fight_Win |
Bed Updates Stay In Sit On Bed From Chat | BedUpdates_StayInSitOnBed_FromChat |
Bed Updates Stay In Sit On Bed From Sit | BedUpdates_StayInSitOnBed_FromSit |
Career HS Team Big Win | Career_HSTeam_BigWin |
Career HS Team Hyped | Career_HSTeam_Hyped |
Career HS Team Major Loss | Career_HSTeam_MajorLoss |
Career Side Hustle Nailed It | Career_SideHustle_NailedIt |
Career Side Hustle Recent Follower | Career_SideHustle_RecentFollower |
Career Side Hustle Sealed The Deal | Career_SideHustle_SealedTheDeal |
Career Simsfluencer Side Hustle Cursed Conclusion | Career_SimsfluencerSideHustle_CursedConclusion |
Career Simsfluencer Side Hustle Demonetized | Career_SimsfluencerSideHustle_Demonitized |
Career Simsfluencer Side Hustle Prime Product | Career_SimsfluencerSideHustle_PrimeProduct |
Career Simsfluencer Side Hustle Review Buff | Career_SimsfluencerSideHustle_ReviewBuff |
Career Streamer Side Hustle Banned | Career_StreamerSideHustle_Banned |
Career Streamer Side Hustle Beaten At Own Game | Career_StreamerSideHustle_BeatenAtOwnGame |
Career Streamer Side Hustle Behind The Mask | Career_StreamerSideHustle_BehindTheMask |
Career Streamer Side Hustle Tip Cooldown | Career_StreamerSideHustle_TipCooldown |
Cheer Mat Can’t Stop This | CheerMat_CantStopThis |
Cheer Mat In group Cheer | CheerMat_InGroupCheer |
Cheer Mat Team Spirit | CheerMat_TeamSpirit |
Cheer Mat Too Much Spirit | CheerMat_TooMuchSpirit |
EP12Death Urban Myth Saw Mirror | EP12Death_UrbanMyth_SawMirror |
Fashion Marketplace Didn’t Read The Room | Fashion Marketplace_DidntReadTheRoom |
Fashion Marketplace Fashion Empire Growing | Fashion Marketplace_FashionEmpireGrowing |
Fashion Marketplace Fashion Firestarter | Fashion Marketplace_FashionFirestarter |
Fashion Marketplace Style Rejection | Fashion Marketplace_StyleRejection |
Fashion Marketplace Wearing Outfit | Fashion Marketplace_WearingOutfit |
Fear Disappointing Parents Confrontation Progress | Fear_Disappointing Parents_ConfrontationProgress |
Fear Disappointing Parents Effects Near Parents | Fear_Disappointing Parents_Effects_NearParents |
Fear Disappointing Parents Effects Wake Up Tense | Fear_Disappointing Parents_Effects_WakeUpTense |
Fear Disappointing Parents Set Expectations Failure | Fear_Disappointing Parents_Set Expectations_Failure |
Fear Disappointing Parents Set Expectations Success | Fear_Disappointing Parents_Set Expectations_Success |
Fear Disappointing Parents Trait Effects | Fear_Disappointing Parents_Trait_Effects |
Fear Failing After School Confrontation Tracker | Fear_Failing_After School_ConfrontationTracker |
Fear Failing After School Effects Lost Event | Fear_Failing_After School_Effects_LostEvent |
Fear Failing After School Effects Wake Up | Fear_Failing_After School_Effects_WakeUp |
Fear Failing After School Trigger Progress | Fear_Failing_After School_TriggerProgress |
Fear Failing Class Effects Grade Drop | Fear_Failing_Class_Effects_GradeDrop |
Fear Failing Class Effects School Arrival | Fear_Failing_Class_Effects_School Arrival |
Fear Failing Class Extra Credit Available | Fear_Failing_Class_ExtraCreditAvailable |
Fear Failing Class Trigger Progress | Fear_Failing_Class_TriggerProgress |
Fear Failing Tests Effects Must Be Prepared | Fear_Failing_Tests_Effects_Must_Be_Prepared |
Fear Failing Tests Effects Prepared Fail | Fear_Failing_Tests_Effects_Prepared_Fail |
Fear Failing Tests Effects Test Day | Fear_Failing_Tests_Effects_Test_Day |
Fear Failing Test Confrontation Progress | Fear_Failing Test_ConfrontationProgress |
Fear Homework Confrontation Progress | Fear_Homework_ConfrontationProgress |
Fear Homework Effects Nothing Absorbed | Fear_Homework_Effects_NothingAbsorbed |
Fear Homework Effects Should Finish Homework | Fear_Homework_Effects_ShouldFinishHomework |
Fear Tests Effects Prepared Success | Fear_Tests_Effects_Prepared_Success |
High School Active All In The Branding | HighSchool_Active_AllInTheBranding |
High School Active Ask Career Details Cooldown | HighSchool_Active_Ask Career Details_Cooldown |
High School Active Ask Career Details Negative | HighSchool_Active_Ask Career Details_Negative |
High School Active Ask Career Details Positive | HighSchool_Active_Ask Career Details_Positive |
High School Active Attending Class | HighSchool_Active_AttendingClass |
High School Active Avoided Consequences | HighSchool_Active_AvoidedConsequences |
High School Active Brand Recognition | HighSchool_Active_BrandRecognition |
High School Active Career Day Can Ask Career Details | HighSchool_Active_Career Day_Can Ask Career Details |
High School Active Career Day Clear Future | HighSchool_Active_Career Day_ClearFuture |
High School Active Career Day Future Uncertain | HighSchool_Active_Career Day_FutureUncertain |
High School Active Career Day Watched 1 | HighSchool_Active_Career Day_Watched_1 |
High School Active Career Day Watched 2 | HighSchool_Active_Career Day_Watched_2 |
High School Active Career Day Watched 3 | HighSchool_Active_Career Day_Watched_3 |
High School Active Caught For Truancy | HighSchool_Active_CaughtForTruancy |
High School Active Claimed Locker | HighSchool_Active_ClaimedLocker |
High School Active Classically Studied | HighSchool_Active_ClassicallyStudied |
High School Active Clumpy Clothing | HighSchool_Active_ClumpyClothing |
High School Active Completed TPose Challenge | HighSchool_Active_CompletedTPoseChallenge |
High School Active Crickets | HighSchool_Active_Crickets |
High School Active Debug Force Chance Card | HighSchool_Active_Debug_ForceChanceCard |
High School Active Exam Fail | HighSchool_Active_Exam_Fail |
High School Active Exam High | HighSchool_Active_Exam_High |
High School Active Exam Max | HighSchool_Active_Exam_Max |
High School Active Exam Poor | HighSchool_Active_Exam_Poor |
High School Active Experiment Gone Wrong | HighSchool_Active_ExperimentGoneWrong |
High School Active Friendly Game Of Telephone | HighSchool_Active_FriendlyGameOfTelephone |
High School Active Goal Count 1 | HighSchool_Active_GoalCount_1 |
High School Active Goal Count 2 | HighSchool_Active_GoalCount_2 |
