Growing Together The Sims 4 Guides

Taking care of Infants in The Sims 4 Growing Together


Help your little one reach all those important milestones for a great start in life!

Sims 4 Growing Together Infants

If you played with infants prior to getting The Sims 4 Growing Together, you probably noticed that infant care suddenly became a lot more complicated. In fact, your infant can no longer sit up or crawl immediately upon aging up from a newborn. Of course, not being able to sit up means they can’t play with toys or explore foods in a high chair. They must learn these skills by hitting infant milestones. Additionally, you’ll have infant quirks to deal with as well, making raising infants in The Sims 4 Growing Together quite a challenge!

This guide covers additional information on infant care related to Growing Together. For information about tending to your infant’s basic needs, see our base game infant care guide.

The Sims 4 Growing Together Infant Milestones

Of course, if you want your Sims 4 Growing Together infant to start crawling around and playing with toys on their own, you’ll need to spend a lot of time with them reaching milestones. Milestones for infants are separated into Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Life, Social, and Firsts categories. The Gross Motor and Fine Motor categories are what you want to focus on to help your infant be a little more independent. However, the milestone panel is good at giving you hints for how to reach the next milestone.

Sims 4 Growing Together Infants
This infant can explore foods in a high chair because he has reached the Sit Up milestone

Of course, your infant can’t just skip right to sitting up and crawling. Just like in the real world, infants slowly progress through simple milestones first, then gradually reach more and more advanced milestones. Your infant in The Sims 4 Growing Together is no different. Infants will often have a greyed out milestone in their info panel. This is the next milestone that your infant is on track to reach. Hovering over that greyed out milestone will tell you how they can reach it. Of course, players must put effort into helping their infant reach all their Gross Motor and Fine Motor milestones. However, the Life, Social, and Firsts milestones are not necessarily required for infants to gain new independence. These milestones will happen more naturally through regular gameplay.

An infant reaching the Put Toe in Mouth milestone

Below are the list of Gross Motor and Fine Motor milestones, along with how to reach them. Additionally, infants must progress through these milestones in order.

Gross Motor Milestones

Gross Motor milestones will help your infant grow into a toddler with some Movement skill already.

  1. Lifted Head: Practice tummy time with your infant. Tummy Time can be found under Friendly > Activities.
  2. Rolled Over to Back: Practice tummy time with your infant.
  3. Rolled Over to Tummy: Practice tummy time with your infant.
  4. Learned to Creep: Practice tummy time with your infant.
  5. Learned to Sit Up: Practice sitting with your Sims 4 Growing Together infant. Practice Sitting can be found under Friendly > Activities. Reaching this milestone unlocks the Fun motive for infants. Also, it allows them to sit in a high chair to explore different foods.
  6. Learned to Dance: Have music playing near your infant frequently or teach them to dance on a stereo. Unlike most milestones in this category, infants can skip this one and go straight to crawling from sitting up.
  7. Learned to Crawl: Practice crawling with your infant. Practice Crawling can be found under Friendly > Activities.
  8. Pulled to Stand: Practice standing with your infant. Practice Standing can be found under Friendly > Activities. Also, we recommend leaving your infant alone for a minute after each Practice Standing session. To reach this milestone, your infant will autonomously crawl to a nearby piece of furniture to pull themselves up. So if this interaction gets interrupted, they won’t reach the milestone.

Fine Motor Milestones

Fine Motor milestones will help your infant grow into a toddler with some Thinking skill already.

  1. Learned to Reach: Use the infant play mat to look at toys or play with your infant.
  2. Learned to Grab: Use the play mat and give your infants toys to hold. Reaching this milestone allows your infant to interact with the play mat toys.
  3. Put Toe in Mouth: Play with toy box toys, dollhouses, blocks, or the play mat.
  4. Learned Pincer Grasp: Explore different mashed baby foods in a high chair with your infant. Reaching this milestone allows your infant to start trying finger foods in a high chair.
  5. Learned to Clap: Talk to and play with your infant frequently.
  6. Learned to Wave: Clapping and waving can be learned in either order. Just keep interacting with your infant. They are likely to wave to a caregiver they feel close to.
Sims 4 Growing Together Infants

Some Sims 4 Growing Together infant activities related to Fine Motor milestones cannot be done until the Sit Up and Creep Gross Motor milestones have been reached. So if you’re having trouble reaching some Fine Motor milestones, focus on Gross Motor milestones for a while!

Social Milestones

Social milestones will help your infant grow into a toddler with some Communication skill already. Like the Motor milestones, many of the social milestones need to be reached in order as your infant progresses from cooing to saying their first word.

