The Sims 4 Base Game for PC and Mac is finally getting a new update next week! The update, along with plenty of bug fixes is also going to come with new objects, clothing items and 3 new Freelancer Careers!
During the Maxis Monthly Livestream SimGuruGraham has shown off some of the new objects and clothing that you’ll get to unlock throughout 3 brand new careers!
There are 3 different types of Freelancer Careers that your Sims will be able to join: Freelance Programmer, Freelance Artist and Freelance Writer. Each type of Freelancer Careers will have different sets of assignments that you’ll be able to perform from either your computer (Writer, Programmer) or the Sketch Pad (Artist).
The new careers also come with some brand new items including a new desk, new chair, new decor and yes – even a brand new laptop that you’ll get to enjoy even if you don’t have The Sims 4 StrangerVille Game Pack!
The Freelancer Career will be available for free in a brand new The Sims 4 update for PC and Mac next week – precisely on April 16th, 2019.
We’re currently preparing a sepeare post with more detailed information about everything that’s been mentioned and shown about the brand new careers. Until then you can enjoy the full replay where the gurus show off the new careers!
Sounds awesome!
I don’t get what this is supposed ro add to the game. How about we get entirely new careers?
@Maxi, what this is supposed to be is like a combo of the Acting system from Get Famous & the careers where you could choose to work from home (first seen in City Living, but expanded to things like Gardening and the Stylist career in the Base Game). This allows an extremely flexible schedule for your Sims. 😀 You will get an Agency to represent you, and they will let you select from a bunch of different “gigs” that you can do at home or even in a café if you bring your laptop in your personal inventory. You do have a chance at your work not being accepted, but you can always change it and resubmit it! This is a great option for Sims who want to meet goals in their work life, but might have other things going on at home (like being a Vampire, or taking care of toddlers, or tending a garden, etc.) at the same time. The nice thing is that you can work on these jobs for either just many small chunks of time, or all in one session. The choice is yours. <3 We also *did* get some entirely new careers with the update last fall with the Stylist career, and with the Strangerville GP we go the Military career! 😉
So in the Freelance Artist choice, I chose to do the Portrait for the level 1 artist, but it doesn’t have anyway to submit the portrait to the politician I think it was. I went into my sims inventory like it said too, and clicked on the portrait, but all it’ll let me do is name it, there’s no choice to submit it.