High School Active Got Away With It | HighSchool_Active_GotAwayWithIt |
High School Active Got Class List | HighSchool_Active_GotClassList |
High School Active Got Detention Hidden | HighSchool_Active_GotDetention_Hidden |
High School Active Grade Trickling Downward | HighSchool_Active_GradeTricklingDownward |
High School Active Hooky At School | HighSchool_Active_HookyAtSchool |
High School Active Hooky At School Caught | HighSchool_Active_HookyAtSchool_Caught |
High School Active How To Climb The Corporate Ladder | HighSchool_Active_HowToClimbTheCorporateLadder |
High School Active Idea Theft | HighSchool_Active_IdeaTheft |
High School Active Laughingstock | HighSchool_Active_Laughingstock |
High School Active Made To Stay Late | HighSchool_Active_MadeToStayLate |
High School Active Math Whiz | HighSchool_Active_MathWhiz |
High School Active Morning Jamz | HighSchool_Active_MorningJamz |
High School Active Mouthed Off Warning | HighSchool_Active_MouthedOff_Warning |
High School Active Mouthing Off | HighSchool_Active_MouthingOff |
High School Active NPC Janitor Clean Bathroom Cooldown | HighSchool_Active_NPC_Janifor_CleanBathroom_Cooldown |
High School Active NPC Janitor Clean Puddle Cooldown | HighSchool_Active_NPC_Janitor_CleanPuddle_Cooldown |
High School Active NPC Janitor Clean Table Cooldown | HighSchool_Active_NPC_Janitor_CleanTable_Cooldown |
High School Active NPC Monitor Detention | HighSchool_Active_NPC_MontiorDetention |
High School Active One Of The Cool Kids | HighSchool_Active_OneOfTheCoolKids |
High School Active PA Boredom | HighSchool_Active_PABoredom |
High School Active Patrol Cooldown Bathroom | HighSchool_Active_Patrol_Cooldown_Bathroom |
High School Active Patrol Cooldown Cafeteria | HighSchool_Active_Patrol_Cooldown_Cafeteria |
High School Active Patrol Cooldown Hallway | HighSchool_Active_Patrol_Cooldown_Hallway |
High School Active Patrol Cooldown Misc | HighSchool_Active_Patrol_Cooldown_Misc |
High School Active Physics To The Face | HighSchool_Active_PhysicsToTheFace |
High School Active Ready To Test | HighSchool_Active_ReadyToTest |
High School Active Sent Back To School | HighSchool_Active_SentBackToSchool |
High School Active Skipped Class | HighSchool_Active_SkippedClass |
High School Active Spaghetti Architect | HighSchool_Active_SpaghettiArchitect |
High School Active Stopping The Spread | HighSchool_Active_StoppingTheSpread |
High School Active Stuck | HighSchool_Active_Stuck |
High School Active Tongue Tied | HighSchool_Active_TongueTied |
High School Active Took The Blame | HighSchool_Active_TookTheBlame |
High School Day Role During Class | HighSchoolDay_Role_DuringClass |
High School Festival All Do Mischief | HighSchool Festival_All_DoMischief |
High School Festival All Do Photo Op Activity | HighSchool Festival_All_DoPhotoOpActivity |
High School Festival All Enter Festival | HighSchool Festival_All_EnterFestival |
High School Festival All Judge Competition | HighSchool Festival_All_JudgeCompetition |
High School Festival All Submit Score | HighSchool Festival_All_SubmitScore |
High School Festival All Watch Competition | HighSchool Festival_All_WatchCompetition |
High School Festival All Watch Result | HighSchool Festival_All_WatchResult |
High School Festival Announced Results | HighSchool Festival_AnnouncedResults |
High School Festival Big League | HighSchool Festival_BigLeague |
High School Festival Brainiac Jamming | HighSchool Festival_BraniacJamming |
High School Festival Chess Battle No Law | HighSchool Festival_ChessBattleNoLaw |
High School Festival Entered Festival | HighSchool Festival_EnteredFestival |
High School Festival Hyped | HighSchool Festival_Hyped |
High School Festival Science Fair Do Game Jam | HighSchool Festival_ScienceFair_DoGameJam |
High School Festival Science Fair Play Chess | HighSchool Festival_ScienceFair_PlayChess |
High School Festival Science Fair Play Chess Puzzle | HighSchool Festival_ScienceFair_PlayChessPuzzle |
High School Festival Science Fair Play With Tablet | HighSchool Festival_ScienceFair_PlayWithTablet |
High School Festival Sports Day Do Competitive Cheer | HighSchool Festival_SportsDay_DoCompetitiveCheer |
High School Festival Sports Day Do Solo Cheer | HighSchool Festival_SportsDay_DoSoloCheer |
High School Festival Sports Day Play Football | HighSchool Festival_SportsDay_PlayFootball |
High School Festival Submitted To Competition | HighSchool Festival_SubmittedToCompetition |
HS Graduation Bad Valedictorian Speech | HSGraduation_BadValedictorianSpeech |
HS Graduation Gave Speech | HSGraduation_GaveSpeech |
HS Graduation Good Valedictorian Speech | HSGraduation_GoodValedictorianSpeech |
HS Graduation Got Diploma | HSGraduation_GotDiploma |
HS Graduation Got Diploma Visible | HSGraduation_GotDiploma_Visible |
HS Graduation Heard Bad Speech | HSGraduation_HeardBadSpeech |
HS Graduation Heard Good Speech | HSGraduation_HeardGoodSpeech |
HS Graduation Shared School Memories | HSGraduation_SharedSchoolMemories |
HS Graduation Waiting For Give Diploma | HSGraduation_WaitingForGiveDiploma |
HS Prom Celeb Date | HSProm_CelebDate |
HS Prom Crown Autonomy | HSProm_Crown_Autonomy |
HS Prom Crown Spin Jester | HSProm_CrownSpin_Jester |
HS Prom Crown Spin Royalty | HSProm_CrownSpin_Royalty |
HS Prom Got Prom TNS | HSProm_GotPromTNS |
HS Prom Hidden Got Prom TNS | HSProm_Hidden_GotPromTNS |
HS Prom Nostalgia | HSProm_Nostalgia |
HS Prom Presenter Route To Podium | HSProm_Presenter_RouteToPodium |
HS Prom Presenter Waiting | HSProm_Presenter_Waiting |
HS Prom Presenting | HSProm_Presenting |
HS Prom Rejected Promposal | HSProm_RejectedPromposal |
HS Prom Role Teen Generic | HSProm_Role_Teen_Generic |
HS Prom Role Teen Pre Vote | HSProm_Role_Teen_PreVote |
HS Prom SelectSign1 | HSProm_SelectSign1 |
HS Prom SelectSign2 | HSProm_SelectSign2 |
HS Prom SelectSign3 | HSProm_SelectSign3 |
HS Prom SelectSign4 | HSProm_SelectSign4 |
HS Prom SelectSign5 | HSProm_SelectSign5 |
HS Prom So Shiny | HSProm_SoShiny |
HS Prom Successful Promposal | HSProm_SuccessfulPromposal |
HS Prom Teen Gathering | HSProm_Teen_Gathering |
HS Prom Teen Post Vote | HSProm_Teen_PostVote |
