News The Sims 4

The Sims 4 Create a Sim Demo – Traits & Aspirations

TS4CAS 2014 07 09 13 06 40 41

Please note: these screens were taken from The Sims 4 Create a Sim Demo. More content may be included in the original game.


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Active – These Sims tend to be Energized, can Pump Up other Sims, and may become upset if they don’t exercise for a period of time.

Cheerful – These Sims tend to be Happier than other Sims.

Creative – These Sims tend to be Inspired, can Share Creative Ideas with other Sims, and may become upset if they’re not creative for a period of time.

Genius – These Sims tend to be Focused, can Share Ideas with other Sims, and may become upset if they haven’t improved their Mental Skills for some time.

Gloomy – These Sims tend to be Sad, can Sigh to other Sims, and while Sad, gain a boost to their Creative Skill.

Goofball – These Sims tend to be playful.

Hot-Headed – These Sims tend to be Angry, can Rile up other Sims, and become Angry when targeted with Mischief.

Romantic – These Sims tend to be Flirty and may become Sad if they don’t have any Romantic social interactions for a period of time.

Self-Assured – These Sims tend to be Confident.



Art Lover – These Sims gain powerful Moodlets from viewing works of art and can Admire Art and discuss art in unique ways.

Bookworm – These Sims gain powerful Moodlets from reading Books and can analyze Books and discuss Books in unique ways.

Foodie – These Sims become Happy and have Fun when eating good food, become Uncomfortable when eating bad food, and can watch Cooking Shows for ideas.

Geek – These Sims become Happy when reading Sci-Fi or playing Video Games, may become Tense if they haven’t played much, are better at finding Collectibles, and can discuss Geek Things with other Geek Sims.

Music Lover – These Sims gain powerful Moodlets and boost their Fun Need when listening to Music and become Happy when playing instruments.

Perfectionist – These Sims take longer to craft items but tend to make them higher quality, gain powerful Moodlets after crafting a high quality item, and gain negative Moodlets after crafting a low quality item.



Ambitious – These Sims gain powerful Moodlets from Career success, gain negative Moodlets from career failure, and may become upset if not promoted.

Childish – These Sims gain powerful Moodlets from watching the Kids Network, become Playful when playing with Children, and become Happy when playing with Children’s toys.

Clumsy – These Sims tend to fail more often at physical activities and tend to laugh at failure instead of becoming upset.

Glutton – These Sims have a greater negative reaction to Hunger, always enjoy eating, no matter the quality of the food, and will eat Spoiled Food.

Insane – These Sims can Talk to themselves and have unpredicatable Emotions.

Lazy – These Sims gain powerful Moodlets from watching TV or napping as well as from Comfortable furniture, become Fatigued more quickly from exercise, and grow Tense when performing household chores.

Loves Outdoors – These Sims can Enthuse about Nature to other Sims and become Happy when Outdoors.

Materialistic – These Sims can Admire and Brag about Possessions and become Sad when they haven’t purchased a new item for a period of time.

Neat – These Sims become Happy and have Fun when performing household chores, can have a cleaning Frenzy, and become really Uncomfortable in dirty surroundings.

Slob – These Sims are not affected by dirty surroundings, make household items dirtier faster, and can rummage for Food in garbage.

Snob – These Sims can critique Work on low quality items, are bored by “low brow” television, and gain Confidence around other Snob Sims.



Bro – These Sims can Bro Hug other Bros, gain Confidence around other Bros, become Energized from watching Sports.

Evil – These Sims become Happy around Sims with negative Moodlets, can laugh Maniacally and discuss Evil Plans, and become Angry when interacting with Good Sims.

Family-Oriented – These Sims become Happy around family members, become Sad if they don’t interact with family for a period of time, and can Boast about Family.

Good – These Sims become Happy around Sims with positive Moodlets, can Donate to Charity, become Sad with interacting with Evil Sims, and can Discuss World Peace.

Hates Children – These Sims become Angry around Children, become Tense after Try for a Baby, and can be Mean to Children.

Loner – These Sims become Happy when alone, do not receive negative Moodlets when their Social Need is low, become Tense around strangers, and become Embarrassed more often by social rejection.

Mean – These Sims become Happy when being Mean or Mischievous to other Sims and become Confident after winning a fight.

Noncommittal – These Sims become Tense after a while in the same job or relationship, become Happy when they quit a Job or Break Off a relationship, take longer to Propose, and can Discuss their Fear of Commitment.

Outgoing – These Sims gain powerful Moodlets from Friendly socialization, have their Social Need decay quickly, and gain more negative Moodlets when their Social Need is low.




Bonus Trait: High Metabolism – It is easier to stay fit and trim when you have High Metabolism.

Bodybuilder – This Sim wants to work out and become as strong as they can be!



Bonus Trait: Muser – Musers get better boosts to their skills when they’re inspired.

Painter Extraordinaire – This Sim wants her life to be all about art and painting!

Musical Genius – This Sim wants to be an expert musician and songwriter!

Bestselling Author – This Sim wants to write books and become a famous author!



Bonus Trait: Dastardly – Dastardly Sims perform stronger and more successful mean interactions.

Public Enemy – This Sim wants to make enemies and be a famous criminal!

Chief of Mischief – This Sim is all about pranks and mayhem!



Bonus Trait: Domestic – Domestic Sims will see their familial relationships grow stronger faster.

Successful Lineage – This Sim wants to have a family that succeeds in life!

Big Happy Family – This Sim wants to build a large, loving household!



Bonus Trait: Essence of Flavor – Sims with the Essense of Flavor make higher quality food and drink.

Master Chef – This Sim wants to master the culinary arts!

Master Mixologist – This Sim wants to know everything there is to know about Mixology!



Bonus Trait: Business Savvy – Business Savvy Sims earn more than the standard rate from Careers.

Fabulously Wealthy – This Sim wants to get rich and have a successful career!

Mansion Baron – This Sim is all about owning the biggest, fanciest home!



Bonus Trait: Quick Learner – Quick Learners build all Skills faster.

Renaissance Sim – This Sim wants to be good at many things at once!

Nerd Brain – This Sim wants to be both book smart and handy!

Computer Whiz – This Sim wants to know everything about computers, from playing games to Careers!



Bonus Trait: Alluring – Alluring Sims are more successful at romance than others.

Hopeful Romantic – This Sim wants to play the field and go on dates with all sorts of interesting people!

Soulmate – This Sim wants to find and live a rewarding life with ”The One” !



Bonus Trait: Collector – Collectors can find rare collectibles more often.

Freelance Botanist – This Sim wants to grow plants and become an expert Gardener!

The Curator – This Sim wants to collect everything the world has to offer!

Angling Ace – This Sim wants to know everything about fishing!



Bonus Trait: Gregarious – Gregarious Sims build friendly relationships faster!

Joke Star – This Sim wants to tell jokes and become a famous comedian!

Party Animal – This Sim wants to throw and attend amazing parties!

Friend of the World – This Sim wants to make and keep as many friends as they can!


About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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10 years ago

Thanks for the breakdown on the traits, it will be interesting to see how it all translates in the game

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