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REMINDER: The Sims 4 Updates for PC / Mac and Consoles are coming tomorrow, April 16th


There are two big updates coming your way to The Sims 4 for both PC / Mac and Xbox One / PS4 TOMORROW, April 16th 2019. Before we dive deeper into some regular reminders about what to do to prepare for each update, here’s what you need to know that will be coming your way on both versions of the game!

The Sims 4 for PC / Mac

Desktop and laptop players have two things confirmed that they should be excited about:

Although these are the things that have been officially confirmed for the latest update, there *could* be a few more things added with the update too. We won’t know for certain until we get a closer look at the patch notes tomorrow so stay tuned!

The Sims 4 for Xbox One / PS4

We’ll be making sure to do a full overview for both updates as well – stick around!

PC / Mac Update Preparations

Patch day is tomorrow , and you know what that means! A whole lot of panicked Simmers going “My mods don’t work anymore, HELP!” and “What do I do with my mods and CC when I update?”

But don’t worry! As long as you know exactly what to do whenever a new patch drops, you won’t have any problems with your mods or your CC after a game update. Here’s what to do whenever The Sims 4 gets a new update:

Patch Day 101

    1. Before updating, remove your Mods folder from your game entirely. You do not have to delete it. Just move it to your Desktop for safekeeping.
    2. Update your game like normal through Origin.
    3. Do NOT put your Mods folder back in right away! It is likely that many of your mods will be broken now. They need to be updated.
    4. To update your mods, return to where you downloaded them and check to see if the creator has released an update. You will need to redownload the updated mod and replace the old version in your Mods folder. It can take creators a few days to get around to this, so please be patient. In the meantime, you will either have to avoid playing the game, or play without your mods.
    5. Only after you are 100% certain all your mods are compatible with the latest patch, put your Mods folder back in. Make sure you re-enable script mods in the game options next time you play.

Other Notes

  • CC will not usually need updates but if you are having issues with some CC after a game update, it’s best to remove it and see if the creator has updated it.
  • Yes, having to update your mods for every patch is annoying. We know, but that’s just the nature of using mods. If all of this sounds like too much hassle for you, then mods are probably not for you.

If you follow these step-by-step instructions as standard protocol for every update, you should never encounter any problems with outdated mods causing errors, freezing, or game crashes.

Are you excited for the new Freelancer career coming in the update tomorrow? Tell us all about it here in the comments or chat with us on social media!

About the author


A cranky old lady who prefers the company of cats and Sims over people. Occasionally peeks out from her lair long enough to chuck Sims articles at innocent bystanders.

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5 years ago

I hope there is bug fix to ps4 for the vampire problem not being able to gain power points..been well over 4 month be honest that’s all I am truly waiting for..I love playing vampires but waist of time making new ones at the moment due to this bug..

5 years ago
Reply to  Helen


5 years ago

I hope they are making the console library bigger if they are going to stuff it full of stuff I likely won’t use. They always push stuff to it then I loose all my saves Also we need bug fixes!! Not Lunar stuff. The game is nearly unplayable.

5 years ago
Reply to  Lori

I suggest saving your games to online storage or a USB drive…then put them ba k kn the console after the update. I am trying that this time…cuz last time I lost my saved games as well.

5 years ago
Reply to  Lori

It’s not fair that console doesn’t get the FreeLancer jobs when PC does. It’s like how IOS gets a bunch more updates then Android, for the same game! We always get EP, GP, SP and updates way later then PC!

5 years ago

What time is the update being released for PC/MAC?

5 years ago

Will the updates be coming out at midnight or will we have to wait until the actual morning?

Emily R Roberts
Emily R Roberts
5 years ago

When time can we update at?

Sara Hilton
Sara Hilton
5 years ago

I reaaaaallllllllyyyy hope there are bug fixes for the ps4. My sims freeze all over the placeee!!!! Its getting kind of annoying

5 years ago

I hope they fix the issue with pets not being able to be trained or even have a primary caretaker assigned to them. There are some other issues as well, of course, but this one makes it such a headache to play with households that have pets! There is no way to train them out of bad behavior. 🙁

5 years ago

It’s 10:30 in France and the upate is not on my PC ! I don’t play without the update. =)

5 years ago

When is the update releasing?