HS Prom Voted Jester | HSProm_Voted_Jester |
HS Prom Voted Royalty | HSProm_Voted_Royalty |
HS Prom Watch Awards | HSProm_WatchAwards |
HS Prom Wearing Crown | HSProm_WearingCrown |
HS Teams Crush Confident | HSTeams_Crush_Confident |
HS Teams Crush Embarrassed | HSTeams_Crush_Embarrassed |
Mischief Teen Pranks Caught | Mischief_Teen Pranks_Caught |
Mischief Teen Pranks No Catching | Mischief_Teen Pranks_NoCatching |
Mischief Teen Pranks PA Speaker Fail | Mischief_Teen Pranks_PASpeaker_Fail |
Mischief Teen Pranks PA Speaker Success | Mischief_Teen Pranks_PASpeaker_Success |
Mischief Teen Pranks Password Fail | Mischief_Teen Pranks_Password_Fail |
Mischief Teen Pranks Password Success | Mischief_Teen Pranks_Password_Success |
Mischief Teen Pranks Stink Capsule Fail | Mischief_Teen Pranks_StinkCapsule_Fail |
Mischief Teen Pranks Stink Capsule Target | Mischief_Teen Pranks_StinkCapsule_Target |
Mischief Teen Pranks System Dared Hidden | Mischief_Teen Pranks_System_Dared_Hidden |
Mischief Teen Pranks System Framed Hidden | Mischief_Teen Pranks_System_Framed_Hidden |
Mischief Teen Pranks System Pranked Hidden | Mischief_Teen Pranks_System_Pranked_Hidden |
Mischief Teen Pranks System Recent Prank Hidden | Mischief_Teen Pranks_System_RecentPrank_Hidden |
Mischief Teen Pranks Urban Myth Effect | Mischief_Teen Pranks_UrbanMyth_Effect |
Mischief Teen Pranks Urban Myth Vampire | Mischief_Teen Pranks_UrbanMyth_Vampire |
Mischief Teen Pranks Whiteboard Success | Mischief_Teen Pranks_Whiteboard_Success |
NPC Relationship Autonomy Generic Commitment | NPCRelationshipAutonomy_GenericCommitment |
NPC Relationship Autonomy Talk About Marriage | NPCRelationshipAutonomy_TalkAboutMarriage |
Object School Locker Decoration Cooldown | Object_SchoolLocker_DecorationCooldown |
Object School Locker Snack Cooldown | Object_SchoolLocker_SnackCooldown |
Object School Locker Something Rotten | Object_SchoolLocker_SomethingRotten |
Openable Window Accepted Event College Party | OpenableWindow_AcceptedEvent_CollegeParty |
Openable Window Accepted Event Hang Out | OpenableWindow_AcceptedEvent_HangOut |
Openable Window Accepted Event Loitering | OpenableWindow_AcceptedEvent_Loitering |
Openable Window Accepted Event Pop Concert | OpenableWindow_AcceptedEvent_PopConcert |
Openable Window Accepted Event R Movie | OpenableWindow_AcceptedEvent_RMovie |
Openable Window Accepted Event School Game | OpenableWindow_AcceptedEvent_SchoolGame |
Openable Window Accepted Event Sleepover | OpenableWindow_AcceptedEvent_Sleepover |
Openable Window Caught | OpenableWindow_Caught |
Openable Window Cleared To Go | OpenableWindow_ClearedToGo |
Openable Window Cleared To Go At Event Hidden | OpenableWindow_ClearedToGo_AtEvent_Hidden |
Openable Window Event Outcome College Party Fail | OpenableWindow_EventOutcome_CollegeParty_Fail |
Openable Window Event Outcome College Party Success | OpenableWindow_EventOutcome_CollegeParty_Success |
Openable Window Event Outcome Hang Out Fail | OpenableWindow_EventOutcome_HangOut_Fail |
Openable Window Event Outcome Loitering Fail | OpenableWindow_EventOutcome_Loitering_Fail |
Openable Window Event Outcome Pop Concert Fail | OpenableWindow_EventOutcome_PopConcert_Fail |
Openable Window Event Outcome Pop Concert Success | OpenableWindow_EventOutcome_PopConcert_Success |
Openable Window Event Outcome R Movie Fail | OpenableWindow_EventOutcome_RMovie_Fail |
Openable Window Event Outcome R Movie Success | OpenableWindow_EventOutcome_RMovie_Success |
Openable Window Event Outcome School Game Fail | OpenableWindow_EventOutcome_SchoolGame_Fail |
Openable Window Event Outcome School Game Success | OpenableWindow_EventOutcome_SchoolGame_Success |
Openable Window Event Outcome Sleepover Fail | OpenableWindow_EventOutcome_Sleepover_Fail |
Openable Window Event Outcome With Friends Success | OpenableWindow_EventOutcome_WithFriends_Success |
Openable Window Routing to Event Not Sneaking | OpenableWindow_RoutingtoEvent_NotSneaking |
Openable Window Routing to Event Sneaking | OpenableWindow_RoutingtoEvent_Sneaking |
Openable Window Sneaking Back In Hidden | OpenableWindow_SneakingBackIn_Hidden |
Openable Window Sneak Successful | OpenableWindow_SneakSuccessful |
Openable Window Temp Window Access | OpenableWindow_TempWindowAccess |
Photobooth Take Photo Fine | Photobooth_TakePhoto_Fine |
Photobooth Take Photo With Friendly Fail | Photobooth_TakePhotoWith_Friendly_Fail |
Photobooth Take Photo With Friendly Success | Photobooth_TakePhotoWith_Friendly_Success |
Photobooth Take Photo With Funny Fail | Photobooth_TakePhotoWith_Funny_Fail |
Photobooth Take Photo With Funny Success | Photobooth_TakePhotoWith_Funny_Success |
Photobooth Take Photo With Mischief Fail | Photobooth_TakePhotoWith_Mischief_Fail |
Photobooth Take Photo With Mischief Success | Photobooth_TakePhotoWith_Mischief_Success |
Photobooth Take Photo With Romantic Fail | Photobooth_TakePhotoWith_Romantic_Fail |
Photobooth Take Photo With Romantic Success | Photobooth_TakePhotoWith_Romantic_Success |
Photobooth Track Initiating Sim | Photobooth_TrackInitiatingSim |
Photobooth Woohoo Great | Photobooth_Woohoo_Great |
Photo Op Stand Caught In The Act | PhotoOpStand_CaughtInTheAct |
Photo Op Stand Trashed Triumph | PhotoOpStand_TrashedTriumph |
Pier Attractions Banned Ferris Wheel | PierAttractions_Banned_FerrisWheel |
Pier Attractions Banned Haunted House | PierAttractions_Banned_HauntedHouse |
Pier Attractions Banned Tunnel Of Love | PierAttractions_Banned_TunnelOfLove |
Pier Attractions Ferris Wheel MessAround1 A Flirty | PierAttractions_FerrisWheel_MessAround1_A_Flirty |
Pier Attractions Ferris Wheel MessAround1 B Dazed | PierAttractions_FerrisWheel_MessAround1_B_Dazed |
Pier Attractions Ferris Wheel MessAround2 A Sad | PierAttractions_FerrisWheel_MessAround2_A_Sad |
Pier Attractions Ferris Wheel MessAround2 B Embarrassed | PierAttractions_FerrisWheel_MessAround2_B_Embarrassed |
Pier Attractions Ferris Wheel Ride1 A Scared | PierAttractions_FerrisWheel_Ride1_A_Scared |
Pier Attractions Ferris Wheel Ride1 B Embarrassed | PierAttractions_FerrisWheel_Ride1_B_Embarrassed |
