Another day, another round of Game Pack hints!
Yesterday The Sims Team has started their rounds with cryptic tweets.
The SimGurus have found a way to hide secret messages within their shredded notes that they’ve posted. With symbols that can be translated into English, revealing new information.
Yesterday we have information such as:
- “There were Mooncasters here”
- “Where did all the frogs come from“?
- “I survived the century conflict.”
- “Take a dip in lake Lunvik“
You can find the full list of shredded notes in our first round of Game Pack teasers!
Today, the tradition of shredded notes continues. SimGuruFrost posted a new note:
The note was successfully translated by @tsukki_guchi, with a new clue:
Forgive me my dear Avelina…
Our reader was also able to crack the code with a photo as proof of the translation:
SimGuruPopcorn tagged along with the cryptic messages, posting this:
SimGuruPopcorn later tweeted:
Listen, I’m flattered but people keep asking me to be their fated mate and I’m just not ready for a relationship right now.
Our reader spotted that Fated Mate is a real life book by author Jessica Aspen. And yup, it’s about Werewolf Romance:
SimGuruMorgan then hopped on with the Hints, quickly deciphered by Vane Sims:
Beware of Greg
SimGuru Kuxiku was next with the next clue that says: “Recipe for grilled luna fish“!
The last one seams very obvious! “Howl you doing”! Everyone loves a sneaky Friends reference.
SimGuru Beth chimed in with this gem that translates to: “Ten parts wolfsbane to three parts moonpetal”…
And then we found out about a well known feude:
GrimSuruDoi, the developer for The Sims 4 also posted a cryptic hint. There is a funny Werewolf hint included in the letter that @tasto777 was able to uncover. Also, all the first letters of Doi’s first letters spell out “Wolf”:
Unsure of exact whereabouts,
Dizziness is worsening,
Quickly now before I transform
Let it be known that Vampires suck, they are just the worst.
We will be updating this post with new information and content as they surface, as well as deciphered hints by the community. Stay tuned!
Still what are Mooncasters anyway?
Something like a mix of a spellcaster and werewolf shapeshifter magical user. The more I hear the more I feel we won’t get traditional werewolves.
could always just be the truly gender neutral name for werewolves that they are going for(as were is masculine and wif is the feminine form)
Alternate theory, it’s not just wolves.
That book cover made me think of the buff werewolf from True Blood, but wolves weren’t the only animal shifters in that show, there were also werepanthers. So total spit-balling here maybe Mooncasters are all sorts of animal shifters? It might also explain that super weird frame of the trailer teaser with the shadow on the brick wall that doesn’t look like a wolf at all and I’d previously taken as a “We’re refreshing Strangerville” hint.
honestly, coming from a playing the DnD 3rd edition video games, I’m used to seeing wererats so its not too far fetched for us to have different animal shifter types. maybe we’ll see “werellamas” & “werefoxes”
Tbh “wif” is the archaic spelling of “wife” and not all women are wives. Whereas “were/wer” means man and not necessarily a male. As we humans are referred to as man regardless of gender i.e; the species of man (short for human). I think they’re just using mooncasters as just an annoyingly wacky way of saying werewolves just like calling sorcerers “spellcasters”. Just weird.
wife is a feminine term generally speaking and sure we take man to sometimes refer to humans regardless of gender due to part of this preconceived notion that generically looking masculine equates to gender neutral(look at a ton of Fast fashion little gender neutral areas and you’ll see a lot of beige masc clothing). When googling mooncasters, it leads to a guitar brand but honestly could be used to speak of a group of animalistic shapeshifters that can transform dependent on lunar cycles until they earn the trait to not do so otherwise.
I’m wondering if by greg, they are going for a mighty boosh reference and saying the world will be swampy with a lake
Lunvik is a place in Norway, looks pretty hilly. So Nordic inspired world maybe?
I hope so, I wanted a Nordic-inspired world for ages! I also want Middle Eastern and Eastern European themed worlds!
This cryptics are drivin me nuts, extremely ruling for werewolves here
The deciphered code from SimGuruRad is incorrect. It actually says: “…for I cannot do this without you”.