The Sims 4 The Community

The Sims 4 Story Progression is off the rails


In the funniest way possible.

Last week The Sims Team has surprised everyone with a huge update for The Sims 4. Although everyone had expectations that the upcoming Patch would only prepare the game for the upcoming Decor to the Max Kit, the team included a huge update for the Neighborhood Stories feature.

Our team member has written a handy guide for the new Neighborhood Stories Features in case you want to know about all what goes on!

The Sims 4 Story Progression is off the rails

As you see in the screenshot above, the new feature allows for the player to control what goes on in their neighborhood while they’re playing an Active Household. Well, at least control certain life aspects within The Sims 4.

It’s only been a few days since players have been able to play with the new features but I have to admit – the feature has already gone off the rails for many of the save games where this feature has been enabled.

Reddit user Tomdaninja has reported that one of the Sims in their saves has died after cereal randomly self-combusted.

The Sims 4 Story Progression is off the rails

YouTuber and content creator @onlyabidoang reports a huge surge of new babies for the Bheeda Household in their save game.

The Sims 4 Story Progression is off the rails

The Sims 4 Story Progression is off the rails

Screens via @onlyabidoang

The baby fever in The Sims 4 doesn’t just stop there. Player @ShannonP1120 reports a HUGE surge of adopted babies in several of their Households in their save game.

The children in The Sims 4 just keep multiplying to the player for some reason!

Probably one of the funniest scenarios that I came across in regards to The Sims 4 Neighborhood Stories is from Reddit user bluevanillatea.

They’ve shared a scenario that happened in their game where “the story progression update has caused the landgraab household to now solely consist of 1 cat in a mansion”.

To make things more funnier, the Cat is just sitting there in its green hoodie looking around at the camera like they robbed the place.

The Sims 4 Story Progression is off the rails

Screen by bluevanillatea

The OP later explained how this scenario came to be:

Apparently Nancy died and then Geoffrey moved to Sulani in order to cope with her tragic death


Besides the fact that the Neighborhood Stories Features definitely needs some tuning in the babies and adoption area, the chaos that this feature allows is definitely something I want to see more of.

What are your experiences with the Neighborhood Stories? Let us know in the comments below!

About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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Lucas Hearsay
Lucas Hearsay
2 years ago

This must be their most epic fail since the introduction of Kits!

Daniel Mendes
Daniel Mendes
2 years ago
Reply to  Lucas Hearsay

I don’t understand why you have so many dislikes, you’re absolutely right!

Lucas Hearsay
Lucas Hearsay
2 years ago
Reply to  Daniel Mendes

Hahaha! Do you think? I just post my opinion

2 years ago
Reply to  Daniel Mendes

Its cause this is a fanboy site like the official forums. Nothing but praise can be said here or else. Its like Reddit but for Sims only.

2 years ago
Reply to  Murp

People can disagree with you. Nobody is even boasting in the comment section.

Samantha Simpson
Samantha Simpson
2 years ago
Reply to  Lucas Hearsay

The most funny thing about the Bust the Dust kit, is that it’s not the first vacuum cleaners in the game, we have the 2 types of Roombas from Cas & Dogs, tho, the vacuum cleaners from the kit is portable, the Roombas are not, tho, I think the Roomba itself can be put into your Sim’s inventory since you can move it around the lot in Live Mode, but the Roomba stations are not portable. Also, according to James Turner’s Cottage Living Let’s Play, he has an unbreakable Roomba named Sucker, yet, Sucker JUST KEEPS ON BREAKING! I think it’s the rain tho, cuz that’d be pretty hilarious if it was

Lucas Hearsay
Lucas Hearsay
2 years ago

Hahahahahahaha! That’s just funny!

