This week on SC Social we have had many discussions relating to the silence that has descended upon us regarding announcements. SimGuruDrake has notified us that unless we see an “excited gif” then we can expect the news drought to continue, but simmers are becoming restless…
A main thread was started back in early March – The Sims 4 News Drought Discussion – Many simmers were happy to hear that a patch update was still going ahead but has left lots of us wondering what could be taking so long? We are shortly due another patch update and will be keen to see if it offers preparation for a new GP or EP.
Kai Chen also raised his concerns in the general discussion with this thread – Officially worried about The Sims 4 – It was noted here by Jovan that we shouldn’t be worrying too much as EA’s new fiscal year has started this month and that March and April can be quiet months for announcements. Let’s hope that this upcoming week brings us the news we have been waiting for. In a recent poll simmers voted that for the next announcement they would like to see either an expansion pack or a game pack and from the discussions seen within the community we don’t want this extra-long wait to result in a stuff pack.
I also asked for your screenshots showing your sims emotional reactions to the current news drought and here are some of the best responses:
Speaking of screenshots, be sure to check out this thread by Tatiana – You’re doing it wrong! (Funny Screens) lots of great simming bloopers here!
This fantastic challenge makes use of all the packs we have so far, so while we wait for new content why not try the multipack challenge posted by Kai Chen:
This is fun and creative! The sim you create can use only one item from each pack. Including the base game! Thus, hair, tattoos, head accessories, top, bottom, body accessories and shoes have to be from different Packs. If you choose two head accessories or two body accessories to round up the seven items allowed, they too cannot be from the same pack! And no CC!
Here’s his first submission – Wolfe Hunter
Hair: Romantic Garden
Head Accessory: Base Game
Tattoo: Get To Work
Top: Get Together
Accessories: (not visible) socks from Outdoor Retreat and watch from Spa Day.
Bottom: Cool Kitchen
Shoes: Movie Hangout
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Thank you for the shout out to my challenge!