We want to know what you think, down to the last detail. Tell us everything!

Whenever something big happens in the Sims fandom, whether exciting or dramatic (or both), we always want to know what our readers are saying. We want to know everything about how you’re feeling because you, the players, are what makes The Sims! Your thoughts and opinions are important and we always look forward to hearing what you like and don’t like about The Sims 4.
The Sims 4 Base Game becoming permanently free
The Sims 4 becoming free in October 2022 definitely counts as something big. Apart from The Sims’ mobile titles, this will be the first time a Sims title has ever been made free permanently. The Sims 4 has temporarily been free as part of a promotion. It has also gone on sale for as little as $5 on numerous occasions, so it might not actually be that surprising that it’s making the shift to a permanent free-to-play title now.
Still, any way you look at it, The Sims 4 base game becoming free is a big deal and people have a lot of feelings about it.
So how do you really feel about The Sims 4 becoming free? Tell us everything in our poll!
This is a fan made poll and is not affiliated with Maxis or EA in any way.
When is The Sims 4 going free?
The Sims 4 Base Game is becoming permanently free on October 18th, 2022.
Sims Community has a handy countdown on our Home page that will let you know exactly when, down to the last second!
Is there something you want to share with us that wasn’t covered in our poll? Want to go into more detail about your thoughts? Tell us all about it in the comments and discuss with other players!
Please remember to be kind to other players, the game developers, and the Sims Community staff in the comments. Respectful disagreement is healthy but let’s remember there are real people on the other side of the screen.