City Living

The Sims 4 City Living: 105 CAS Screens from the Livestream

Screenshot 436

In case you missed the latest The Sims 4 City Living livestream and want to catch up on all the Create A Sim details, we collected more than 100 screenshots from the CAS segment of the livestream. Down below you can see some of the new Hairstyles, Head Accessories, Outfits, Clothes and more CAS items that’ll come with City Living.

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Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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8 years ago

Darling has the unflirty trait. Also doesn’t the burret (the hat that Miko is hearing) come with City Living? because I don’t Find it in the base Game categorty

Jennifer Conner
Jennifer Conner
8 years ago

So I know that the Sims doesn’t usually take on any religious stuff, but if there are turbans, why not a hijab? I know I’d really like some of my Sims to have that option. A little disappointed that that’s not in there.

8 years ago

Hey Lady! Here it is , it’s cc, but kinda match with Maxis stuff

4 years ago

Darling has the unflirty trait. Also doesn’t the burret (the hat that Miko is hearing) come with City Living? because I don’t Find it in the base Game categorty

Jennifer Conner
Jennifer Conner
4 years ago

So I know that the Sims doesn’t usually take on any religious stuff, but if there are turbans, why not a hijab? I know I’d really like some of my Sims to have that option. A little disappointed that that’s not in there.

4 years ago

Hey Lady! Here it is , it’s cc, but kinda match with Maxis stuff