The Sims 3 Articles

15 reasons why The Sims 3 was ahead of its time

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Even though The Sims 3 was released back in 2009, the features it introduced allowed for endless creativity and possibilities, and because of that, there’s still a large portion of the community that still plays.

Here are 15 reasons why this game was waaay ahead of its time:

1. Huge worlds with beautiful scenery.


Isla Paradiso from The Sims 3 Island Paradise; looks beautiful in the morning!

2. The entire world is your playground!


3. You can fish anywhere…


No need to be on a lookout for fishing spots, as long as there’s water there’s an option to fish!

4. …or swim anywhere.


The entire world is one big swimming pool!

5. But enough of world talk. Did you know that your Sims could wear a bathroom tile pattern for their shirt?

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6. Or sit on a chair made entirely out of gold!


Gotta love Create A Style.

7. You mean to tell me that not all lots are flat and that we can edit the terrain? I’m shook.

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8. Did you know Ghosts can try for a baby?


Starting a Ghost family is this easy!

9. They’re masters of shortcuts and can pass through literally anything


10. Toddlers. Need I say more?


11. Teens that are shorter from their adults?! What kind of sorcery is this?!?!?!


Is that Bella from Twilight?! Yup, she can be found in Moonlight Falls, from The Sims 3 Supernatural.

12. Ownable AND drivable cars?! I don’t believe this.


13. Grocery shoppin’

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14. Swingset swingin’


15. Clipping for coupons – only 2009 kids will know.


This Sim just got a 40% off deal on her next Pedicure at the Spa venue! Score!

About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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8 years ago

Well yes, gameplay wise sims 3 is the one in the series with more fun stuff to do but, It’s that worth it if you have you game all laggy because it’s open world and game as to optimize everything besides your family? I love sims 3, and I saddly don’t play that much cuz it’s a lag fest 😐 I can’t even play on island paradise world because of that !

8 years ago

I love the sims 3 it has so many things, but just like sims 4 it doesn’t have alot from previous games. a ton of features haven’t been brought over which is sad. I still think The Sims 2 is the best gameplay, graphics and world wise cause it had so many little features and tons of stuff that was never done again.

I really wish i could play the sims 3 but it’s tough, the loading screens are unbearable, when in CAS choosing an outfit takes almost an hour, i’ve had so many performance issues and bugs. Even with a GTX 860 which can run gta v and skyrim ultra with ease.

8 years ago

While open worlds and all that customization sounds nice, let’s not forget they were full of problems. The worlds are ghost towns full of rabbit holes and empty venues. The routing and glitches that have never been fixed causes unbelievable lag and corruption on even high end computers. Then we go into the absurd pricing for poorly done dlc. 3 had good ideas, but it did not turn out well

Kaye Star
Kaye Star
8 years ago
Reply to  Ed

You say that like Sims 2 and Sims 4 don’t have rabbit holes. You disappear off the lot to attend school and work (except for GTW’s careers). That’s not a rabbit hole?

I’ve been to venues in Sims 4, waited for hours, and had no other sims show up. Whoever says lots in Sims 4 are never empty is lying or is fortunate.’

YMMV on the DLC. I prefer Sims 3’s store much more to Sims 4’s stuff packs.

“Unbelievable” lag and corruption did not happen to everybody, and I’ve had plenty of bugs in Sims 4, including one that broke the video recording feature. I also currently have one where my sims take way too long to respond to commands.

No game is without flaws.

8 years ago

Look at all that shade…

Destiny Wasson
Destiny Wasson
8 years ago

It’s slow, but I still enjoy Sims 3. I actually just took a break from Sims 4 to fix my 3. It’s up and running and I’ve really missed playing it. I also didn’t pay over $100 dollars for those DLC’s to be wasted

Kaye Star
Kaye Star
8 years ago

AKA 15 reasons why Sims 3 will always be my favorite and the top point of the series for me. And the Sims 3 store.

8 years ago

It’s a shame that none of it works.
Out of the box, no more, your game breaks within a few days.

Nearly every Simmer on YouTube who has played the Sims 3, have had to end their LP early, because the game was falling apart.

XSimSugar, XUrbanSimsX, Sim Supply, Deligracy, EnglishSimmer, Villixa(if that’s how you spell it?), Life Simmer etc. I could go on. And they all get help from EA yet EA can’t help them.

John the Darkwolf
John the Darkwolf
8 years ago

I did love this game, it had so much to offer. But EA being money hungry never focused on fixing the serious issues the core game had. It was buggy as hell and what was worse was when you logged into your game the next day and your file was COMPLETELY GONE!!! That was a serious issue!!! Because of the expansion of the world, systems had to work a lot harder, which I believe was a major factor also. But I really really do enjoy the treasure hunting, Being a ghost hunter, the Supernatural creatures you could have in the game, sitting at home and watching it Storm and lightning, it was just a lot a fun. Dare I say, it has become more fun than Sims 4. I love TS4, but it just does not compare to to what the game had to offer. I truly hope EA gets it together and brings some the great features from 3 to 4. I would so be in Heaven if they did this.

8 years ago

just to have TheSims4 Graphic !!!! it wuld be the best game ever!!!! Graphic of sims3 is not good.

Jason Sterling
8 years ago

I love the Sims 3. It’s my favorite of the series, it’s customizations were endless, your control was endless! Yes it was ahead of it’s time because the processing power needed was great and the more EPs you added the greater the drain BUT I can tell you, I have a 4ghz machine with a SSD and 32 gigs of ram and it runs great! It ran great on my old machine too that wasn’t nearly as strong but it took about seven-ten minutes to load. Now it loads in two and a half minutes from the moment I push play in Origin til I’m actively playing and no loading screens! Sure, there aren’t people jogging down my street in a long aimless, continuous line pausing occasionally to do push ups for no reason but otherwise there’s plenty of sims about at venues after you arrive and wait a bit- same as with 4. Island Paradise does have loads of issues and you really need a mod to enjoy it BUT so to do you need mods in 4 to stop culling of friends both physically and emotionally.