Get Together The Sims 4 Mods

The Sims 4 Get Together: Add 20 (or even 50) Sims to your Club! (Mod)

02 23 17 8 38 27 PM

Ever wanted to add more than 8 Sims to your club? Now you can!

This mod lets you add up to 20 Sims to your club. If you want to go to the extremes there’s even a different version of this mod that lets you add up to 50 Sims to your club. Please make sure you have a computer powerful enough to run all 50 sims at once!

To start, download THIS MOD from Mod The Sims. Extract the zipped .package file to Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods folder. Make sure you have Mods / CC enabled in your game options!

Now, you won’t be able to add 20 Sims to your club momentarily – you’ll have to earn it first!

You’ll be able to add up to 20 Sims to your club once you purchase the ”Capacity Upgrade 2” Club Perk.

The Sims 4 Get Together: Add 20 (or even 50) Sims to your Club! (Mod)

Then, select an empty slot with a + icon and add any Sim you want to your club.

NOTE: After you’ve done this you won’t be able to add sims to your club using this method. There’s a workaround…

The Sims 4 Get Together: Add 20 (or even 50) Sims to your Club! (Mod)

Simply click on a Sim of your choice and select Clubs > Invite to Club > *Club Name*.

The Sims 4 Get Together: Add 20 (or even 50) Sims to your Club! (Mod)

There you have it. With this mod it’s a party wherever you go!

The Sims 4 Get Together: Add 20 (or even 50) Sims to your Club! (Mod)

About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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