We are now 100% certain that EA’s recent decision to update their prices in select countries will affect not only Origin but other retail websites as well!
Retail website GAME UK has just listed The Sims 4 Romantic Garden Stuff Pack for Xbox One for a price of £9.99 – which is 2 pounds more than the price which was used for Stuff Packs before the recent price changes.
These price changes have already been applied on Origin in countries mentioned in this list. However, it seems that EA is slowly but surely updating pack prices for other retail websites and retail stores as well.
If you live in one of the 12 countries affected by these price changes we suggest that you get a pack that you’ve been longing for in your nearby retail store / website located in your area before they update prices as well.
Please note that if your country hasn’t been mentioned in this list you have nothing to worry about – at least not for this year. EA is doing these changes to reflect accurate exchange rates and currency values between other countries.
Its because of the exchange rate. It happens.
Yeah, sure. 1 USD = 3.34 PLN, and they are selling $9.99 stuff pack for 49.99zł in Poland. Exchange rate my a**.
The UK is paying $14.13 worth for a stuff pack when you convert the currencies.
This isn’t fair.
$14.97 in Poland. Such a rich country…
in Canada.
I’m a 13 year old girl and I have to buy my own stuff do you know how hard it is?