Pier Attractions Ferris Wheel Ride2 B Confident | PierAttractions_FerrisWheel_Ride2_B_Confident |
Pier Attractions Ferris Wheel Ride2 B Embarrassed | PierAttractions_FerrisWheel_Ride2_B_Embarrassed |
Pier Attractions Ferris Wheel Ride3 A Bored | PierAttractions_FerrisWheel_Ride3_A_Bored |
Pier Attractions Ferris Wheel Ride3 A Inspired | PierAttractions_FerrisWheel_Ride3_A_Inspired |
Pier Attractions Ferris Wheel Ride3 B Playful | PierAttractions_FerrisWheel_Ride3_B_Playful |
Pier Attractions Ferris Wheel RideWith1 A Tense | PierAttractions_FerrisWheel_RideWith1_A_Tense |
Pier Attractions Ferris Wheel RideWith1 B Scared | PierAttractions_FerrisWheel_RideWith1_B_Scared |
Pier Attractions Ferris Wheel RideWith2 A Flirty | PierAttractions_FerrisWheel_RideWith2_A_Flirty |
Pier Attractions Ferris Wheel RideWith2 B Embarrassed | PierAttractions_FerrisWheel_RideWith2_B_Embarrassed |
Pier Attractions Ferris Wheel RideWith3 A Playful | PierAttractions_FerrisWheel_RideWith3_A_Playful |
Pier Attractions Ferris Wheel RideWith3 B Tense | PierAttractions_FerrisWheel_RideWith3_B_Tense |
Pier Attractions Ferris Wheel RideWith4 B Sad | PierAttractions_FerrisWheel_RideWith4_B_Sad |
Pier Attractions Ferris Wheel WooHoo1 A Confident | PierAttractions_FerrisWheel_WooHoo1_A_Confident |
Pier Attractions Ferris Wheel WooHoo1 B Uncomfortable | PierAttractions_FerrisWheel_WooHoo1_B_Uncomfortable |
Pier Attractions Haunted House MessAround1 A Embarrassed | PierAttractions_HauntedHouse_MessAround1_A_Embarrassed |
Pier Attractions Haunted House MessAround1 B Scared | PierAttractions_HauntedHouse_MessAround1_B_Scared |
Pier Attractions Haunted House MessAround2 A Scared | PierAttractions_HauntedHouse_MessAround2_A_Scared |
Pier Attractions Haunted House Ride1 Scared | PierAttractions_HauntedHouse_Ride1_Scared |
Pier Attractions Haunted House RideWith1 A Confident | PierAttractions_HauntedHouse_RideWith1_A_Confident |
Pier Attractions Haunted House RideWith1 A Embarrassed | PierAttractions_HauntedHouse_RideWith1_A_Embarrassed |
Pier Attractions Haunted House RideWith1 B Embarrassed | PierAttractions_HauntedHouse_RideWith1_B_Embarrassed |
Pier Attractions Haunted House RideWith2 B Happy | PierAttractions_HauntedHouse_RideWith2_B_Happy |
Pier Attractions Haunted House RideWith2 B Tense | PierAttractions_HauntedHouse_RideWith2_B_Tense |
Pier Attractions Haunted House WooHoo1 A Scared | PierAttractions_HauntedHouse_WooHoo1_A_Scared |
Pier Attractions Tunnel Love MessAround1 A Flirty | PierAttractions_TunnelLove_MessAround1_A_Flirty |
Pier Attractions Tunnel Love MessAround1 B Confident | PierAttractions_TunnelLove_MessAround1_B_Confident |
Pier Attractions Tunnel Love MessAround2 A Embarrassed | PierAttractions_TunnelLove_MessAround2_A_Embarrassed |
Pier Attractions Tunnel Love Ride1 A Focused | PierAttractions_TunnelLove_Ride1_A_Focused |
Pier Attractions Tunnel Love Ride1 A Tense | PierAttractions_TunnelLove_Ride1_A_Tense |
Pier Attractions Tunnel Love Ride1 B Tense | PierAttractions_TunnelLove_Ride1_B_Tense |
Pier Attractions Tunnel Love Ride2 A Confident | PierAttractions_TunnelLove_Ride2_A_Confident |
Pier Attractions Tunnel Love Ride2 B Scared | PierAttractions_TunnelLove_Ride2_B_Scared |
Pier Attractions Tunnel Love RideWith1 B Flirty | PierAttractions_TunnelLove_RideWith1_B_Flirty |
Pier Attractions Tunnel Love RideWith2 A Sad | PierAttractions_TunnelLove_RideWith2_A_Sad |
Pier Attractions Tunnel Love RideWith2 B Sad | PierAttractions_TunnelLove_RideWith2_B_Sad |
Puberty Changes Acne Removed | Puberty Changes_AcneRemoved |
Puberty Changes Cleanser Hidden | Puberty Changes_Cleanser_Hidden |
Puberty Changes Concealer Fail | Puberty Changes_Concealer_Fail |
Puberty Changes Concealer Success Hidden | Puberty Changes_Concealer_Success_Hidden |
Puberty Changes Growth Acne | Puberty Changes_Growth_Acne |
Puberty Changes Growth First Time | Puberty Changes_Growth_FirstTime |
Puberty Changes Growth Hair Happy | Puberty Changes_Growth_Hair_Happy |
Puberty Changes Growth Hair Negative | Puberty Changes_Growth_Hair_Negative |
Puberty Changes HasAcne | Puberty Changes_HasAcne |
Puberty Changes Mocked Acne | Puberty Changes_Mocked_Acne |
Puberty Changes Mocked Hair | Puberty Changes_Mocked_Hair |
Puberty Changes Mocked Hidden | Puberty Changes_Mocked_Hidden |
Puberty Changes Shaving Nicks | Puberty Changes_Shaving_Nicks |
Puberty Changes Support | Puberty Changes_Support |
Puberty Changes Supported Hidden | Puberty Changes_Supported_Hidden |
Role High School Active Base Faculty | Role_HighSchool_Active_Base_Faculty |
Role High School Active NPC Attend Class Principal | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_AttendClass_Principal |
Role High School Active NPC Attend Class Student | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_AttendClass_Student |
Role High School Active NPC Attend Class Teacher | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_AttendClass_Teacher |
Role High School Active NPC Attend Exam Prep | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_AttendExamPrep |
Role High School Active NPC Career Day Disallow Preroll Watch | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_Career Day_DisallowPrerollWatch |
Role High School Active NPC Career Day Professional | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_Career Day_Professional |
Role High School Active NPC Clean Janitor | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_Clean_Janitor |
Role High School Active NPC Do Stuff Bullies | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_DoStuff_Bullies |
Role High School Active NPC Do Stuff Career Day | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_DoStuff_Career Day |
Role High School Active NPC Do Stuff Career Day2 | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_DoStuff_Career Day2 |
Role High School Active NPC Do Stuff Career Day3 | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_DoStuff_Career Day3 |
Role High School Active NPC Do Stuff Do Mischief | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_DoStuff_DoMischief |
