The Sims 4 The Sims Mobile

The Sims Mobile Developers are moving to The Sims 4 Team


UPDATE: SimGuruBeth has also announced her switch to The Sims 4 Team!

With the official announcement that The Sims Mobile’s development is moving all the way to Australia at the Firemonkeys Studio, many have been left wondering what’s going to happen with the current developers / SimGurus that have worked on The Sims Mobile at EA Redwood. Although we haven’t received an official announcement yet, we are seeing a few SimGurus slowly but surely making a switch to The Sims 4 / Maxis HD titles.

As soon as the unofficial report came out about the big switch, SimGuruFelix, UI / UX developer made an announcement that he’ll be switching to The Sims HD Team. More specifically, to The Sims 4:

Just a few days ago there’s been an announcement that SimGuruFrost, who previously worked as a Community Manager for The Sims Mobile is getting a new role as a Community Manager for The Sims 4 and the Game Changers for that game:

We also have SimGuruAzure who seems to have updated her Twitter bio from stating that she’s working on The Sims Mobile to “Producer at Maxis”. Previously she worked as a developer on The Sims 4 from day one, then she switched to The Sims Mobile Team and now it seems she’s back working on The Sims 4 again.

The same goes for SimGuruGibson who recently updated his Twitter bio to “Gameplay Engineer for The Sims 4”.

There’s still a few Sims Mobile SimGurus that haven’t updated their profiles yet nor have they made an announcement about their new home. But, it seems that, now that The Sims Mobile will be handled by a whole new team, the current Mobile Gurus will switch to Maxis HD titles / The Sims 4.

Please note that the fact that The Sims Mobile developers are switching to a new team *doesn’t* mean they’ll also be switching the development process and practices to The Sims 4.

About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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