Wander Bear
Wander Bear
2 years ago

I had 12 sims suddenly die at the Spice Festival, including friends I had invited! My sim was a high level spellcaster so he was frantically casting Dedeathify over and over! Meanwhile the black baby glitch is back, white families are giving birth to black babies again. This was previously fixed 5-6 patches ago!

christie bemis
christie bemis
2 years ago
Reply to  Wander Bear

Omg glad it’s not only me. Here I am just suspiciously eyeing the baby mama’s like…. where have you been??? That ain’t your husband’s baby.

Caff Farrell
Caff Farrell
2 years ago
Reply to  Wander Bear

The baby glitch was never fixed for me. All of my babies are black no matter who their parents are

2 years ago

“the sole remaining resident of the Landgraab mansion is a cat” is the most gripping concept I have seen in a hot minute. I would watch a movie about this

Meredith von Lasher
Meredith von Lasher
2 years ago
Reply to  Charlie

Me too.

2 years ago

He moved and left the cat all alone? Typical Landgraab

Always Late Game Reviews
Always Late Game Reviews
2 years ago
Reply to  Chiral

Oh, I hate to break this to you, but that cat is guilty. If that cat is anything like my cat there’s bodies somewhere in that mansion. All that jabber of “a death in the family made my owner move” is a huge red herring.

Bibi Andersson
Bibi Andersson
2 years ago

Flashback to when Sims 2 was just out with story progression. Within an hour of gameplay every, and I mean every household, had an addition of at least one adopted child.

2 years ago

I think we’re in desperate need of marriages, but the deaths are hilarious. Death by blush explosion, the infamous exploding cereal, and of course the classics (freezing, overheating, electrocution).

On the subject of the cat that happened to me in the Munch household. I also ended up with Izzy Fabulous’s triplet children living all alone in Henford after he told one too many dad joke…!

2 years ago

Even if you disable it. They still adopt and get pregnant, change career, etc. So why did they include toggles if the toggles don’t work.

Rizky Muzakir
Rizky Muzakir
2 years ago
Reply to  Murp

uh oh?? rly? i dont really want that to happen…..

Meredith von Lasher
Meredith von Lasher
2 years ago

Oh I love it. Bring the chaos on! The feature is fully configurable so if I don’t want something I just turn it off, but I’ve been having a blast with the chaos and I have no care or concern for townies except the ones my sims have a relationship with, which I turn off from the shenanigans

Timothy Anderson
Timothy Anderson
2 years ago

Sadly, if you turn it off, it’s still going to happen. I have the feature completely turned off. I went into every house and disabled it. I’m seeing all sorts of random nonsense.

Timothy Anderson
Timothy Anderson
2 years ago

I’m seeing one or two new random pregnancies per day from NPC Sims, including pregnancies from affairs. It happens mid-day, every day. I’m seeing households randomly move out to homeless. I didn’t enable the feature, but it’s happening regardless. I went in and enabled the feature, deselected everything, and then re-disabled it, to no avail. And now I have stray children joining houses, and looking nothing like their parents. It’s way too much chaos.

And now I’m getting random animals adopted??

Dusky Woman
Dusky Woman
2 years ago

At first I didn’t realize you can customize the different neighborhood advancements and I had elder sims adopting a lot of kids and one couple in which the wife was a little younger got pregnant though her husband was an elder and she was just about to turn into a elder. All these sims already had grandkids but decided to start over again I guess.

christie bemis
christie bemis
2 years ago

My mom {who should be way past menopause btw} KEEPS ringing me and asking me whether I think her and my dad should have another baby. I have 2 siblings and we’re all already grown. AND they’re grandparents, I have 2 kids myself!! So I just keep telling her NO pls I don’t think it’s a good idea but still.. she calls me every other day like “so you’re saying you DON’T think we should have another baby?” she really really wants to and it’s so annoying haha

Caff Farrell
Caff Farrell
2 years ago

Death by exploding cereal is amazing and I’m upset my played sims can’t die from it. Seriously, if npc’s can die off at such a high rate (four of my sim’s friends’ parents/grandparents died in two sims days) then why is it so hard for our playable sims to die. They need to strike a MUCH better balance there.