Get To Work The Sims 4 The Sims 4 Guides

The Sims 4 Get to Work: First Day at the Doctor Career

03 31 15 1 12 AM

One of the new careers that comes with The Sims 4 Get to Work is the Doctor career. The first level of the Doctor career takes place between 7:00 AM and 3:00 PM. Same as the other  careers, when your Sim leaves for work, you will receive a prompt asking whether you want to follow them or send them alone. If you opt to send them alone, it will function just like a regular career. If, however, you choose to go with them, you can control them throughout the work day.

03-31-15_1-12 AM

After a short loading screen, your Sim will arrive at the Hospital. When the work day starts, your Sim will be assigned goals. Compared to the other two careers, the goals given on the first day of the Doctor career tend to be more generic and tend to be about finding your way around the hospital. These goals can include interacting with co-workers and patients, researching on a computer, having snacks, and more. Completing these goals will improve your work performance and bring you closer to getting promoted. However, you will need to actively attend work at least twice before you can get promoted.

About the author

Zerbu Tabek

I have an interest in computers and technology, and have been learning programming since I was as young as 12. Years down the line, I learned other coding and programming languages, both used online and offline. Now, I have combined my programming ability with my love of The Sims to become a modder.

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9 years ago

Hey I have a question can u see if your baby is a girl or a boy and how do u give birth and make home calls

9 years ago

i cant figure out how to cure patients faster it takes the whole day just to figure out one patients illness

9 years ago

Same here, Deanna. It gets even harder the more you level up, but I’ve found that sometimes the patient’s animations will give it away. Like starry eyed patients have stars circling their heads and those with the sweaty thing are usually running a really high temperature and fanning themselves.