Console Players have started reporting issues with The Sims 4’s latest update.
The Sims 4 got a new update on January 31st across PC and Consoles, adding New Content and Bug Fixes for the game. Although PC players reported no huge stability issues after the update, Console players on the other hand did!
The Sims Direct Communications quickly released a statement acknowledging the issues. You should expect a Hot Fix in form of either an Update or SDX Drop soon to resolve both issues.
Console Simmers!
We are aware of & currently investigating the console crashes taking place since the latest update.
We’re also collecting feedback on the console controller changes, so please feel free to share your experiences here on AnswersHQ.
You can submit your report about Controller Issues in this EA Help thread!
The Sims 4 Console Issue: Crashes
Plenty of Sims 4 Console players have reported issues with their The Sims 4 game crashing completely. Although the source of this crash issue is currently unknown, some players report their game crashing after entering Live Mode. The crashes in question are generally unpredictable and vary from person to person.
Until the hot fix solution releases, there is an official workaround at EA Help that you can try to prevent this from happening. The solution isn’t the best considering it requires you to do a Power Restart of your Playstation / Xbox Console. Still, it’s the only one until the Hot Fix comes out.
Console Controller Feedback Issue
The latest update for the game has brought in new ways to customize and utilize User Interface controls. Unfortunately, the same update took away some of them, with players reporting losing certain controls and functionality when playing.
You can read full reports on this issue on EA Help. Expect fine tunings and fixes officially in your game soon!
Have you experienced any of the mentioned issues? Join the conversation!