Seasons The Sims 4 Cheats

The Sims 4 Seasons Cheats


Control the weather and unlock gameplay with these Sims 4 Seasons Cheats!

With the release of The Sims 4 Seasons, we have a few more cheats to use in our games. There are new death cheats, career cheats, trait cheats, and skill cheats! Thanks to Sims Online for finding the death & trait cheats!

All of the following cheats require testing cheats to be enabled, CTRL + Shift + C and type in testingcheats true

You can find all The Sims 4 cheats on our Official Cheats Page!

The skill cheats have not been added to this page. They will be added once The Sims 4 team fixes the bug.

Here is the official post on twitter for the skill cheats bug:

A few issues we’re aware of, that I’ve been getting lots of reports on:

Skill cheats aren’t working
Watering plants loops infinitely if your Gardening skill is level 1
Grass is greener, dirt is browner than usual
Fireplaces won’t light
Roof texture is on the eaves

— SimGuruNick (@SimGuruNick) June 19, 2018

Seasons Cheats

  • seasons.advance_season – skip to next Season
  • seasons.set_season 0-3 (0 – Summer, 1 – Fall, 2 – Winter, 3 – Spring)
  • weather.summon_lightning_strike – cause lightning to strike something randomly on the ground
  • weather.lightning_strike_object – cause lightning to strike a random object
  • weather.lightning_strike_here – You can enter x y z coordinates to hit a specific location on the terrain
  • weather.request_forecast 1-28 – Shows weather forecast on calendar for 1-28 days

Sims 4 Death Cheats

Death by Overheating

traits.equip_trait Ghost_Overheat

traits.remove_trait Ghost_Overheat

The Sim will immediately turn into a ghost. You’ll be able to use the special interaction to warm up other Sim.

Death by Freezing

traits.equip_trait Ghost_Frozen

traits.remove_trait Ghost_Frozen

The Sim will immediately turn into a ghost. You’ll be able to use the special interaction to cool Sim off.

Sims 4 Seasons Career Cheats

Gardening Career Promotion

careers.promote Adult_Gardener

Get promoted in the Gardener career (Botanist and Florist) can level up to 10.

Trait Cheats

Storm Chaser Sim

traits.equip_trait Stormchaser

Storm Chaser Sims love stormy weather and thrive in terrifying conditions.

Waterproof Sim

traits.equip_trait Waterproof

Waterproof Sims do not get wet in the rain.

Iceproof Sim

traits.equip_trait IceMan

Iceproof Sims are not negatively affected by cold temperatures and enjoy the cold.

Heatproof Sim

traits.equip_trait BurningMan

Heatproof Sims are not negatively affected by hot temperatures and enjoy the heat.

Heat Acclimation

traits.equip_trait HeatAcclimation

Sims with Heat Acclimation aren’t affected as much by hot weather, but can still feel the effects.

Cold Acclimation

traits.equip_trait ColdAcclimation

Sims with Cold Acclimation aren’t affected as much by chilly weather, but can still feel the effects.

Scouting Aptitude

traits.equip_trait ScoutingAptitude

All of your Scouting ability makes future earning of Skills a little bit easier. This works for kids, teens and adults.

Father Winter’s Baby

traits.equip_trait FatherWinterBaby

Your Sims dad is Father Winter!

Gardening Item Spawnables

Want to add new seeds in your game? We’ve updated our Sims 4 Cheats Page with all of the new gardening collectibles that you get!

About the author


I have been an artist most of my life and fell in love with The Sims franchise in 2000. Since then I have honed my artistic ability to make custom content for the Sims community. My hobbies include: painting, poetry, gaming, and cooking.

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