Making Music, Simlish-style
You likely know a few phrases in Simlish – odds are if you took a trip to Willow Creek, you’d be able to “Sul Sul” and “Jiboo” your way around. But being able to speak it fluently… or sing in Simlish? That’s a different story, and one that several bands recently experienced while recording music for The Sims 4 Get to Work*.
We talked with Echosmith to ask about the process of turning their hit “Nothing’s Wrong” into Simlish!
But first, here’s a video showing off the recording process, and showcasing some of the songs recorded in Simlish by Echosmith, Big Data, New Politics and Katy Tiz.
So, how hard was it to record in Simlish? According to Echosmith’s Noah Sierota, who has recorded songs in a number of other languages, it’s among the most difficult. “It’s near the top. I’d give it an eight out of 10, on the difficulty,” he joked. He also talked about the reaction he gets from friends when he tells them he did a song for The Sims. “Anyone who knows about Simlish is super stoked. And a lot of people do! It’s really fun – we’d talk about how we did a song for The Sims and they’re like ‘wait, you sang in Simlish?!’ There are so many people that just know it automatically.”
Noah also joked about playing The Sims over the past 10 years, revealing that he and lead singer Sydney loved making their friends in the game. “You can do some really silly things,” he said, “and that was our favorite thing to do. To make our friends and be like ‘Hey! I made you in The Sims!’ We’d make them look funny by giving them funny outfits.”
And since we were talking to someone from a chart-topping band, we had to ask about music – and Noah had some words for any aspiring musicians out there. “The biggest thing I’d ever tell anyone is to really find a passion for music itself, and for what it can do,” he said. “Music connects people in a really cool, communal kind of way. Even if you don’t want to make super serious music, you can connect with people in silliness or happiness, or people going through hard times or taking on hard parts of life.” He explained that “once you understand what music can really do, there’s so much you can do with it. And when you have that perspective, you can really connect to more people, and write songs that connect to more people.”
Want to party with Echosmith (or Big Data, New Politics or Katy Tiz) in The Sims 4 Get to Work? We turned them all into Sims and put them on the Gallery! You can check them out, and who knows? Maybe you’ll find that your favorite musicians are pretty good Doctors, too.
Your Sims rule the workplace in The Sims 4 Get to Work Expansion Pack. You control your Sims’ every action as they tackle three active careers, whether it’s saving lives as a daring doctor, solving crimes as a fearless detective, or creating inventions as a brilliant scientist. You can also put your Sims’ entrepreneurial ambitions to the test as you create and customize unique retail businesses. Plus, there are new venues, more skills to learn, and the chance to befriend some aliens!
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