The Sims 4 Electronic Arts

EA has changed prices for The Sims 4 Packs in multiple countries


UPDATE: EA Help has confirmed that the following countries will have new prices for The Sims 4 Packs:

  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • Denmark
  • Italy
  • Korea
  • Mexico
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • South Africa
  • United Kingdom

They also provided a very brief explanation on why did this price update happen:

When foreign exchange rates, currency values, and regional markets change, we have to update our prices.

We were able to keep prices the same for years, but these changes are causing updates.

Electronic Arts has decided to update its Origin service with new, more expensive prices for The Sims 4’s Stuff Packs, Game Packs and Expansion Packs.

Right now we have information that multiple countries have suffered these price changes. Here are the updated pack prices in some of the countries mentioned:


  • Stuff Packs: R$ 19.90 > R$ 39.90
  • Game Packs: R$ 39.90 > R$79.90
  • Expansion Packs: R$ 79.90 > R$ 129.90


  • Stuff Packs: 39.90 PLN > 49.90 PLN
  • Game Packs: 59.90 PLN > 69.90 PLN
  • Expansion Packs: 119.90 PLN > 139.90 PLN


  • Stuff Packs: 9.99$ > 12.99$
  • Game Packs: 19.99$ > 25.99$
  • Expansion Packs: 39.99$ > 51.99$

United Kingdom

  • Stuff Packs:  7.99£ > 9.99£

Back in June 2017 EA has confirmed to us on why do these price changes occasionally happen – back when they updated the prices for Expansion and Game Packs in the UK:

Periodically, we update prices on our games due to currency fluctuations and regional market changes.  With the significant decline of the British Pound Sterling against other currencies including the U.S. Dollar and The Euro, as well as other market factors, we are increasing our UK wholesale pricing for EA console and PC titles this year, which will in turn increase our UK Recommended Retail prices.


Let’s take the Brazilian Dollar as an example: Game Packs used to cost around 12 USD in Brazil. Now, they cost 24 USD in Brazil.

Via Google

EA has changed prices for The Sims 4 Packs in multiple countries EA has changed prices for The Sims 4 Packs in multiple countries

This price change has probably been applied to other EA games as well.

We yet have to see how much will this influence retail stores in these countries…

We’ll keep updating you on this story as it develops!

Thanks to DotSim, @WinterAutora and MelissaStarbees for additional info!

About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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4 years ago

How come it says 50% off on my Xbox for the island living expansion pack which ends up being $29.97 and then I click into it and it adjusts the price to $59.95?

Coco boo
Coco boo
4 years ago

Can you put sims4 on phone? Because it’s soooo cool and I have always wanted to try the sims4 but not there because it’s only on computer from all the videos and speed builds I’ve watched

4 years ago

Seasons just came out and I wanted it then I checked the price and knew I wasn’t getting it because that is over my budget (im from Canada) so now I have to wait till its on sale

Sally Winter
Sally Winter
4 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing about this abuse on the prices in Brazil! 🙂 S2

4 years ago

Won’t be buying anymore sims packs .. this is way to much money! We have families to feed!!

4 years ago

I am from Poland. I don’t understand this situation

Jessica Klyn
Jessica Klyn
4 years ago
Reply to  Maks

USD is all powerful.. the game is created using American money, therefore you must pay for the product in the same currency. But instead of the whole world using USD, you pay the equivalent of the cost in your country’s currency.

4 years ago
Reply to  Maks

będzie drożej, tak wygląda sytuacja o 10 zł na każdej części

4 years ago

Ok but like can we talk about Ecuador too? The expansion packs are 50 american bucks! Like, wtf, and we are not even on the list, great.

4 years ago

I have been a Sims supporter since the first one came out, but $52 dollars CDN for an expansion pack that essentially paints the ground white is really sad. I know EA only wants to make as much money as possible, but how do they plan on making more money by losing so many customers? I, myself am out, EA has finally lost me for good here. Nearly all of their games are complete failures anyways now-a-days.

Here is a price breakdown in Canadian dollars:
The Sims 4 (base game) $64.99 (For a game that is almost 4 years old now)
Expansion Packs (5 in total so far) $51.99 each or $259.95 for all.
Game Packs (6 in total so far) $25.99 each or $155.94 for all.
Stuff Packs (14 in total so far) $12.99 each or $181.86 for all.

If someone wanted to own the entire game in Canada it would cost them $662.74. This, for only one game. I realize that there are many other countries that have been treated very poorly by EA, I have just written this from my perspective.

4 years ago

I’m not paying $50 for an expansion pack that shouldn’t have been $40 to begin with. This sucks. Never thought I would say this but I’m done with Sims. Sims 3 was the best of all of them despite the glitching but Sims 4 promised way too much for a price way too high.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jacklyn

I can buy full new games almost for the same price that they make a single dlc. And these expansions are not like the old days where they actually contained lots of content. Unless I see a 80% or more sale then that’s what I’m gonna do.

