SimGuruHouts had recently made a statement about The Sims 4 Game Pack #3!
But, this isn’t the first time that a SimGuru had made a sneaky reply. 2 months ago SimGuruSarah revealed to the world that The Sims 4 Game Pack 3 is in development.
What do you think: what will be The Sims 4 GP3’s theme? Speculate with us on Sims Community Social!
I wish they would give us more than that. I know they can’t . . . but a girl can dream.
Every time when a pack is about to release, they say so….
For me, the key features the game need badly right now are toddler and more official story progression.
I’d like to see something like family stuff like wanting to watch the TV as a family ect
I wish we could get a restaurant game pack. I miss taking my sims out to dinner.
I want a dog T^T
really hope its pets!
animals,pets,zoo,collecting critters,oh wait maybe its vampires,warewolves,wiches…or dragons!!