The Sims 4 The Sims 4 Updates

The Sims 4: New Update + Patch Notes! (February 2nd, 2017)

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The Sims Team has released a brand new Update for The Sims 4, adding some changes to the main menu.

To download the latest version of The Sims 4, simply open your Origin program and if the game doesn’t update automatically, right click on The Sims 4 and select ”Update”.

In case you have Mods or Custom Content, the game will automatically disable them for you after first launching The Sims 4 after the update. To re-enable all your Mods and Custom Content, select the Settings option in the Menu and select Settings. Under the”Other” section you’ll find the ”Enable Custom Content and Mods” option. Check it and restart your game in order for it to take effect!

Patch Notes

Update: 02/02/2017 – PC Version / Mac Version

Happy Anniversary Simmers!

It was 16 years, 11 months, and 29 days ago that the Sims were born!! And we wanted to be the first to wish you all a Happy 16th11th29th Anniversary!

Since then, there have been well over a 100 Sim births and deaths. 10s of homes built, and burned, and…

Ok, look, they don’t actually give me any real stats. I’m sure I’m close though… somewhere within a light year of error… it’s all relative.

This little life-simulation game about telling stories, controlling lives, burning down kitchens, inviting the neighbors to hang out in your basement and then removing the doors, building amazing homes, and just watching their lives unfold as you tweak away, is now (almost) 17 years old, and we hope you have, had, and will have fun with The Sims!

With that, we have just a little new…

The Main Menu has gone through a small redressing.

Upon your next load, you will be met with a new, but hopefully familiar looking, Main Menu. The summary of changes being:

  • Continue (the big play button), other than a location shift, functions exactly as it did
  • New Game and Load Game have come down from their hidden corner, and are now found alongside the Continue button.
  • Adding a household to an existing save is located on the Map view screen in the lower right
  • The upper right menus have been simplified to only include Gallery and the Options menu
  • And the lower left contains all the information you might want regarding packs.

We’ve also added a shirt (for toddlers and older) to celebrate the 17th anniversary (found in Create a Sim in the T-Shirt sort).

And we have a couple of critical issue fixes…

General Issues

  • We addressed an issue that could cause the baby to disappear upon age up.
    • While this is joyous news for parents everywhere, this does pose a significant population issue in Neverland. And we can only wait out the potential pirate to lost boy gap, as it draws ever closer in the favor of the pirates.
  • We addressed an issue that could result in toddlers being placed down through a wall, and outside of their home, if carried to use an object that was against an outer wall.
    • Ask any parent, and they will tell you “Of course toddlers are magical!” Ask them again to place their toddlers through a wall, and they will yell at your ridiculous suggestion.
      • It’s a two-faced world folks, and we’re just living in it.
  • Addressed an issue that could cause a toddler to become stuck next to an elevator upon loading the lot.
    • This fix will address future occurrences, however, to correct the issue in an already saved game, travel to another lot with the toddler and return.
  • We addressed an out of sync voice and animation issue that was causing our Sims to be ever so slightly off.
    • Had that early film feel, except without the cool fighting, or person in rubber monster suit scenes.

Outdoor Retreat

  • Rental Lots can now have their lot type changed, and are no longer locked in Granite Falls.

Get Together

  • Club perks and points will no longer reset after loading into an unowned lot and then returning.

And with that… we wish you a happy journey with us on The Sims, and look forward to your machinima, blogs, tweets, posts, screens, and vids of all things Sims.


About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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Sorita Erasmus
Sorita Erasmus
4 years ago

All is well but they still haven’t fix the lagging and the crashing issues that is the main problem with that said sims is starting to become impossible to play how can we enjoy n game with that issue’s

Broken Plumbob
Broken Plumbob
4 years ago

wait why would the update be half a gigabyte?

Pascal Fernandes
Pascal Fernandes
4 years ago
Reply to  Broken Plumbob

ther definatly have new hidden codes ingame now for future Sps and the enxt EP

Broken Plumbob
Broken Plumbob
4 years ago

Yep I totaly agree but I’m sure they have hidden something big

Broken Plumbob
Broken Plumbob
4 years ago

Just some T-shirts really?

