The Sims 4 Guides Get Famous Moschino Stuff

The Sims 4 Moschino Stuff x Get Famous: Becoming a Model

08 08 19 10 20 47 PM

Presented by EA Game Changers

It seemed odd to me that Moschino Stuff didn’t come with a modeling career. After all, isn’t Moschino a fashion label? Modeling seemed like the natural choice for a pack like this, especially since modeling is something we really haven’t seen in The Sims franchise since The Sims Superstar back in the early 2000s. Not that the Fashion Photography career isn’t good; it’s a lot of fun, but I do still wonder why modeling wasn’t the career of choice, instead.

When I got my hands on Moschino Stuff, I decided to play around with the Fashion Photographer career from both the standpoint of the photographer and from the photo subject; the model. I wanted to see if there was a way my Sims could still work and gain fame as a model, even if only indirectly.

I made a Sim to be my photographer and moved her in with Venessa Jeong from the Get Famous expansion. Venessa would be my model. Then I placed the photo studio styled room from Moschino Stuff in Venessa’s spacious backyard and got to work.

What I discovered was that after a Sim has their photo taken, the photos automatically go into the photographer’s inventory, not the model’s. This makes sense, considering the pack is focused on the photographer, but I wanted to see if there was any way Venessa could receive either money or fame from the photos my Sim took of her. I dragged the photos out of the inventory and onto a wall, then had Venessa upload them to her Simstagram. I expected my photographer to gain fame from this action, not Venessa. I had tried something like this in the past and that’s what happened.

I was elated to see that Venessa was the one who received fame from uploading the photos! I then had her sell the photos to a publication and once again, Venessa got the fame boost for it. Since Venessa and my photographer were part of the same household, they both technically received the funds. I didn’t test what would happen if they were in different households, but I’d be very interested to see if Venessa still gets the money from that action if the photographer wasn’t in the same household.

So effectively, your Sims can become a famous model using Moschino Stuff and Get Famous, which is a neat little thing I didn’t expect. As long as the model is the one uploading and selling the photos, the model is the one who will receive the benefits of those actions.

Want to make your Sim’s modeling career feel a little more official? You can call the Ministry of Labour and register as a self-employed model to give your Sim their own job title and description. This feature was added to the base game in a previous free update.

About the author


A cranky old lady who prefers the company of cats and Sims over people. Occasionally peeks out from her lair long enough to chuck Sims articles at innocent bystanders.

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Katherine Norris
Katherine Norris
4 years ago

I love you if only for that author description… also thank you for this info. It was driving me crazy.

Katherine Norris
Katherine Norris
4 years ago

I love you if only for that author description… also thank you for this info. It was driving me crazy.