Role High School Active NPC Do Stuff Fire Drill | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_DoStuff_FireDrill |
Role High School Active NPC Do Stuff HS Team Recruiter | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_DoStuff_HSTeamRecruiter |
Role High School Active NPC Do Stuff Locker Freshen Up | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_DoStuff_LockerFreshenUp |
Role High School Active NPC Do Stuff Social Media Enthusiasts | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_DoStuff_SocialMediaEnthusiasts |
Role High School Active NPC Do Stuff Study Buddies | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_DoStuff_StudyBuddies |
Role High School Active NPC Do Stuff Throw Football Leader | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_DoStuff_ThrowFootball_Leader |
Role High School Active NPC Do Stuff TPose Leader | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_DoStuff_TPose_Leader |
Role High School Active NPC Do Stuff Use Locker | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_DoStuff_UseLocker |
Role High School Active NPC Get Lunch | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_GetLunch |
Role High School Active NPC Get Lunch Create | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_GetLunch_Create |
Role High School Active NPC Go To White Board | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_GoTo_WhiteBoard |
Role High School Active NPC Go To Class Teacher | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_GoToClass_Teacher |
Role High School Active NPC Go To Class1 | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_GoToClass1 |
Role High School Active NPC Go To Class2 | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_GoToClass2 |
Role High School Active NPC Go To Exam Prep | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_GoToExamPrep |
Role High School Active NPC Hang Out Principal | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_HangOut_Principal |
Role High School Active NPC Prepare For Class | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_PrepareForClass |
Role High School Active NPC School Fight Start Fight | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_SchoolFight_StartFight |
Role High School Active NPC Stop Interaction | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_StopInteraction |
Role High School Active NPC Student Attend Class 2 | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_Student_AttendClass2 |
Role High School Active NPC Teach Exam Prep | Role_HighSchool_Active_NPC_TeachExamPrep |
Role High School Active Player After School | Role_Highschool_Active_Player_After School |
Role High School Active Player Attend Class | Role_Highschool_Active_Player_AttendClass |
Role High School Active Player Base | Role_HighSchool_Active_Player_Base |
Role High School Active Player Career Day | Role_Highschool_Active_Player_Career Day |
Role High School Active Player Career Day At Auditorium | Role_Highschool_Active_Player_Career Day_AtAuditorium |
Role High School Active Player Fire Drill | Role_Highschool_Active_Player_FireDrill |
Role High School Active Player Get Ready For Class | Role_Highschool_Active_Player_GetReadyForClass |
Role High School Active Player Is Career Day True | Role_Highschool_Active_Player_IsCareer Day_True |
Role High School Active Player Is Exam Day True | Role_Highschool_Active_Player_IsExamDay_True |
Role High School Active Player Is Exam Prep True | Role_Highschool_Active_Player_IsExamPrep_True |
Role High School Active Player Is Fire Drill True | Role_Highschool_Active_Player_IsFireDrill_True |
Role High School Active Player Orientation | Role_Highschool_Active_Player_Orientation |
Role High School Active Player Truant | Role_Highschool_Active_Player_Truant |
Role High School Active Use Vending Machine | Role_HighSchool_Active_UseVendingMachine |
Role HS Graduation Affordances | Role_HSGraduation_Affordances |
Role HS Graduation Call Out Diplomas | Role_HSGraduation_CallOutDiplomas |
Role HS Graduation Get Diploma | Role_HSGraduation_GetDiploma |
Role HS Graduation Give Speech | Role_HSGraduation_GiveSpeech |
Role HS Graduation Pleasantries | Role_HSGraduation_Pleasantries |
Role HS Graduation Throw Cap | Role_HSGraduation_ThrowCap |
Role HS Graduation Watch Speech | Role_HSGraduation_WatchSpeech |
Role HS Graduation Watch Speech Back | Role_HSGraduation_WatchSpeech_Back |
Sentiment Close Happy Primary Trusting | Sentiment_Close_Happy_Primary_Trusting |
Sentiment Crush Embarrassed generic | Sentiment_Crush_Embarrased_generic |
Sentiment Crush Flirty Primary generic | Sentiment_Crush_Flirty_Primary_generic |
Sentiment Crush Happy generic | Sentiment_Crush_Happy_generic |
Sentiment Crush Sad generic | Sentiment_Crush_Sad_generic |
Sentiment Crush Tense generic | Sentiment_Crush_Tense_generic |
Sentiment Hurt Angry Suspicious | Sentiment_Hurt_Angry_Suspicious |
Sentiment Hurt Sad Primary Suspicious | Sentiment_Hurt_Sad_Primary_Suspicious |
Sim Preference Dislikes Fashion Basics | SimPreference_Dislikes_Fashion_Basics |
Sim Preference Dislikes Fashion Boho | SimPreference_Dislikes_Fashion_Boho |
Sim Preference Dislikes Fashion Colossal Fashion Faux Pax | SimPreference_Dislikes_Fashion_ColossalFashionFauxPax |
Sim Preference Dislikes Fashion Country | SimPreference_Dislikes_Fashion_Country |
Sim Preference Dislikes Fashion Hipster | SimPreference_Dislikes_Fashion_Hipster |
Sim Preference Dislikes Fashion Outdoorsy | SimPreference_Dislikes_Fashion_Outdoorsy |
Sim Preference Dislikes Fashion Polished | SimPreference_Dislikes_Fashion_Polished |
Sim Preference Dislikes Fashion Preppy | SimPreference_Dislikes_Fashion_Preppy |
Sim Preference Dislikes Fashion Rocker | SimPreference_Dislikes_Fashion_Rocker |
Sim Preference Dislikes Fashion Streetwear | SimPreference_Dislikes_Fashion_Streetwear |
Sim Preference Fashion Discovery Cooldown | SimPreference_Fashion_DiscoveryCooldown |
Sim Preference Fashion Recognition Cooldown | SimPreference_Fashion_RecognitionCooldown |
Sim Preference Has Preference Fashion | SimPreference_HasPreference_Fashion |
