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The Community: Interview With XUrbanSimsX



Today I am here with a very special post! I was lucky enough to spare a few moments of Jenn’s time in order to construct the perfect interview about her role in the simming community! If you are here wondering “who is XUrbanSimsX” (which I highly doubt) She is a well known Youtuber with over 140,000 subscribers! She creates exciting, drama-filled Let’s Plays and is the creator of The Sims 4 Bachelor Challenge.

Why did you start playing The Sims?

The reason why I started playing the sims is because I loved the idea of being able to play the life of another person. Experiencing and doing things I normally wouldn’t being 13, it appealed to me.

What inspired you to begin Youtube and Let’s Plays?

I was inspired to start doing Let’s Plays by AndrewArcade and Quxxn. Watching them connecting with people all over the world and sharing how they played the sims looked fun. I wanted to show the world how I played my game, by including rich story lines and detail.

Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to start their own Youtube channel?

I do! Start small, do one Lp at a time and get comfortable with being in front of the mic. Open up, and be yourself. Don’t hide your personality, just be you and play how you would off screen! Interact with members of the simming community. Put yourself out there – reach out. Most of all enjoy what your doing and the rest will follow.

Tell us about your new Runaway Teen Lets Play?

Well, its about a troubled teen age’d girl who is sick of her parents trying to tell her WHO she’s going to be. I am sure a lot of teens can relate. Millie just wants to explore and find herself in her own time. The pressure from her parents was too much to handle causing her to run away. Going on her own. In the LP you can see the struggles she faces, and the pain she has put her parents through. It’s quite interesting actually.


What are your top tips for adding drama and excitement to your videos?


Adding drama is easy, simmers tend to over think it. That’s just IT. DON’T THINK – Just do! When you have spent hours building up your family and they are so perfect, it can get boring. So what I do, is just ‘think’ whats the worse thing that could happen right now, and do it. It doesn’t have to always be cheating. It can be deaths, or money issues. Maybe a sibling that has to move in with his brother and wife and that causes tension. Think of real life situations and put them in game. Its that easy!

Do you enjoy any other games besides The Sims?

I play other games occasionally. Such a GTA – Huge fan of the series. Maybe because its a ‘harder’ version of human simulation, but its fun. I also love some indie games, and other simulation games such as SIMCITY, Roller Coaster Tycoon. To be honest, nothing has kept me as entertained as The Sims though because my imagination can run wild.

That is all from Jenn for now, but if you would like to see more of her you can check out her Youtube channel here! She also has a website where you can find all the latest information about her content and even purchase some merchandise!

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About the author


Hello everyone! I am Dominique, otherwise known as LittleMissSimmer. I create Let's Plays on Youtube of all my favourite games (mainly The Sims of course!) I love to share stories and game play, as well as info on all the latest updates and releases.

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9 years ago

I love Jenn. She’s what inspired me to do my own channel. And she is also extremely helpful. ^_^