The Sims 4 Kits

The Sims 4 Castle Estate and Goth Galore are Now Available!

SIMS 4 Kits Goth Castle Out Now

EA releases two new Kits for The Sims 4 – priced at around 5USD each.

In a surprise announcement from The Sims Team this Tuesday, the development studio fully revealed two community-voted Sims 4 Kits. One titled The Sims 4 Goth Galore, which won the CAS Kit popular vote, as well as Castle Estate which dominated the Build Kit results.

Well, both Kits are available now on select platforms! Let us walk you through each recommended online retailer and how you can get the new Kits:

The Sims 4 Goth Galore Kit

Looking to accessorize your CAS with dark fantasy fashion? The latest Sims 4 Kit titled Goth Galore gives you a unique set of new makeup, accessories and clothing for Sims primarily teen and up.

Sims 4 Kits: Goth Galore

Looking to get Sims 4 Goth Galore? Check out our list of recommended sites:

*The Eneba Store listing is an affiliate link done in partnership with the platform. Sims Community may earn a percentage of revenue from this deal.

The Sims 4 Castle Estate Kit

Builders who miss playing with exterior building blocks will be happy to know that one of the new Sims 4 Kits solves this!

The Castle Estate Build Kit will take you back to medieval days with open doorways, stained glass and rough architecture.

Sims 4 Castle Estate Kit

Want to get The Sims 4 Castle Estate for your Sims collection? You can do so for $4.99USD – or a price equivalent to your country, from the following recommended stores:

*The Eneba Store listing is an affiliate link done in partnership with the platform. Sims Community may earn a percentage of revenue from this deal.

What are your thoughts on the new Sims 4 Kits. Do you plan to get one, both or neither? Let us know in the community poll below!

Which new Kit for The Sims 4 do you plan to get?

Stay tuned on Sims Community for a full review of the new Sims 4 Kits.

About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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