The Sims 4 The Gallery

The Sims 4 Gallery: Default Filter Reverting Back to “Newest” Soon

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Ever since the latest update for The Sims 4’s Gallery many Simmers have started noticing that their new creations are not getting recognition like they did before. Considering the fact that the new update changed the default filter of creations shown on The Gallery’s front screen from Newest to Popular Now it’s quite possible that this change is affecting plenty of people.

SimGurus admit that lowering the amount of downloads on new creations wasn’t their intent and that they plan to revert back the default filters soon. How soon? It’s not known yet but definitely not in the update that’s confirmed to be coming this Thursday.

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Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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