  • First Smiled: Your infant will reach this milestone automatically upon aging up from a newborn!
  • Learned to Coo: Interaction from caregivers is key in developing most of the social milestones. Talk to your infant frequently to hear them coo at you in response.
  • Learned to Laugh: We found the best way to reach this milestone was to each the Grab milestone first then give them toys to play with. Our infants often laughed for the first time while playing with a toy box toy.
  • Learned to Babble: Infants learn to talk by hearing adults talk around them. Talk to you infant frequently and they will start to babble at you in response.
  • Learned to Blow a Raspberry: Our infant reached this milestone seemingly at random while playing on his play mat. However, continuing to talk to your infant or demonstrating this skill by blowing raspberries on their tummy may also help reach this milestone.
  • Said First Word: Continued socialization with your infant is key here. Our infant said his first word in his crib after his mother spent some time talking to him.
  • Learned to Blow a Kiss: This is another milestone our infant seemed to reach all on their own but we’d recommend helping this along by kissing them or blowing kisses at other Sims in front of them to demonstrate.
  • Learned Peek-a-Boo: Play peek-a-boo with your infant frequently!

Life Milestones

Life milestones are not as important for unlocking new activities for your infant. They are just a way to commemorate big moments in life.

  • Born/Born at a Hospital: This milestone will show up as Born if they were adopted or born at home. If they were born at a hospital, it will show up as Born at a Hospital. It’s not possible to have both versions of this milestone but they count as the same milestone.

Additional milestones like a sibling or a pet joining the family may be possible to get in this category as well but these milestones are not infant-specific.

Firsts Milestones

Firsts milestones don’t need to be reached in any particular order. They don’t come with any benefits, either. Like Life milestones, they are simply there to commemorate your infant’s first experiences in life.

  • First Visitors: Introduce your infant to a visiting Sim!
  • First Family Visit: Take your infant to a relative’s house and have them interact with their extended family.
  • First Trip to the Park: Take your infant to a park lot!
  • First Vacation: Take your infant on a vacation!
  • First Bath: Give your infant a bath.
  • First Bubble Bath: Give your infant a bubble bath.
  • First Baby Food: After reaching the Sit Up milestone, explore baby foods with your infant in a high chair
  • Slept Through the Night: Even if your infant does not like sleeping in their crib, continue trying to get them to sleep in the crib. You can soothe them to sleep or use the baby mobile on an upgraded crib to help lull them to sleep. Once they get used to it, they will eventually sleep through the night without waking up.
  • First Finger Food: After reaching the Sit Up and Pincer Grasp milestones, try some finger foods with your infant in a high chair.
  • First Diaper Blowout: This milestone is completely random! Your infant may experience a diaper blowout. Also, gassy infants are more likely to have diaper blowouts.
  • Peed on Caregiver: Another random milestone. Whenever your Sim attempts to change their infant’s diaper, there’s a chance the infant could pee during the diaper change. Our infant peed on his father while he changed him at a changing table.

The Sims 4 Growing Together Infant Quirks

Additionally, there are a total of 18 Sims 4 Growing Together infant quirks that infants can acquire naturally through gameplay. However, they are largely random; sometimes an infant may develop a quirk based on what they’re doing, sometimes they won’t. Also, infants can have up to three quirks at a time. So some quirks are just cute little habits your infant will do more frequently. However, others may make raising them more of a challenge for their parents!

Sleeping in Caregiver's Arms
This Snuggly Sleeper infant has a hard time sleeping unless he’s in his caregiver’s arms.

So, here is the full list of infant quirks:

  • Snuggly Sleeper
  • Early Riser
  • Hates Being Held
  • Loves Being Held
  • Gassy
  • Picky Eater
  • Good Appetite
  • Messy Eater
  • Happy Spitter
  • Frequently Hiccups
  • Frequently Sneezes
  • Loves Wakeup Time
  • Hates Wakeup Time
  • Loves Sounds
  • Little Babbler
  • Free-Air Tinkler
  • Feeding Tinkler
  • Self-Soother

Also, you can read the descriptions of each Sims 4 Growing Together infant quirk below:

The Sims 4 Growing Together: Infant Activities

Additionally, The Sims 4 Growing Together adds some other new objects and activities for infants that are not in the base game, such as the infant play mat, changing tables, and infant back carriers! In fact, here’s a quick breakdown of these items.

Play Mat

Sims 4 Growing Together Infants

Indeed, the play mat will help your Sims 4 Growing Together infant reach a lot of their Gross Motor and Fine Motor milestones. So we highly recommend having one for your infants. Also, they are quite versatile because your infants can sleep on them, play with the dangle toys, and have tummy time on them.

Changing Tables

Changing Tables

We’re a little confused as to why changing tables are not in the base game but in any case, they are a Sims 4 Growing Together infant item. Of course, they work much the same as a dresser. Sims can change their infant’s outfits and change their diapers. Also, the changing table can be used to change outfits and diapers on toddlers. Furthermore, make sure to put a diaper bin next to it if you don’t want to clean up diaper waste on the floor. Additionally, there is a wall-mounted changing table designed for public bathrooms.

Infant Carriers

Sims 4 Growing Together Infants

Additionally, infant carriers can easily transport your infant and take them out into the world. Of course, Sims can take walks and even go jogging with an infant on their back. Also, some infants, such as Snuggly Sleeper infants, sleep better when in a back carrier.

Moreover, for additional information on back carriers, see our guide.

About the author


A cranky old lady who prefers the company of cats and Sims over people. Occasionally peeks out from her lair long enough to chuck Sims articles at innocent bystanders.