@L0uisCouture You will need to load when traveling between lots or streets, but when roaming the street’s public space you can just…roam.
— Sarah Holding (@SimGuruSarah) July 1, 2014
@LettyCRM The only age groups in The Sims 4 base game are babies, children, teens, young adults, adults, and elders. — Sarah Holding (@SimGuruSarah) July 1, 2014
@rafapmota It’s pretty fun! My Sim got married yesterday, but the marriage is in trouble already because her husband is eying Bella…
— Sarah Holding (@SimGuruSarah) July 1, 2014
@EJamonica The biggest lots are 50×50. The Sims 4 does not have 64×64 lot at this time. — Sarah Holding (@SimGuruSarah) July 1, 2014
@Enjoji101 Community lots have required objects. When you pick a lot type the game will tell you what objects are required for that lot type
— Sarah Holding (@SimGuruSarah) July 1, 2014
@sims3famoments Yes&no. There is Auto Aging that you can turn on&off. If NPC Sims die new Sims move in. But it doesn’t work exactly like TS3 — Sarah Holding (@SimGuruSarah) July 1, 2014
@NickCalzado The Gallery is a new way to share Sims and Lots that is fully integrated into the game. It’s like the TS3 Exchange, but better!
— Sarah Holding (@SimGuruSarah) July 1, 2014
@L0uisCouture Willow Creek is inspired by new Orleans. Riverview was farmland inspired, so I think you’ll find they feel very different. — Sarah Holding (@SimGuruSarah) July 1, 2014
@TheSims4it You can visit any lot in Edit mode (Build Mode) so you can explore without your Sims, but you can’t see Live Mode w/o a Sim.
— Sarah Holding (@SimGuruSarah) July 1, 2014
@TheSims4it You will need an active Sim to explore off lot. But you can zoom the camera around like Sims 3. — Sarah Holding (@SimGuruSarah) July 1, 2014
@aidasims13 @EJamonica The Sims 4 is shipping with a variety of gameplay cheats, including a cheat to cheat money.
— Sarah Holding (@SimGuruSarah) July 1, 2014
@RomboSim There is a lovely chocolate cake in The Sims 4 that I like baking. — Sarah Holding (@SimGuruSarah) July 1, 2014
@TheSims4it Anytime you leave Live Mode (edit Town, Build Mode, etc) your game is paused and your Sims don’t continue to simulate.
— Sarah Holding (@SimGuruSarah) July 1, 2014
@franciscohndz There are tattoos in CAS, but there is no Sim that applies a tattoo for you like in Ambitions. — Sarah Holding (@SimGuruSarah) July 1, 2014
@artsy_simmer@SimGuruCopeland We are still working on locking down the specs for The Sims 4 base game. When we know we will share them!
— Sarah Holding (@SimGuruSarah) July 1, 2014
Public Space: Walk around anywhere that is not on a lot freely, no loading screens when going anywhere on public space [removed the word “lot” this is a neighborhood with multiple lots on it, they share the same public space]
Going from Lot to Public Space: Loading Screen [No, the public space is loaded with your current/active lot, so you can freely explore it with that lot loaded]
Public Space to Lot: Loading Screen [You will always have an active lot that you have loaded into, and you will be able to play in the public space surrounding this lot. If you want to load a new lot in the same neighborhood/public space you will encounter a load screen]
Lot to Lot: Loading Screen [Yes]
Neighborhood to Neighborhood: Loading Screen [Yes, but this is because you are moving Lot to Lot, the lots just happen to be in different neighborhoods]
World to World: Loading Screen [We have only announced one world at this time ;)]
Basically anytime you travel from lot to lot you’ll encounter a brief load screen. Obviously there are other load screens in the game (like when you exit CAS, or save and exit to the main menu) but the loads are really short compared to The Sims 3.
@DaletheSim @SimGuruGraham @SimsVIP Only the Park lots are different – they are a single lot in its own neighborhood.
— Sarah Holding (@SimGuruSarah) July 2, 2014
@SuperSimaholic@SimGuruGraham@SimsVIP You can zoom out & move the camera around each public space/neighborhood. Doesn’t zoom as far as TS3 — Sarah Holding (@SimGuruSarah) July 2, 2014
Anything that is a lot is a lot (example: a bar is a Bar Lot, not a part of the public space). The public space is the “stuff” around the lots. So maybe you would have 4 community lots/venues and you would need to load between them, but all 4 share the same public space, which is a commercial area. And in that public space you’ll have…public space stuff…like BBQs, picnic tables, playground equipment, etc… (You can have those objects on lots too, they are not restricted to the public space)
@Libra_Style @JoeParkinson6 There is no grocery store in The Sims 4 at this time.
— Sarah Holding (@SimGuruSarah) July 2, 2014
@Tash1216 There are a LOT of new recipes in TS44, as well as well as classics like Grilled Cheese. I think Sim chefs will be very pleased 🙂
— Sarah Holding (@SimGuruSarah) July 2, 2014
@avidsimmers There is no school lot at this time in The Sims 4. Children and Teens will route off lot to go to school, like in The Sims 2.
— Sarah Holding (@SimGuruSarah) July 2, 2014
@GabbySimzLove The Gallery is free, it is for sharing content made by the community. It’s like The Exchange on Sims 3, which is also free.
— Sarah Holding (@SimGuruSarah) July 2, 2014
@SimnationBlog @Tash1216 Yes! There are lots of new recopies for both tracks. I like gourmet, b/c it’s fancy food I would never make IRL :p
— Sarah Holding (@SimGuruSarah) July 2, 2014
@uraura_ The Sims 4 has a robust gardening system with a great many tasty things to grow and harvest.
— Sarah Holding (@SimGuruSarah) July 2, 2014