Create and track unique storylines with The Plumbobber App! Check out the full guide.
Rotational Gameplayer? Super controlling watcher? We’ve all been there and wanted to micromanage every little detail of our Sims’ lives. But now, we can do that easier and we can also randomize their lives!
Introducing The Plumbobber App!
This App intrigued us because it resembled many family history preservation programs. And it’s FREE! Plus, the ability to randomize many aspects of a Sim’s life that can’t be randomized already or the randomizer isn’t efficient was intriguing. Here’s what the App does!
Plum Designer
The Plum Designer is the first page that you will see. It allows you to create the family history and the main details for your Sim. At the top left, you can choose the list you want your Sim to be a part of, then you can create Sim.
If you need a boost to your creativity, you can always click the “Generate New Sim” button and it will randomize all the options from Skin Color through Career to create a new Sim. It does not randomize a name, unfortunately.

By clicking the Notes button by the Sim’s name, you can edit the Notes about the Sim. In the Notes, it will not only list the basic information about your Sim, but also you can also upload a picture and write any information you would like about your Sim. It has formatting options which is very convenient.

(From The Plumbobber website)
Plumbobber Genetics – very simplified play with genetics – yet better than what the game gives you. Add Parent A and Parent B – if one or both of these have parents of their own, they autofill in their respective spots. Then hit Generate New Sim – You will now have a child Sim with looks based on parents and grandparents. Name them and adjust the kid in CAS according to your rolls. If there are no grandparents, the app will draw random genetics in their place.
We have made it so that the look of grandparents play a role in the outcome. The game only take hair- and eye color of parents into consideration.
We wanted to add more diversity via hair- and eye color of grandparents. It works on a simple principle of 1/8s and has nothing to do with how real genetics work. It is just for fun and to make grandma’s ginger hair have a chance of popping up on her grandkids. Parameters that have ‘genetics’ are hair color and hair structure, eye color, freckles, glasses, teeth and traits.
However, traits only draw ‘weight’ from parents – no chance of inheriting grandpa’s slobby trait unless by chance. You will notice that Skin Color does not fill when using Plumbobber Genetics. This is because we let the game determine that outcome. The system might be flawed in game, but it’s probably still better than what we could make with this app.
Likes and Dislikes
The Likes and Dislikes tab allows you to “Opinionate Sim,” which is another way to say randomize. We love the term Opinionate Sim because makes it seem like you’re bringing every sim’s “Opinions” to life by pressing the “Opinionate Sim” button.
It also allows you to remove and add Likes and Dislikes manually, too, if you don’t like one or two of the options that were randomized. Or you can just add the likes and dislikes that you choose yourself. Right-click whatever like or dislike that “doesn’t fit your Sim’s personality” and choose delete.
Use the bottom left section to add likes and dislikes. First, pick the category, then choose the specific option. To cement their personality, choose from the like or dislike buttons below and it will add them to your Sim’s list.

Life of Plums
These Plums are amusing and unique. We can imagine ourselves playing a lot of unique games with many twists and turns based on Plums!
The main area allows you to choose which Sim you are assigning Plums to, a “Give Me Plums” button to randomize, and then the Save and Clear Plums buttons.
You can continuously use these Plums throughout your Sim’s life. There is a Lock option so you can use the “Give Me Plums” without that box randomizing. If your Sim completes a Plum, you can mark it as Complete and it will show up in the Complete Plums box.
The Lot Rolls Section needs to be turned on for it to randomize with the Give Me Plums button.

Finally, we have the management page. This page is where all the management happens.
Corrupt Save? Want to give your Sim a Whole New Life? This section allows you to copy Sims between lists or to Copy entire Lists to other Lists.
Need to delete a Sim? Does your Sim want to change the horrible name their Mother gave them at 18? This is the section to do that at.
Need to rename your list? Or did your last Sim die and you want to delete your list? You can do that under the List section.
Random Roll
Random Roll is my favorite part of Management. You can type your own options and click Add or the option Add Worlds is there to add all the worlds to the list. Then, choose Roll and it will choose an option for you! This is great to randomize things that have not yet been added to The Plumbobber App.
Updating Plumbobber
Exporting the Database is VERY important when updating the app. It allows you to transfer your Lists to the next version.
When uninstalling, visit the Management Tab and go to the bottom right corner. Click Export. It will export a file named PlumbobberBackUp.db to your Desktop. Uninstall Plumbobber. Install the new version. In Management’s bottom right corner, click the Import button.

Dark Mode
There are many people who dislike light mode so you’re in luck! Plumbobber has Dark Mode available with an easy flip of a switch. It is located at the top, center-right of the App.

Note from TPlumbobber & NhimSim:
During installation, you’ll get a prompt asking whether you want to allow an app from an unknown publisher* to make changes to your computer.
You have to answer ‘Yes’ if you want to install The Plumbobber. Going forward this prompt will also pop up whenever you start The Plumbobber.
*Regarding the unknown publisher.
This is because we do not want to pay Microsoft for licensing for The Plumbobber

This does not go into your Mods folder. This needs to be installed.
The rest of the instructions are at the link below.

Is This It?
There is so much more to The Plumbobber App! Make sure to visit their website’s guide page for more information about The Plumbobber App!
The Plumbobber App was created by TPlumbobber & NhimSim.
To keep up with the App’s creation, you can follow them on Twitter!

Want an easy way to set up and track the Sims in your saves?
The Plumbobber App is free on their website!
Download at the link below!