The Sims 4 Guides Home Chef Hustle

The Sims 4 Home Chef Hustle: New Aspirations

Sims 4 Home Chef Hustle Aspirations

Learn all about the new aspirations in Home Chef Hustle!

Want to know more about the two new Home Chef Hustle Aspirations? Then we’ve got you covered!

Grab your Sims and get cooking with these two new aspirations. Whether your Sim wants to keep it cool and become an Appliance Whiz to learn about all about small kitchen appliances or become a Market Magnate and have the best Food Stall, both of these are welcome additions to the Aspirations family.

Sims 4 Home Chef Hustle Aspiration
Bob Pancakes making Waffles using the new Waffle Maker Small Appliance

Appliance Wiz Overview

“This Sim knows their way around the small kitchen appliances!

The new Appliance Whiz aspiration can be located under the Food section of the Sims 4 Aspirations panel. It comes with four Milestone levels each having several sub-milestones for Sims to complete. It doesn’t look like this is a difficult aspiration to complete and will have your Sims raising their cooking skills and knowledge throughout!

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The milestones your Sim would need to complete for the Appliance Whiz aspiration are as follows:

Chop Chopper

  • Collect Prepped Ingredients 5 times while Inspired
  • Own 1 small kitchen appliance

Slicer and Dicer

  • Experience Sped Up Cooking 5 timers
  • Collect 3 Prepped Ingredients that were made using Fresh Ingredients

Flavor Fusionist

  • Collect 1 excellent quality Prepped Ingredient
  • Cook 5 times while listening to music
  • Cook meals using 6 unique Prepped Ingredients

Mixing Maestro

  • Make Pleasantly-Unpleasant Waffles
  • Make a Prepped ingredient using a Stand Mixer with at least one Upgrade
  • Cook 2 Pizzas or Waffles at a single Goaled Social Event after reaching Silver

Completion Reward

Upon completion of the Appliance Whizz aspiration, your Sim will be awarded with the Batch Cook Reward Trait.

Batch Cook Reward Trait: Sims with this trait get duplicates of any recipe they cook with Prepped Ingredients.

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Time to whip up some Cookie Dough!

Are you ready to take a look at what it takes to be a Market Magnate?? Let’s check out the next Home Chef Hustle Aspirations from the new Stuff Pack.

Market Magnate Overview

This Sim wants to operate the most profitable food stand!

The Market Magnate Aspiration can be found under the Fortune section of the Sims 4 Aspirations Panel. What looks like to be another fun Home Chef Hustle Aspiration to complete but could also provide a little bit of a challenge. Especially if you want to be the best and most profitable Food Stall in town!

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The milestones your Sim would need to complete for the Market Magnate aspiration are as follows:

Carb Commerce

  • Run a Food Sale from a residential lot
  • Sell 5 excellent Pizzas or Waffles during a Food Sale

Nom Nom Nomad

  • Run Food Sales from 2 different lots
  • Convince customers to buy something 5 times during a Food Sale

Hustling Hawker

  • Earn $500 during a single Food Sale
  • Tend a Food Stand for more than 6 hours
  • Sell a poor quality item for $100

Street Stall Sage

  • Resurrect a Ghost by selling Ambrosia
  • Earn $10,000 by completing Food Sales
  • Sell one meal for $300

Completion Reward

Upon completion of the Market Magnate aspiration, your Sim will be awarded with the Booth Boss Reward Trait.

Booth Boss: Booth Bosses can set higher markups and are more successful at Convincing Customers to Buy while using Food Stands and Sales Tables.

Home Chef Hustle Aspiration
Bob Pancakes hosting his first ever Food Sale

That’s everything you need to know about the new Home Chef Hustle Aspirations from the latest Stuff Pack! If you are looking for more guides and articles about the expansion, why not head over to our dedicated section for The Sims 4 Home Chef Hustle?

About the author


Hey, I'm Krista! Long time Simmer and Sims Community Staff.

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