5 years ago

I love the sims 4 but sims 3 too sadly it does not work on my pc.

5 years ago

I honestly super excited because my Sims freeze ALL THE TIME. I get annoyed and turn the game off. I play on a PC btw. I’ve been a dedicated Simmer since the very beginning and honestly wish there was an open world concept in Sims 4 a well as more places to build homes.

5 years ago
Reply to  AnneJaelyn

i totally agree with your “wish section”! 😀

5 years ago

can anybody tell me at which hour the update is going to be released? oh and if the new items of clothing and furniture will be available right away or will we have to unlock them with the Freelancer career. I appreciate any of your efforts!

5 years ago
Reply to  V!ctor

There’s a link in one of the comments to the twitter, they have a link there. Looks like it’ll be 10:00 PST in California. So in like two hours! I can’t wait!

5 years ago

Would love sims to become like a online game were you can play with friends and family and go visit them and make it a 2 player game

Fontella Hardy
Fontella Hardy
5 years ago
Reply to  Britney

I agree with this. I’d love to play with friends.

Jayden Jarman
Jayden Jarman
5 years ago

Yaaaaas community creations on console

5 years ago

I absolutely suck at building the exterior of a house, and I would love just to plop one in and re-furnish, *sigh*

Nicholas Roddy
Nicholas Roddy
5 years ago

Need to fix the timing issues, it doesn’t take me an hour to eat a bowl of cereal or an hour to cook an omelette. The only thing that cooks faster than it should is the turkey or ham grand meals. A lot of time is wasted. And lots of lost sleep for the Sims.

5 years ago

Oh My Goodness, when??? I can’t find the time when the update is… It’s driving me nuts. It could be 3:00 in the afternoon far as I don’t know. Anyone Know? Please let us know. It’s killing me.

Janay Williams
Janay Williams
5 years ago
Reply to  Ra-Chel

The Sims 4 updates are usually available around 3pm on the U.S. East Coast.

5 years ago
Reply to  Janay Williams

THANKS! It’s currently 9:30 am so ill check around that time. I was over here wondering why they didn’t put times >.<

5 years ago
Reply to  Janay Williams


5 years ago
Reply to  V!ctor
5 years ago

I’ve had several issues overall with PC S4 recently.. A get famous work glitch which rarely allows you to progress in a workday so you’re stuck doing the same thing for hours trying to get it to work.. a non trainable pet (some Sims were able to train them) and overall glitches that just need patched out.. hold this actually fixes these.

Tom Lannister
Tom Lannister
5 years ago

I just hope that all the problems with the appartments extending themself out of the limits of the map of San Myshuno. The trouble with the stairs laying against the foundations (can’t really describe it). The awful black shadow on windows, the disappearing friezes on roud terraces, and basically all the graphics troubles we haven’t at beginning and who came after some updates or pack will be fixed. I wan’t a perfect looking game back !

5 years ago

Woo freelancers!

5 years ago

I have had mods break on me because of updates. I recommend using something like a broken mod detector to find and get rid of them. There is one by Dmitry Malfatto. I’m not sure if it still works, but it’s worth a try.

Janay Williams
Janay Williams
5 years ago

East coast… update is available now. It’s 2 pm!!

5 years ago

Why can’t console get the freelancer jobs too? That doesn’t seem fair…

5 years ago
Reply to  Caity

@Caity, more than likely consoles will get the update fairly soon. TS4 on consoles started a few years after it started on PC, so consoles will always be playing catch-up with PCs in that respect. 😉 You didn’t get the freelancer jobs yet because you needed to have another update. 🙂

5 years ago

Please could you let us have CC on console! We really need it!
Thank You

Travis Lee
Travis Lee
5 years ago

I don’t understand why us console players do not get to receive the new freelancer career update ‍♂️

5 years ago

Hi there! Someone in mmy Myspace group shared this site with us
sso I came to check it out. I’m definitely loving the information. I’m
book-marking and will be tweeting this to my followers! Woncerful blog and excellent design and

4 years ago

e know that times are a bit weird right now, but we’re keeping things as normal as possible over here so we have a few fixes for you all.

Thanks for your continued support, we hope that you all are staying home and staying safe out there.