Sim Preference Likes Fashion Basics | SimPreference_Likes_Fashion_Basics |
Sim Preference Likes Fashion Boho | SimPreference_Likes_Fashion_Boho |
Sim Preference Likes Fashion Country | SimPreference_Likes_Fashion_Country |
Sim Preference Likes Fashion Dedicated Follower Of Fashion | SimPreference_Likes_Fashion_DedicatedFollowerOfFashion |
Sim Preference Likes Fashion Hipster | SimPreference_Likes_Fashion_Hipster |
Sim Preference Likes Fashion Outdoorsy | SimPreference_Likes_Fashion_Outdoorsy |
Sim Preference Likes Fashion Polished | SimPreference_Likes_Fashion_Polished |
Sim Preference Likes Fashion Preppy | SimPreference_Likes_Fashion_Preppy |
Sim Preference Likes Fashion Rocker | SimPreference_Likes_Fashion_Rocker |
Sim Preference Likes Fashion Streetwear | SimPreference_Likes_Fashion_Streetwear |
Sim Preference Recent Fashion Dislikes Basics | SimPreference_Recent_Fashion_Dislikes_Basics |
Sim Preference Recent Fashion Dislikes Boho | SimPreference_Recent_Fashion_Dislikes_Boho |
Sim Preference Recent Fashion Dislikes Country | SimPreference_Recent_Fashion_Dislikes_Country |
Sim Preference Recent Fashion Dislikes Hipster | SimPreference_Recent_Fashion_Dislikes_Hipster |
Sim Preference Recent Fashion Dislikes Outdoorsy | SimPreference_Recent_Fashion_Dislikes_Outdoorsy |
Sim Preference Recent Fashion Dislikes Polished | SimPreference_Recent_Fashion_Dislikes_Polished |
Sim Preference Recent Fashion Dislikes Preppy | SimPreference_Recent_Fashion_Dislikes_Preppy |
Sim Preference Recent Fashion Dislikes Rocker | SimPreference_Recent_Fashion_Dislikes_Rocker |
Sim Preference Recent Fashion Dislikes Streetwear | SimPreference_Recent_Fashion_Dislikes_Streetwear |
Sim Preference Recent Fashion Likes Basics | SimPreference_Recent_Fashion_Likes_Basics |
Sim Preference Recent Fashion Likes Boho | SimPreference_Recent_Fashion_Likes_Boho |
Sim Preference Recent Fashion Likes Country | SimPreference_Recent_Fashion_Likes_Country |
Sim Preference Recent Fashion Likes Hipster | SimPreference_Recent_Fashion_Likes_Hipster |
Sim Preference Recent Fashion Likes Outdoorsy | SimPreference_Recent_Fashion_Likes_Outdoorsy |
Sim Preference Recent Fashion Likes Polished | SimPreference_Recent_Fashion_Likes_Polished |
Sim Preference Recent Fashion Likes Preppy | SimPreference_Recent_Fashion_Likes_Preppy |
Sim Preference Recent Fashion Likes Rocker | SimPreference_Recent_Fashion_Likes_Rocker |
Sim Preference Recent Fashion Likes Streetwear | SimPreference_Recent_Fashion_Likes_Streetwear |
Skill Trait Entrepreneur The Knowledge | Skill_Trait_Entrepreneur_TheKnowledge |
Social Media Application Disable | Social_Media_Application_Disable |
Social Media Disable At Family Dinner | Social_Media_Disable_AtFamilyDinner |
Social Media Disable At Lunch | Social_Media_Disable_AtLunch |
Social Media Disable At Prom | Social_Media_Disable_AtProm |
Social Media Disable Back From Work | Social_Media_Disable_BackFromWork |
Social Media Disable Browsing ThriftStore | Social_Media_Disable_BrowsingThriftStore |
Social Media Disable Career Day Finished | Social_Media_Disable_Career DayFinished |
Social Media Disable Changed Outfit | Social_Media_Disable_ChangedOutfit |
Social Media Disable Cheerleading Practice Finished | Social_Media_Disable_CheerleadingPracticeFinished |
Social Media Disable Chess Practice Finished | Social_Media_Disable_ChessPracticeFinished |
Social Media Disable Computer Lab Practice Finished | Social_Media_Disable_ComputerLabPracticeFinished |
Social Media Disable Cried In Locker | Social_Media_Disable_CriedInLocker |
Social Media Disable Death Stink Capsule | Social_Media_Disable_DeathStinkCapsule |
Social Media Disable Death Urban Myth | Social_Media_Disable_DeathUrbanMyth |
Social Media Disable Detention Finished | Social_Media_Disable_DetentionFinished |
Social Media Disable Drinking Bubble Tea | Social_Media_Disable_DrinkingBubbleTea |
Social Media Disable Dropped Out | Social_Media_Disable_DroppedOut |
Social Media Disable Eating Cafeteria Food | Social_Media_Disable_EatingCafeteriaFood |
Social Media Disable Finals Finished | Social_Media_Disable_FinalsFinished |
Social Media Disable Firedrill Finished | Social_Media_Disable_FiredrillFinished |
Social Media Disable Football Practice Finished | Social_Media_Disable_FootballPracticeFinished |
Social Media Disable Going On Vacation | Social_Media_Disable_GoingOnVacation |
Social Media Disable Got Engaged | Social_Media_Disable_GotEngaged |
Social Media Disable Got Married | Social_Media_Disable_GotMarried |
Social Media Disable Graduated | Social_Media_Disable_Graduated |
Social Media Disable Hid In Locker | Social_Media_Disable_HidInLocker |
Social Media Disable Homework Finished | Social_Media_Disable_HomeworkFinished |
Social Media Disable Hosting Party | Social_Media_Disable_HostingParty |
Social Media Disable Joined Club | Social_Media_Disable_JoinedClub |
Social Media Disable New Baby | Social_Media_Disable_NewBaby |
Social Media Disable Orientation Finished | Social_Media_Disable_OrientationFinished |
Social Media Disable Passion Excellence | Social_Media_Disable_PassionExcellence |
Social Media Disable Passion Fashion | Social_Media_Disable_PassionFashion |
Social Media Disable Passion Party | Social_Media_Disable_PassionParty |
Social Media Disable Photo Booth Photo | Social_Media_Disable_PhotoBoothPhoto |
Social Media Disable Photo Booth Romance | Social_Media_Disable_PhotoBoothRomance |
Social Media Disable Pillow Fight | Social_Media_Disable_Pillow Fight |
Social Media Disable Pranked | Social_Media_Disable_Pranked |
Social Media Disable Prepare Prom | Social_Media_Disable_PrepareProm |
Social Media Disable Prom Jester | Social_Media_Disable_PromJester |
Social Media Disable Promote Fashion | Social_Media_Disable_PromoteFashion |
Social Media Disable Promote Simsfluencer | Social_Media_Disable_PromoteSimsfluencer |
Social Media Disable Promote VG Stream | Social_Media_Disable_PromoteVGStream |
Social Media Disable Prom Royalty | Social_Media_Disable_PromRoyality |
Social Media Disable Returned From Travel | Social_Media_Disable_ReturnedFromTravel |
