The Sims 4 Custom Content

The Sims 4: Easy Way to make your CAS CC Unisex


Although Create A Sim Custom Content will work after the latest Patch, the CAS Items won’t be unisex but only available for the gender they were originally designed.

If you have a lot of content to update and not a lot of time, you can batch-fix all of the CAS CC you have using Sims 4 Studio’s latest ‘Jackpot’ version!

However, it is recommended that you update your content manually, using the tools provided by SimGuruDevSquad!

You can download the latest Sims 4 Studio version by clicking the download button down below. Please note that you need to register to first before downloading the program.



About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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8 years ago

If you’re going to do this to someone else’s cc, make sure you get in contact with the cc creator first before doing this. Doing this to someone else’s cc without asking first is a huge no no. Some cc creators don’t want anyone to use their meshes for any purpose, while others may allow personal use as long as you don’t share it with anyone. You should make sure to ask them if it’s okay to use their meshes before doing this, as it can be breaking their tos. Always make sure to check the creator’s rules on what you can and cannot do to their cc.