All the new objects and CAS assets coming in the Werewolves game pack!
Following the official reveal trailer yesterday, The Sims 4 Werewolves is now available for pre-order and Origin has the first previews of every new Build/Buy and CAS item coming with this add-on pack!
The Origin previews for new content are always exciting because it’s our first opportunity to see the full scope of what we’re getting in terms of objects and CAS pieces. Of course, game packs always come with new gameplay features and very often come with a new world (including Werewolves, which will come with a world called Moonwood Mill) so don’t think that these previews are all Werewolves will have to offer. It’s simply a look into the physical objects of the pack.
Remember! Origin previews always only show one swatch of each item. It is likely that most if not all of what you see here will have a variety of colour swatch options in the game. As always, Sims Community will be doing a detailed overview of everything with all swatches when the Werewolves game pack launches.
Create A Sim Items

From the CAS previews, it looks like we’ll be getting 8 new hairstyles with some of the new hairstyles also being available for children. We also spot two new tattoos, 3 new sets of humanoid nails plus one set of wolf-like nails, new face piercings, and a huge variety of scars for different parts of the body! It also appears that the werewolves can also have ear and face piercings while in their wolf form. Family players will also be happy to see new clothes for toddlers.
I’m personally a fan of the sneakers that are falling apart on the Sim’s feet. Very Rags to Riches. I’m sure a lot of players will enjoy telling Rags to Riches stories with these grungy items.
Build Mode Items

No, we didn’t forget about Build/Buy! These are all the objects coming with the Werewolves game pack from the Build/Buy catalogue. Keep in mind that Origin previews only show what’s in the main catalogue. We imagine that pro builders can no doubt look forward to even more items in the hidden debug catalogues, as is the case with just about every pack release.
Some interesting items of note shown in the previews are a small scale telescope, a grungy garage door, a new rustic-looking mailbox, a baby bassinet, and new toys and beds for toddlers and children, including a bunk bed. We also spot a new gnome, a new guitar, and a mysterious box-like object with a door that sort of reminds us of the elevators and walk-in closets that can be embedded inside the walls. No one’s quite sure what exactly this object is or what its function is but we’re excited to find out!
What do you think about The Sims 4 Werewolves Items?
What’s your favourite item shown in the Origin previews? Let us know in the comments!
Grungy items here I come!
oh look! 0 male hairstyles and 1 mullet. *slow clap*
All the hairstyles are supposed to be unisex this time. They’re just modeled on fem frames. A lot of these hairs are on masc sims in the promotional materials and trailer. Is the complaint that they’re long, because I would argue that we need more long masculine hair styles?
‘unisex’ don’t count so that means men get the kick in the special place by Maxis once more. Skirts for 5 dollars was the best they could do I guess. Says a lot about their mentality and developers. Masculinity can’t exist anymore as per usual. Cause its ‘toxic’ to be a man. Outside of CAS build mode looks OK. Too many kids stuff though. Game Packs don’t offer enough room for much content so I was expecting more grunge and abandon style stuff not kiddie beds. No beds for the adults.
It’s a far jump to go from wanting more masculine clothing to masculinity isn’t allowed to exist. And why wouldn’t unisex count? In a game sense, it means the clothing should be able to morph better to fit all body types. Hopefully, the clothing should show up for both male and female frames.I don’t agree with your choice of words, as I feel they’re reading too much into “clothing items in a game” and twisting it into something that reflects your own frustration in the world. I agree that there should have been some more inclusivity in form of hairstyles as many of them are long and straight. And I agree, a grungy adult size bed would have been awesome.
It’s probably because they have access to players data so they can see a good number of simmers plays mostly with female sims. So it makes sense they’d try to appeal even more to those considering they are a larger part of the player base.
That’s what I think it is. From what some others have said this began with TS3 with feminine styles having a lot more. Even most custom content is geared towards feminine style. I think daily wear “regular every day” male fashion can become repetitive or limited in some cases compared to feminine. Unisex, if done right to fit all frames, is better than less/just no masculine content alternative.
That and let’s be honest men’s fashion is not that diverse. Literally everything we wear in real life is already in the game so there is not a huge fountain of styles they have to draw from like they do with women. Just look at that men’s fashion kit they came out with, how many of us are actually have any of that in our wardrobe? It fits the sense of fashion for a small percentage of men, but it’s something that was lacking while the rest of our styles are pretty straight forward. So, I don’t blame the sims team for not having a lot of “different” male clothing to offer us; neither do clothing stores…lol!
you are such a snowflake. just because there is a skirt for men you are gonna cry about it or what? ‘being a man’ isn’t toxic but saying man can’t do certain things because they are not man enough is toxic. now get outta here
marketing is what started that, selling things as “masculine” or “feminine”. before that people didn’t do things much differently, had the same clothes with slight adjustments for biology, shared pretty much the same behaviors. all that really changed was social engineering in order to sell things in ways that didn’t exist before. The alpha male aggressive type is a sell, not a fact.
i like a comfy kilt, and there’s nothing wrong with being gentle, in fact, we could use more of that. the concept of masculine or feminine is a sell, but for me, not a selling point. what i wear doesn’t affect how i identify myself.
I’m disappointed by the lack of new beds for adult Sims, in addition the male CAS is VERY lacking in a Game Pack I was initially excited for. I should’ve expected that slap to the face, but I always hope they’d at least throw Male Sims a few more bits of clothing, hairs, and facial hair. I’d love to have more punkish and grunge styles to play around with. I’ll still buy the pack because my love for occults knows no bounds. I love a new Life State and one that seems to be fleshed out just as much as Vampires or Spellcasters.
One of the gurus said almost all the CAS items are unisex, including the hair.
Yeah, it might be but I wanted male specific stuff as just because it’s unisex doesn’t mean it fits the male frame well. That’s something I would test on pack release day. I also wanted male Sim specific grungy facial hairs and a mix of hair lengths for more options.
The wolf maw picture is so furry lol! I love it so much. Can’t wait to actually create opposite of a scariest werewolf design and the cutest werewolf using only this base item, I think it will be a fun, can’t wait.
The furries are going to love the designs, I was hoping for a bit more of a creepy look though. I just hope the pack is good and doesn’t turn out to be another disaster.
So is the site dead now coz Jovan is taking a break? (deserved and not a point i’m arguing at all)
There have been loads of guru’s tweets with cool details and the upcoming livestream that i found out about just coz someone else mentioned it…
Wish males got more CAS though, I know most of these are unisex but most of that unisex objects are made with female frame making it look kinda strange or ugly in male frames in my opinion. As for the build mode it seems is focused on kids? And honestly werewolves doesn’t seem like something very good because they just seem like fursonas without tails that run like dogs. Nothing else very remarkable, i don’t think I will buy this game pack it just seems empty
sims 4 just had an update on the 15th and I did what I usually do with my cc but when I start it up it loads but when it comes to the start screen it’s completely white
i would have liked to see item name tool tips for the build/buy mode stuff.