Emily is the new face of The Sims 4 Tutorials and Lessons!
The Sims 4 Base Game is going Free to Play in less than a week!
To prepare the Base Game for this big ocassion, EA has dropped a New Update for The Sims 4, covering New Content, Improvements and Bug Fixes.
For new players, The Sims Team has updated the game with a new Guidance System that will walk you through all the important aspects of the game. This includes these aspects within the game:
- Create A Sim
- Build Mode
- Live Mode
- World Menu
The Sims 4 Emily’s Guidance System
As you enter specific areas within The Sims 4 you’ll have Emily to walk you through each one!
For those who don’t know – Emily is a LlamaZoom expert who got introduced with The Sims Mobile. Now, she’s here to help new players find their way through the game.

As you go through different sections of the User Interface you’ll have Emily walk you through all the important things for each segment. The new tutorial now also includes topics and content from the latest Sims 4 Updates, which is always great to see.

The new Help Center icon within the User Interface is included in all aspects of The Sims 4. That is, if you’ve decided to leave the Guidance turned on in your Game Options.
The Help Center is a smarter way of getting to know each segment of The Sims 4. For example – you get detailed walkthroughs and Tips as you play different things in the game.

If you start the new Guidance from scratch then you’ll be prompted specifically which areas of each select world are suitable to continue your Sims 4 Guidance. For example – the starter lot in Copperdale where you’ll get to know new steps is marked with an orange icon.

What entails next?
Surprise surprise…it’s Emily again!
Choosing to continue the tutorial in Live Mode will grant you a special gift.

As you walk through the Live Mode tutorial you’ll receive guidance over Camera Controls and Movements. As well as basic Sim Controls and Shortcuts.
Completing the Live Mode Tutorial will grant you 5K Simoleons for your Sims to spend away!

Emily will still choose to show up from time to time. Depending on where you’re headed next.
For example, Build Mode will entail Emily’s fresh new arrival with tips & tricks on Objects, Placement and Tools.

The Sims 4 – New Tutorial Options
The Tutorials & Tips section within The Sims 4 Game Options got a slight revamp. You have the 3 following options:
- Enable Guidance System – Have your actions on the screen be followed every step of the way by Emily
- Reset Guidance System – This will reset Emily’s Guidance through The Sims 4 back to original, unseen state
- Enable Help Center Icon – Have Emily’s Tips & Tricks be displayed on the top, through the Help Center icon.

New Lessons
The Sims 4 Lessons have a whole new look!
Now, there are bigger categories for each segment of The Sims 4, with subcategories divided properly.

The new Sims 4 Tutorial and Emily’s Guidance will help tremendously for the upcoming players of The Sims 4.
Don’t forget – The Sims 4 Base Game is going FREE on October 18th, and we’ll be here every step of the way with Tips, Tricks, Tutorials and more Sims 4 content!