Looking to start a fresh Sims 4 CAS Challenge? Check out our recommendations!
Do you ever find yourself, sitting in Create A Sims wondering what kind of Sim to create? Well, we have a variety of Create A Sim Challenges for you to help beat the Create A Sim block.
We’ve got everything from summer themes to family-inspired Sims 4 CAS Challenges to occult inspired and even a K-Pop Challenge! With so many different themes and prompts there is something for everyone to check out.
List of Sims 4 CAS Challenges

30 Days of Summer
Madsimming has created this lovely summer-themed CAS challenge that is spread over the course of thirty days. Full of beautiful summer and exciting summer themes, dress your Sims to the theme to make the ultimate summer looks!
You can also use the hashtag, #maadsummer to see other player’s creations too!

Date Night CAS Challenge
Mickimagnum has created a lovely little Date Night-themed Sims 4 CAS Challenge. With a choice of fourteen different prompts, there is a theme for everyone in this romantic CAS challenge.
You can also use the hashtag, #datenightcas to see other player’s creations too!

Growing The Family
Inspired by The Sims 4 Growing Together, why not have a look at the Growing The Family Challenge by MogSimmer! With twenty varied family-orientated prompts, grab your Sims and dress the part!
Have a look at the #GrowingFamilyCAS tag for more family fun!

Sim Thru The Decade
Now, if you are looking for something a little different, why not have a look at this decade-inspired Sims 4 CAS Challenge? Created by Grenesims, you have nine different prompts focusing on the events of different stages of your Sims’ lives, what life events will you highlight at each stage?
Be sure to take a look at the #SimThruTheDecades hashtag to see more stories!

Why not show those Elder Sims some love in this beautiful Elder-a-Day challenge by Plumdot! Featuring fifteen interesting prompts, explore a side of your Elders you might not normally think to do so!
Create the ultimate mini lookbook for your Elder Sims in this fun challenge!

We’ve talked about Elders but now it’s time for Teens! With everything from Cheer Captain, theatre kid, and more, there is plenty to explore in this twenty-eight-day challenge from Dizzywhims. So why not explore a range of themes with your Teen Sims today?
Don’t forget to check out the #teen-a-day hashtag too!

K-Pop CAS Challenge
Are you a K-Pop fan? Well, this is the challenge by Ligyatrait is for you! With twenty-eight different concepts, many of which you see in various K-Pop music videos and comebacks on a daily basis. This time, however, it’s your Sims’ turn to explore them!
Don’t forget to use the #KPOPCASCHALLENGE tag when you upload your creations!

Summer Siren Challenge
The recent release of The Little Mermaid inspired Purmapup to create this summery siren challenge! With ten different prompts exploring a range of Siren-inspired themes, there will be something for everyone in this challenge!
Don’t forget to visit the #SirenSummer tag on Twitter!

Mystical March Challenge
It might not be March anymore, but this challenge from Honeysylvan takes you through thirty-one different occult prompts. Typically, this is the kind of challenge that many of us would consider taking part in during Spooky Season, however, there’s nothing stopping us from exploring something more mythical and magical in the Summer months!
There are some amazing creations to be found under the #MysthicalMarchSims tag already, so be sure to check them out!

28 Bloody Nights of CAS
Do you like occults and are looking for an Occult inspired Sims 4 CAS Challenge? Then this is the perfect challenge for you! Created by Nikatyler, this challenge features twenty-eight prompts to explore a variety of different themes to have a spooktacular time creating!
Do you dare look at what is lurking in the #28bloodynightsCAS tag? Choose wisely Simmer!

Sims Bingo
Sims Bingo is a CAS Challenge with a difference. Instead of creating various looks over a specified timeframe, Sims Bingo still offers you prompts, but in a way that you can do them at your own pace. This is also a great idea for when you are looking for inspiration for a new Sim too!
This challenge by Kiara (MusicalWhims) and those similar are popular on Tumblr and it offers a vast selection of themes for players to explore.

That’s all for our Sims 4 CAS Challenges in this post. Make sure you check out all the creators and the challenge hashtags for the individual challenges!
Why not let us know if you take part in any of the challenges mentioned in this post or what other Sims 4 CAS Challenges you have taken part in down in the comments below?
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