Social Media Disable Reviewed Book | Social_Media_Disable_ReviewedBook |
Social Media Disable Reviewed Media | Social_Media_Disable_ReviewedMedia |
Social Media Disable Saw Fight | Social_Media_Disable_SawFight |
Social Media Disable Sneaking Out | Social_Media_Disable_SneakingOut |
Social Media Disable Socially Awkard | Social_Media_Disable_SociallyAwkard |
Social Media Disable Went College Party | Social_Media_Disable_WentCollegeParty |
Social Media Disable Went Concert | Social_Media_Disable_WentConcert |
Social Media Disable Went Football Game | Social_Media_Disable_WentFootballGame |
Social Media Disable Went Hangout | Social_Media_Disable_WentHangout |
Social Media Disable Went Loitering | Social_Media_Disable_WentLoitering |
Social Media Disable Went On Shopping Trip | Social_Media_Disable_WentOnShoppingTrip |
Social Media Disable Went On Vacation | Social_Media_Disable_WentOnVacation |
Social Media Disable Went R Movie | Social_Media_Disable_WentRMovie |
Social Media Disable Went Sleepover | Social_Media_Disable_WentSleepover |
Social Media Disable Witnessed Death | Social_Media_Disable_WitnessedDeath |
Social Media Enable At Family Dinner | Social_Media_Enable_AtFamilyDinner |
Social Media Enable At Lunch | Social_Media_Enable_AtLunch |
Social Media Enable At Prom | Social_Media_Enable_AtProm |
Social Media Enable Back From Work | Social_Media_Enable_BackFromWork |
Social Media Enable Browsing Thrift Store | Social_Media_Enable_BrowsingThriftStore |
Social Media Enable Career Day Finished | Social_Media_Enable_Career DayFinished |
Social Media Enable Changed Outfit | Social_Media_Enable_ChangedOutfit |
Social Media Enable Cheerleading Practice Finished | Social_Media_Enable_CheerleadingPracticeFinished |
Social Media Enable Chess Practice Finished | Social_Media_Enable_ChessPracticeFinished |
Social Media Enable Computer Lab Practice Finished | Social_Media_Enable_ComputerLabPracticeFinished |
Social Media Enable Cried In Locker | Social_Media_Enable_CriedInLocker |
Social Media Enable Death Stink Capsule | Social_Media_Enable_DeathStinkCapsule |
Social Media Enable Death Urban Myth | Social_Media_Enable_DeathUrbanMyth |
Social Media Enable Detention Finished | Social_Media_Enable_DetentionFinished |
Social Media Enable Drinking Bubble Tea | Social_Media_Enable_DrinkingBubbleTea |
Social Media Enable Dropped Out | Social_Media_Enable_DroppedOut |
Social Media Enable Eating Cafeteria Food | Social_Media_Enable_EatingCafeteriaFood |
Social Media Enable Finals Finished | Social_Media_Enable_FinalsFinished |
Social Media Enable Firedrill Finished | Social_Media_Enable_FiredrillFinished |
Social Media Enable Football Practice Finished | Social_Media_Enable_FootballPracticeFinished |
Social Media Enable Going On Vacation | Social_Media_Enable_GoingOnVacation |
Social Media Enable Got Engaged | Social_Media_Enable_GotEngaged |
Social Media Enable Got Married | Social_Media_Enable_GotMarried |
Social Media Enable Graduated | Social_Media_Enable_Graduated |
Social Media Enable Hid In Locker | Social_Media_Enable_HidInLocker |
Social Media Enable Homework Finished | Social_Media_Enable_HomeworkFinished |
Social Media Enable Hosting Party | Social_Media_Enable_HostingParty |
Social Media Enable Joined Club | Social_Media_Enable_JoinedClub |
Social Media Enable New Baby | Social_Media_Enable_NewBaby |
Social Media Enable Orientation Finished | Social_Media_Enable_OrientationFinished |
Social Media Enable Passion Excellence | Social_Media_Enable_PassionExcellence |
Social Media Enable Passion Fashion | Social_Media_Enable_PassionFashion |
Social Media Enable Passion Party | Social_Media_Enable_PassionParty |
Social Media Enable Photo Booth Photo | Social_Media_Enable_PhotoBoothPhoto |
Social Media Enable Photo Booth Romance | Social_Media_Enable_PhotoBoothRomance |
Social Media Enable Pillow Fight | Social_Media_Enable_Pillow Fight |
Social Media Enable Pranked | Social_Media_Enable_Pranked |
Social Media Enable Prepare Prom | Social_Media_Enable_PrepareProm |
Social Media Enable Prom Jester | Social_Media_Enable_PromJester |
Social Media Enable Promote Fashion | Social_Media_Enable_PromoteFashion |
Social Media Enable Promote Simsfluencer | Social_Media_Enable_PromoteSimsfluencer |
Social Media Enable Promote VG Stream | Social_Media_Enable_PromoteVGStream |
Social Media Enable Prom Royalty | Social_Media_Enable_PromRoyality |
Social Media Enable Returned From Travel | Social_Media_Enable_ReturnedFromTravel |
Social Media Enable Reviewed Book | Social_Media_Enable_ReviewedBook |
Social Media Enable Reviewed Media | Social_Media_Enable_ReviewedMedia |
Social Media Enable Saw Fight | Social_Media_Enable_SawFight |
Social Media Enable Sneaking Out | Social_Media_Enable_SneakingOut |
Social Media Enable Socially Awkard | Social_Media_Enable_SociallyAwkard |
Social Media Enable Went College Party | Social_Media_Enable_WentCollegeParty |
Social Media Enable Went Concert | Social_Media_Enable_WentConcert |
Social Media Enable Went Football Game | Social_Media_Enable_WentFootballGame |
Social Media Enable Went Hangout | Social_Media_Enable_WentHangout |
Social Media Enable Went Loitering | Social_Media_Enable_WentLoitering |
Social Media Enable Went On Shopping Trip | Social_Media_Enable_WentOnShoppingTrip |
Social Media Enable Went On Vacation | Social_Media_Enable_WentOnVacation |
Social Media Enable Went R Movie | Social_Media_Enable_WentRMovie |
Social Media Enable Went Sleepover | Social_Media_Enable_WentSleepover |
Social Media Enable Witnessed Death | Social_Media_Enable_WitnessedDeath |
Social Media Panel Active | Social_Media_PanelActive |
Social Media Post Less Often | Social_Media_PostLessOften |
Social Media Post More Often | Social_Media_PostMoreOften |
Social Media Suppress TNS | Social_Media_SuppressTNS |
Teen Relationship Drama Crush Angry | TeenRelationshipDrama_Crush_Angry |
Teen Relationship Drama Crush Broadcaster Invisible | TeenRelationshipDrama_Crush_Broadcaster_Invisible |
Teen Relationship Drama Crush In Room | TeenRelationshipDrama_Crush_InRoom |
Teen Relationship Drama Crush Negative Chat | TeenRelationshipDrama_Crush_NegativeChat |