4 years ago
Reply to  Broken Plumbob

Well, I think we all have to accept the fact that not every month will bring new content as large as toddlers…

4 years ago
Reply to  Broken Plumbob

MTE. Humbug.

Sorita Erasmus
Sorita Erasmus
4 years ago
Reply to  Jessica

This is a bug in the UI. Even though it says 32-bit, it’ll still boot up in 64. This is why sims keep crashing it whas said on the internet

Sorita Erasmus
Sorita Erasmus
4 years ago
Reply to  Sorita Erasmus

Not even a stuff pack like bowling night or a game pack can get me to be exited not unless they fix the lagging and crashing bugs I,m just not interested in Sims 4 anymore not until it’s fixed sorry EA

Noah Ilene
Noah Ilene
4 years ago

It can also be because your computer isn’t upgraded enough to deal with the sims. After switching from an older computer to a less old computer they stopped doing it.

4 years ago

What about the issue where all food above level 3 is “poor quality” in restaurants? This has been an issue since October, all my 5 Star restaurants are now 3 Stars and serving level 2 food 🙁

Angie Garza
Angie Garza
4 years ago

Does anyone know if the sims 4 will come out on xbox one?

Nayda Sadr
Nayda Sadr
4 years ago

After updating, I lost all my Sims/households/homes/etc…How do I retrieve everything?

4 years ago

I’m not sure why it would do that. You might want to contact the help forum for Sims 4 or EA help and ask there. Just let them know you have a 64 bit computer but, the game won’t let you put it in 64 bit mode without it crashing. I’m not sure why it’s not working for you. I wish I could help more, but I’m no expert.

Sorita Erasmus
Sorita Erasmus
4 years ago
Reply to  Mmoblitz

Thank u so much i will do that i did contact EA through origin i got a case no too and it said they will contact me in 48 hours but that whas 4 days ago and still heard nothing and guess i will have to play without my cc then it does not crash it,s only when i add my cc

Sorita Erasmus
Sorita Erasmus
4 years ago
Reply to  Sorita Erasmus

That not a problem i can play in 32 bit mode that how i played before i had no problems but after the update it’s just a soon as i add any cc then it crashes and it’s all updated cc

4 years ago

Is anyone else not ebla to re-enable mods? I restarted the game at least 5 times now, but it just says that mods have been disabled and won’t let me click the icon. The box is ticked, but it’s a paler green and my CC certainly isn’t in game.

Sorita Erasmus
Sorita Erasmus
4 years ago
Reply to  Julia

Hi julia i had a lot of the same problems my game crashed if i just added 1 mod although is whas a updated mod so i inserted the sims 4 cd 1 opened it click on origin and restored my origin to previous version it told me that there is a newer ver on my pc would i like to istall this previous ver and i said yes i added my cc all of it went in the game and nothing happend so far have been playing for7 hours now and still no crashing maybe you can try that untill ea fixes the problem

Rosemary Forst
Rosemary Forst
4 years ago

i have no mods and since toddlers came into the game the sims stand there for 4-6 simhours and dont move after a command is given. then they usually end up peeing themselves or dying because their commands just disappear and they just stand there. i was told this was a thing that a lot of other simmers are dealing with.

this is the issue i thought you guys would address.

Priyanka Parmar
Priyanka Parmar
4 years ago
Reply to  Rosemary Forst

did you manage to find a solution to this problem? i cant seem to do anything about it

4 years ago
Reply to  Rosemary Forst

Glad I’m not the only one. The only way to get them to move, for me, is to pause the game for a few seconds. But sometimes it’s nonstop.

Rosemary Forst
Rosemary Forst
4 years ago
Reply to  Jessica

Pausing doesnt even work for me. I even tried resetting the sims. Nothing. I noticed the bigger my family or the bigger the house or the more stuff i have in my house will cause it. So i cant have more than 2 sims in my family and i usually have to live in a studio like house. Then it happens kess frequently.