The Sims 4 Cheats For Rent

The Sims 4 For Rent Cheats Guide

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If you need some extra help with the For Rent expansion pack, you’re in the right place! This Sims 4 For Rent Cheats Guide will help you gain an advantage in both your gameplay and building. Increase the maximum unit limit in your save, instantly add traits, get promoted, complete aspirations and more with these handy Sims 4 For Rent cheats!

Sims 4 For Rent Cheats

All the Sims 4 For Rent Cheats in one handy guide!

Find out how to make the most of this pack with these awesome Sims 4 For Rent cheats on both PC and console! You’ll be building to your heart’s desire and playing out the stories you want in no time with these cheats to help you speed your way there.

The Sims 4 For Rent Cheats List

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We have all the Sims 4 For Rent cheats listed below in easily searchable categories. Just use the Table of Contents to jump right to the cheats you’re most interested in.

Enable Advanced Cheats

You may need to enable advanced cheats to use some of the following Sims 4 For Rent cheats. Here’s how to do that on PC and consoles.


Sim Computer

To enable advanced cheats on PC and Mac systems:

  • Press CTRL+SHIFT+C simultaneously to bring up the cheat box
  • Type testingcheats true in the cheat box
  • Press Enter to activate advanced cheats
  • Close the cheat box by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C simultaneously again

If you entered the cheat correctly, you’ll see a message under the cheat box informing you that cheats have been enabled.



Keep in mind that enabling advanced cheats on PlayStation 4 and 5 consoles will permanently disable trophies on that save. Make sure you are okay with this before enabling advanced cheats.

To enable advanced cheats on PlayStation 4 and 5 systems:

  • Press L1+L2+R1+R2 simultaneously to bring up the cheat box
  • Type testingcheats true in the cheat box
  • Press X to activate advanced cheats. The game will warn you that doing so will disable your trophies and ask if you’re sure. Press X again to confirm that you want to enable advanced cheats.
  • To close the cheat box, press L1+L2+R1+R2 simultaneously again

If you entered the cheat correctly, you’ll see a message under the cheat box informing you that cheats have been enabled.

Xbox One and Xbox Series X

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Keep in mind that enabling advanced cheats on Xbox One and Xbox Series X consoles will permanently disable achievements on that save. Make sure you are okay with this before enabling advanced cheats.

To enable advanced cheats on Xbox One and Xbox Series X systems:

  • Press all four back triggers simultaneously to bring up the cheat box
  • Type testingcheats true in the cheat box
  • Press A to activate advanced cheats. The game will warn you that doing so will disable your achievements and ask if you’re sure. Press A again to confirm that you want to enable advanced cheats.
  • To close the cheat box, press all four back triggers simultaneously again

If you entered the cheat correctly, you’ll see a message under the cheat box informing you that cheats have been enabled.

Increase Unit Cap

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By default, the For Rent expansion has a maximum limit of 6 units per Residential Rental lot. Considering that each unit could potentially house 8 Sims with a total of 48 Sims able to live on one lot, this is a pretty good number of units. However, some players may still wish to have more than 6 units on their Residential Rental lots.

To do this, make sure you’re in Build/Buy on a Residential Rental lot. Open the cheat bar the same way outlined above for your platform and type in bb.increaserentalunitcap on, then confirm the cheat. This cheat will allow you to put up to 94 more units on the lot.

WARNING: There is a good reason the developers limited the number of units on a Residential Rental lot to 6. Adding more may make your game unstable. If you are experiencing performance issues after enabling this cheat, you can disable it by bringing up the cheat bar again and typing in bb.increaserentalunitcap off.

Career Cheats

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The Sims 4 For Rent cheats include career cheats for the part-time Handyperson career. Here are all the cheats available for the Handyperson part-time career.

  • careers.add_career PartTime_Handyperson – Adds the Handyperson career to the selected Sim
  • careers.add_performance – Improves the selected Sim’s work performance
  • careers.promote PartTime_Handyperson – Promotes the selected Sim in the Handyperson career
  • careers.demote PartTime_Handyperson – Demotes the selected Sim in the Handyperson career
  • careers.retire PartTime_Handyperson – Retires the selected Sim from the Handyperson career
  • careers.remove_career – Removes the selected Sim’s career

Aspiration Cheats

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There are several aspirations that come with the For Rent expansion. Seeker of Secrets, Discerning Dweller, Fount of Tomarani Knowledge, and Five-Star Property Owner. You can cheat your progress in all of these aspirations with the following Sims 4 For Rent cheats:

  • aspirations.complete_current_milestone – Instantly completes the active Sim’s current aspiration milestone
  • sims.give_satisfaction_points # – Gives the desired number of satisfaction points to the active Sim

Trait Cheats

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This expansion pack also comes with plenty of new traits. You can easily equip or remove any of these traits from your Sims with the following Sims 4 For Rent cheats:

INSTRUCTIONS: There are two cheats that let you either assign or remove a new Sims 4 For Rent Trait. To “build” a proper cheat structure for Sims Traits, follow this example:

Cheat to Add Trait: traits.equip_trait trait_

Cheat to Remove Trait: traits.remove_trait trait_

Down below is a list of all the new Sims 4 For Rent Traits – both from CAS and the ones you can unlock through gameplay. Add the bolded Trait name in the beginning to the structure above.

So, for example, if you want to equip your Sim with a wise trait, the cheat should look like this:

traits.equip_trait trait_Wise

Sims 4 For Rent Cheats: Traits List

  • Cringe – Gives the active Sim the Cringe trait
  • Nosy – Gives the active Sim the Nosy trait
  • Generous – Gives the active Sim the Generous trait
  • ChildoftheSEA – Gives the active Sim the Child of the Village trait
  • Wise – Gives the active Sim the Wise trait
  • MultiUnit_Aspiration_SeekerOfSecrets – Gives the active Sim the Pry of the Tiger trait
  • MultiUnit_Aspiration_FountainOfLocalKnowledge – Gives the active Sim the Tomarang Expert trait
  • MultiUnit_Aspiration_LegendaryLandlord – Gives the active Sim the Home Management Maven trait
  • MultiUnit_Aspiration_DiscerningDweller – Gives the active Sim the Neighbourly trait
  • MultiUnitGuide_KnowledgeableLeaser – Gives the active Sim the Knowledgeable Leaser trait
  • Handyperson_GoldenWrench – Gives the active Sim the Resourceful Repairer trait

Unlock All Build/Buy Reward Items

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There are a few special items in the Build/Buy catalogue that can only be obtained through gameplay, such as the stuffed tiger toy and tiger poster your Sims can get from sponsoring a wild tiger at the tiger sanctuary in Tomarang. But with the help of The Sims 4 For Rent cheats, you can unlock these items instantly.

To do this, make sure you’re in Build/Buy. Open the cheat bar the same way outlined above for your platform and type in bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement, then confirm the cheat. This cheat will unlock all career, social event, and other gameplay reward objects for you, including the tiger toy and poster.

Complete Collections

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You can use The Sims 4 For Rent cheats to help you finish the two new collections in this expansion; tassels and marbles.

Open the cheat bar and type in bb.showhiddenobjects then confirm the cheat. You can now search “tassel” or “marble in Build/Buy to locate these items and purchase them. Make sure to drag them into an active Sim’s inventory so the game will recognise the object as being added to your collection.

Loved this Sims 4 For Rent Cheats Guide? Check out our Ultimate Cheats Guide for every pack!

About the author


A cranky old lady who prefers the company of cats and Sims over people. Occasionally peeks out from her lair long enough to chuck Sims articles at innocent bystanders.

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