
Simmers Q&A: Five Minutes with Galaxy Simmer

09 17 15 7 43 PM
Welcome back to another Simmers Q&A, each week I take time to get to know another awesome simmer from the community and this week we are talking to the lovely Galaxy Simmer, best known for the wide range of CAS videos featured on YouTube (you can find a link to Galaxy Simmers awesome channel at the end of this Q&A) So I took five minutes to get to know who’s behind Galaxy Simmer and what started their simming journey:

Hello there! Firstly a warm welcome to The Sims Community Simmers Q&A, we love getting to know another member of our community, now we always kick things off by asking, what started your Sims journey and how long have you been playing?

I first played Sims: Bustin’ Out with my older sister on the Playstation 2 and it really loved that! But I started to become a Sims addict ever since Pointless Blog and Zoella started their Sims 3 Let’s Play, and then now I’m here!

Sounds great! Now we have been taking a look at your YouTube channel which hosts some fantastic content for sims lovers out there, tell me what inspired you to begin recording your gameplay?

I started YouTube as I realized it was really easy to make videos! I really didn’t care about subscribers, but I wanted to have a blast and show my gameplay and myself to the interwebs! I think it was because I was really getting into watching YouTube, so I thought “Heck, why not!” And I started my YouTube channel, I’m improving everyday and I’m having fun!

09-17-15_7-43 PM
It’s great to hear your having fun! So the latest release from The Sims 4 is the spooky stuff pack, what do you think of it’s content and do have you held any spooky parties so far?

I love the stuff pack! It was really just heaven! You can tell the Sims team put a lot of effort into this one. I feel like the Sims team have been getting a considerable amount of hate, so I think they made this stuff pack to really impress the fans! It is definitely one of my top three add-ons we have got for the Sims 4! Also, I’m yet to play around with the new Spooky Party type, but I’m going to do that in a upcoming part of my Girl Meets World Let’s Play!

We like the sound of that! Now The Sims 4 has brought us some fantastic content so far, Is there anything you would personally like to see in The Sims 4 and why?

Probably, University! I’m loving playing that in my Sims 2 University Let’s Play, so I think it would be really cool in the Sims 4! I think it would be really interesting as well how they improve the University gameplay, and to compare it to Sims 2: University and Sims 3: University Life!

Finally we have to ask if you are excited about the brand new expansion pack Get Together? Is it something you will be getting and if so what are you most looking forward to?

I’m most certainly buying the expansion pack! I’m really excited for just the atmosphere of Windenburg, and all the things you can get up to! Especially the nightlife vibe I’m getting from it! But I feel like this expansion pack could be a hit-or-miss! So, I think more information is needed, but I’m excited as it is something very different to the Sims, so I’m looking forward to it immensely!

Galaxy Simmers Quick Fire Questions

Night or Day – Day
Tea or Coffee –  Tea
City Break or Beach Holiday – City Break!
DVD or Cinema – DVD
Pink or Blue – Blue

If you haven’t already, be sure to check out Galaxy Simmers YouTube Channel HERE and also on Twitter by clicking HERE
 We hope you enjoyed this Q&A and if you are a long time simmer and fancy taking part in a future Q&A be sure to contact me by leaving a comment below or via my twitter page:

About the author


I have been playing The Sims since the dawn of its creation and followed its journey to the present day, I am a keen gamer and tech lover and I currently work within the graphic design and web development industry, my other hobbies include cycling, reading and handmade crafts.

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9 years ago

This is great!! I wish I was a long time Simmer so I can take part. Mah one day when I get my channel of the ground lol.