4 years ago

Went to get the Seasons pack and just found out about this, not paying 50 dollars for an expansion when a brand new full release is 60.

4 years ago

Oh great, so now it’s even less worth spending money on it
People actually start boycotting the new stuff pack, we’ll see how it goes

4 years ago

I’m so upset

4 years ago

I won’t even say here where they can stick new stuff pack then, and every upcoming one I won’t buy single thing from now on and I see many my friends will do this same

4 years ago

The fact that the currency changes it’s value doesn’t mean that people make more money per hour, specially in brazil, R$40 is way to much!

4 years ago
Reply to  Pampiie

Exactly! I’m actually giving up have all sims packs. It’s so over my budget that what was almost become real now it is just a dream and I’m back to have to save to have just the ones I REALLY want. And ours, Brazil prices, it’s the most expensive, Poland and UK are paying 14 dollars! Canada is paying 10 bucks… it’s so unfair… It isn’t enough that nintendo doesn’t sell in here anymore and now this???

129BRL for a EXPANSION PACK???? Sure, EA… watch me buy a PS4 game instead a TS4

Jessica Klyn
Jessica Klyn
4 years ago
Reply to  Watashinomori

You do realize EA has nothing to with the fact your country’s economy sucks right? They have to make their money back on production or there won’t be anymore sims… EA is greedy yes, but if the game is being priced at $10USD then you will pay $10USD… No one is paying more or less, it just seems that way because of exchange rates. I used to pay $9.99CAN now I have to pay $13.49CAN which is $10USD… Not EAs fault Brazil’s money is crap no offence .. if you wanna get mad at anyone get mad at your government for encouraging a lackluster economy.

4 years ago

I’m from the UK, I just checked how much $9.99 is in GBP, and it is still £7.25… not £9.99… £10 is way too much!

4 years ago

It’s not in $ it’s £9.99. Definitely too much for yet another stuff pack. There will probably be another price increase on the next Expansion too.

4 years ago

I agree. Since I’m from the U.K I wouldn’t buy anyone packs from Origin this year. Still not ok the way EA treat Brazil, UK, Canada and Poland.

4 years ago
Reply to  Yomi

They treat Brazil the worst… everyone does actually… and we are one of the biggest game markets… sure… the huehuebr are really annoying but even so…
sorry my broken english… I’m so heart broken it is really hard top process a foreign grammar right now….

4 years ago

I know! We’re essentially paying $14 for the smallest pack they offer when we can get fanmade stuff online for free!

4 years ago

I will not be paying $51.99 for an expansion pack in Canada. Way to go you guys will be losing alot of people over this.

4 years ago
Reply to  Marissa

51.99 by by jungle adventure dont need it now

4 years ago
Reply to  Marissa

You can always buy it at Best Buy Canada or on for $39.99. That what stupid about all this. That what I did with seasons. I’m not paying $51.99 for a sims 4 expansion pack.

4 years ago
Reply to  Marissa

That’s what I was thinking!! It’s way too much! I’m definitely not going to be buying expansions or game packs and time soon, I’m starting to reconsider get stuff packs too.

Michel Lamontagne
Michel Lamontagne
4 years ago

Considering how many hours I will play with a pack (compared to how much it costs to go see a movie or a play, for example), I’ve never been one to complain at the prices, but ± 30% more, in Canada, still seems a bit much to me.

4 years ago

I’m so happy that they haven’t change price in Finland! Hopefully they won’t change..

4 years ago

So, in Brazil, all packs, game packs and expansions will cost R$1450,00 (without the base game price).

60% of Brazilian workers earn less than this per month.*


4 years ago

this isnt maxis, this is EA forcing them to do this. i guess since they’re losing money on their loot boxes, they have to get it from somewhere else.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jenny

Funny how EA haven’t learned on their EPIC failed on the Loot Boxes scandal in Star Wars: Battleground 2 last year.

4 years ago

So we are being punished because they screwed up loot boxes in Battlefront 2 and lost a load of money?

4 years ago
Reply to  Emma

That’s probably it right there

4 years ago

The recent price changes of The Sims 4 games in Canada is serious abuse of our love for the franchise.

12$ more plus taxes on an EP??! As a disabled person, it’s so hard already getting money just for the Expansion Packs normally, but now it will become impossible to justify with taxes. I’m sure it will be the same for a lot of poor people, students, struggling parents, etc.

As much as Sims is one of the only I can do at home now because of my health, that’s the end of adding things on Sims for me I think… so disappointed by how EA treats its customers, we already don’t get enough content per packs compared to Sims 3 and now this 🙁