Teen Relationship Drama Crush Positive Chat | TeenRelationshipDrama_Crush_PositiveChat |
Teen Relationship Drama Crush Rejected | TeenRelationshipDrama_Crush_Rejected |
Teen Relationship Drama Crush Swooning | TeenRelationshipDrama_Crush_Swooning |
Teen Relationship Drama Crush Tense Chat | TeenRelationshipDrama_Crush_TenseChat |
Teen Relationship Drama Crush Texting | TeenRelationshipDrama_Crush_Texting |
Teen Relationship Drama Rejected Friend | TeenRelationshipDrama_RejectedFriend |
Thrift Store Bubble Bunch | ThriftStore_BubbleBunch |
Thrift Store Bubblicious Beverage | ThriftStore_BubbliciousBeverage |
Thrift Store Comedy Calling | ThriftStore_ComedyCalling |
Thrift Store Event Performed | ThriftStore_Event_Performed |
Thrift Store Fobbed Off Fashion | ThriftStore_FobbedOffFashion |
Thrift Store Live Poets Society | ThriftStore_LivePoetsSociety |
Thrift Store Performance Finished | ThriftStore_PerformanceFinished |
Thrift Store Style Session | ThriftStore_StyleSession |
Thrift Store Trend Tip Basics | ThriftStore_TrendTipBasics |
Thrift Store Trend Tip Boho | ThriftStore_TrendTipBoho |
Thrift Store Trend Tip Country | ThriftStore_TrendTipCountry |
Thrift Store Trend Tip Hipster | ThriftStore_TrendTipHipster |
Thrift Store Trend Tip None | ThriftStore_TrendTipNone |
Thrift Store Trend Tip Outdoorsy | ThriftStore_TrendTipOutdoorsy |
Thrift Store Trend Tip Polished | ThriftStore_TrendTipPolished |
Thrift Store Trend Tip Preppy | ThriftStore_TrendTipPreppy |
Thrift Store Trend Tip Rocker | ThriftStore_TrendTipRocker |
Thrift Store Trend Tip Streetwear | ThriftStore_TrendTipStreetwear |
Throw Football Heading For The Big Leagues | ThrowFootball_HeadingForTheBigLeagues |
Throw Football Hidden Ball Regular | ThrowFootball_HiddenBall_Regular |
Throw Football Hidden Ball Reward | ThrowFootball_HiddenBall_Reward |
Throw Football Practice Makes Painful | ThrowFootball_PracticeMakesPainful |
Throw Football Smell The Glory | ThrowFootball_SmellTheGlory |
Trait Dauntless | Trait_Dauntless |
Trait HS Team Cheer Team | Trait_HSTeam_CheerTeam |
Trait HS Team Chess Team | Trait_HSTeam_ChessTeam |
Trait HS Team Computer Team | Trait_HSTeam_ComputerTeam |
Trait HS Team Football Team | Trait_HSTeam_FootballTeam |
Trait Iconic | Trait_Iconic |
Trait Overachiever | Trait_Overachiever |
Trait Overachiever Crafted Poor Quality | Trait_Overachiever_CraftedPoorQuality |
Trait Overachiever Extra Credit Available | Trait_Overachiever_ExtraCredit_Available |
Trait Overachiever Eyeroll | Trait_Overachiever_Eyeroll |
Trait Overachiever Finish Career Task | Trait_Overachiever_FinishCareerTask |
Trait Overachiever Forget Career Task | Trait_Overachiever_ForgetCareerTask |
Trait Overachiever Near by Overachiever | Trait_Overachiever_NearbyOverachiever |
Trait Overachiever No Skill Up | Trait_Overachiever_NoSkillUp |
Trait Overachiever Prepared Fail | Trait_Overachiever_Prepared_Fail |
Trait Overachiever Prepared Success Energized | Trait_Overachiever_Prepared_Success_Energized |
Trait Overachiever Prepared Success Focused | Trait_Overachiever_Prepared_Success_Focused |
Trait Overachiever Prepared Success Inspired | Trait_Overachiever_Prepared_Success_Inspired |
Trait Overachiever Skill Max | Trait_Overachiever_SkillMax |
Trait Overachiever Skill Up | Trait_Overachiever_SkillUp |
Trait Party Animal | Trait_PartyAnimal |
Trait Party Animal At Party | Trait_PartyAnimal_AtParty |
Trait Party Animal At Party After Effect | Trait_PartyAnimal_AtParty_AfterEffect |
Trait Party Animal Large Social Group Hidden | Trait_PartyAnimal_LargeSocialGroup_Hidden |
Trait Party Animal Missed Party | Trait_PartyAnimal_MissedParty |
Trait Party Animal No Party Recently | Trait_PartyAnimal_NoPartyRecently |
Trait Party Animal Party Memory Confident | Trait_PartyAnimal_PartyMemory_Confident |
Trait Party Animal Party Memory Energized | Trait_PartyAnimal_PartyMemory_Energized |
Trait Party Animal Party Memory Fail | Trait_PartyAnimal_PartyMemory_Fail |
Trait Party Animal Party Memory Focused | Trait_PartyAnimal_PartyMemory_Focused |
Trait Party Animal Party Memory Happy | Trait_PartyAnimal_PartyMemory_Happy |
Trait Party Animal Party Memory Inspired | Trait_PartyAnimal_PartyMemory_Inspired |
Trait Party Animal Rejected Woooo | Trait_PartyAnimal_RejectedWoooo |
Trait Party Animal Vibe Check Fail | Trait_PartyAnimal_VibeCheck_Fail |
Trait Party Animal Vibe Check Success | Trait_PartyAnimal_VibeCheck_Success |
Trait Party Animal Wooo Autonomous Cooldown Hidden | Trait_PartyAnimal_Wooo_AutonomousCooldown_Hidden |
Trait Party Animal Wooo Tracker Hidden | Trait_PartyAnimal_WoooTracker_Hidden |
Trait Relatable | Trait_Relatable |
Trait Socially Awkward | Trait_Socially Awkward |
Trait Socially Awkward Hidden Express Nervousness Around New Sims Cooldown | Trait_Socially Awkward_Hidden_ExpressNervousnessAroundNewSimsCooldown |
Trait Socially Awkward Hidden Its Okay To Be A Little Awkward Cooldown | Trait_Socially Awkward_Hidden_ItsOkayToBeALittleAwkwardCooldown |
Trait Socially Awkward Visible Befriended Coworker | Trait_Socially Awkward_Visible_BefriendedCoworker |
Trait Socially Awkward Visible Center Of Attention | Trait_Socially Awkward_Visible_CenterOfAttention |
Trait Socially Awkward Visible Coolest Kid In School | Trait_Socially Awkward_Visible_CoolestKidInSchool |
Trait Socially Awkward Visible Feeling Encouraged | Trait_Socially Awkward_Visible_FeelingEncouraged |
Trait Socially Awkward Visible Feeling Overwhelmed | Trait_Socially Awkward_Visible_FeelingOverwhelmed |
Trait Socially Awkward Visible Feeling Understood | Trait_Socially Awkward_Visible_FeelingUnderstood |
Trait Socially Awkward Visible Intimidating Environment | Trait_Socially Awkward_Visible_IntimidatingEnvironment |
Trait Socially Awkward Visible That Did Not Go As Planned | Trait_Socially Awkward_Visible_ThatDidNotGoAsPlanned |
Trait Socially Awkward Visible With My People | Trait_Socially Awkward_Visible_WithMyPeople |
Trait Untroubled | Trait_Untroubled |
Wants and Fears
See our article on Wants and Fears for a detailed guide filled with Wants and Fears Cheats!