Growing Together The Sims 4 Guides

The Sims 4 Growing Together: Discover Every Toddler Quirk

The Sims 4 Toddler Quirks Guide

Every toddler quirk and how they influence your toddler’s unique temperament!

Sims 4 toddler quirks from the Growing Together expansion are just one way the expansion pack aims to make each child in the family unique. No longer relegated to one single trait, toddlers now gain up to three additional personality quirks that further define the way they behave and interact with others. Two toddlers with the same CAS trait can act wildly different depending on which quirks they acquire. This makes raising children feel like a unique experience every time. Depending on your toddler’s quirks, you might find yourself having to change your parenting strategy to cater to each individual child’s needs.

All About Sims 4 Toddler Quirks

There’s no tried and true way to gain specific Sims 4 toddler quirks. Toddlers will acquire new quirks as they experience different things through gameplay. You’re not guaranteed to develop a new quirk every time you do a specific action with your toddler, either. There’s only a chance you might get that quirk. For example, a toddler who wakes up in a negative emotional state might gain the Hates Wakeup Time quirk but they might not! Waking up in a bad mood doesn’t guarantee that your toddler will develop that quirk. There’s just a chance that they could. This dynamic keeps players on their toes and avoids repetitive, predictable gameplay.

The Sims 4 Growing Together Toddler Quirks
A toddler with the Loves Books quirk reading a picture book

Additionally, each toddler can only have up to three Sims 4 toddler quirks. Once they gain their third toddler quirk, they won’t be able to acquire any more. If you got lucky with a toddler that has three relatively easy quirks, you don’t need to worry about getting surprised with a bad one all of a sudden.

Toddlers also cannot have opposing quirks. For example, they can’t both love and hate being carried. If your toddler developed the Hates Being Carried quirk, they won’t wake up one day and suddenly decide they love being carried now. So if your toddler developed a difficult quirk, hoping that they might gain that quirk’s opposite is futile. You are stuck with that quirk whether you like it or not.

Unlike traits for older Sims, toddlers can’t change their personality based on what they are doing. You won’t receive an option to swap a toddler quirk for its opposite like you occasionally get for older Sims’ traits. Toddlers are very stubborn little Sims and if they decide they want things a certain way, there is no convincing them otherwise.

List of Toddler Quirks

All Toddler Quirks
Cheats were used to showcase all toddler quirks in the trait panel

There are a total of 18 different Sims 4 toddler quirks. Some are rather benign. Some make your toddler extremely unpleasant to deal with. You never really know what kind of toddler you’re going to get, which is pretty reflective of raising toddlers in the real world.

  • Hates Wakeup Time
  • Loves Wakeup Time
  • Heavy Sleeper
  • Light Sleeper
  • Early Riser
  • Hates Bedtime
  • Good Appetite
  • Messy Eater
  • Picky Eater
  • Hates Being Carried
  • Loves Being Carried
  • Loves Sounds
  • Loves Water
  • Loves Books
  • Little Singer
  • Wanderer
  • Destructive
  • Aggressive

You can read the descriptions for all Sims 4 toddler quirks below:

More Resources!

Toddlers are not the only life stage to have unique quirks in The Sims 4 Growing Together! Check out our infant care guide for details on infant quirks!

Looking to play a big family in a challenging setting? Why not download our latest The Sims 4 Story Starter Kit? This story kit will push your Growing Together gameplay to the limit!

About the author


A cranky old lady who prefers the company of cats and Sims over people. Occasionally peeks out from her lair long enough to chuck Sims articles at innocent bystanders.