News Horse Ranch

Discover Lively Sims 4 Horse Ranch Features!

sims 4 horse ranch features

The Sims Blog shares more details about the upcoming Horse Ranch expansion pack!

Sims 4 Horse Ranch Features

It’s official! The Sims 4 Horse Ranch is the next expansion pack! And The Sims Blog has shared lots of Sims 4 Horse Ranch features with us. From the new world of Chestnut Ridge to the new horses, sheep, and goats, let’s get into everything The Sims Blog had to share today!

Sims 4 Horse Ranch Features

The Sims Blog shared lots of Sims 4 Horse Ranch features and luckily for players, went in-depth about horse training and breeding! Details about the new world of Chestnut Ridge have also come to light, as well as plenty of information about town events and activities. There’s something for everyone and there’s a lot to unpack so let’s get to it!

Chestnut Ridge

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The new world is called Chestnut Ridge and is a desert landscape inspired by the American West. It contains four areas that we know of so far: New Appaloosa, Rider’s Glen, The Ranches, and a national park area called Galloping Gulch.

It’s unclear at the moment whether Galloping Gulch is a National Park lot type similar to the Granite Falls world of Outdoor Retreat, or if this area is just a very wide open, expansive area in the common space. The Sims Blog did specify that Galloping Gulch contains scenic trails through large rock formations, campfire spots, and picnic areas, however.

Sims traveling through Galloping Gulch may come across the mysterious Dreadhorse Caverns which are worth exploring!

Local Events and Activities

Sims 4 Horse Ranch Features

Chestnut Ridge contains a bar, a dance hall (possibly a new lot type), and an equestrian park. Sims can line dance at the dance hall, catch up with friends at the bar, and train their horses at the equestrian park.

Sims can enter equestrian competitions at the Equestrian Centre for simoleons, reward plaques, and other goodies. Skilled riders and their horses can compete in the Ultimate Horse Championship.

New social events include a Ranch Gathering, which is essentially a cookout with dancing involved, and a Ranch Animal Day where Sims can interact with the animals on the ranch.

Sims 4 Horses Trailer

Nectar making makes a return to the series as one of the new Sims 4 Horse Ranch features. Sims can stomp fruit, potatoes, or… trash? Um. Okay. The bottled nectar can be consumed right away or aged on nectar racks to improve their quality and monetary value.

Farm Chores

Sims 4 Horse Ranch Features

There’s lots to do on a ranch and lots of animals to care for. Sims who want a thriving ranch full of happy, healthy animals will need to spend a lot of time caring for them. Mucking out horse beds, grooming, harvesting Prairie Grass for feed, sheering sheep and milking goats are just some of the daily farm chores your Sims will need to keep on top of.

Ranch Hands can be hired as a new service NPC to assist your Sims with keeping up with all the care and maintenance that goes into running a ranch.


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Horses are one of the biggest Sims 4 Horse Ranch features of this expansion pack. Sims can now acquire, care for, and train horses. Horses are fully fleshed out pets similar to cats and dogs. They are household members and are not attached to an object such as a shed like cows and llamas are. They can travel anywhere in the world with your Sims freely.

Sims can get a horse by creating a horse in CAS, rescuing them, breeding them, or purchasing them. That’s right! Breeding mechanics are part of The Sims 4 Horse Ranch features. Sims can breed their horses to get adorable foals that have characteristics of both their dam and sire. Horses that your Sim has bred themselves may even be born with special traits!

Sims 4 Horse Ranch Features

Horses are fully customizable in CAS. Choose from plenty of real-world horse breeds and adjust their head shape, tail, mane, withers, body mass, coat length, and more.

Each horse has its own individual personality and foals will develop their personalities from both their trainer and their dam and sire. Horses have four different skills: Temperament, Agility, Jumping, and Endurance. Each skill contributes to how well your horse does in the different equestrian competitions. Agility is linked to barrel racing and Jumping is linked to show jumping, for example.

Indigenous Representation

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The Sims Team worked with sensitivity reader, Stacey Parshall Jensen, to incorporate food, objects, and clothing that are representative of Native American culture as part of The Sims 4 Horse Ranch features.

To celebrate the launch of The Sims 4 Horse Ranch, The Sims is making a charitable donation to Sacred Healing Circle, a 100% Indigenous run organization focused on the preservation of Indigenous methodologies and practices. It also supports the Native American Horse Preservation and Research Program, which aims to protect the Native American Horse and the traditional knowledge surrounding the relationship between horses and Indigenous people across the Americas.

Early Purchase Bonus

Sims 4 Horse Ranch Features

The Sims 4 Horse Ranch launches on July 20th, 2023 on all platforms. Simmers who purchase the pack by August 31st will receive additional Sims 4 Horse Ranch features in the form of exclusive objects. The Rockin’ Rancher Digital Content contains a new guitar, rocking chair, and wagon wheel wall art.

Can’t get enough of The Sims 4 Horse Ranch features? Check out the official trailer to see many of these features for yourself!

About the author


A cranky old lady who prefers the company of cats and Sims over people. Occasionally peeks out from her lair long enough to chuck Sims articles at innocent bystanders.