SimGuruDuke answered plenty of more questions about The Sims 4 Console, where he confirmed the file size of the game (around 12GB), explained that people who already bought Deluxe Edition will also be able to enjoy Launch Day DLC 3 days earlier and a lot more new information!
Digital only
— Michael Duke (@SimGuruDuke) October 11, 2017
Just like PC. You could create one for every lot in each world and play all of them. You could create more and save to library as well.
— Michael Duke (@SimGuruDuke) October 11, 2017
@SimGuruDuke will my progress from the 10 hour ea trial go over to the main game upon release date or do I have to start a new file??
— Spinner (@BadBoySpinner) October 10, 2017
All progress will carry over
— Michael Duke (@SimGuruDuke) October 11, 2017
I have been assured it will unlock on the 14th 🙂
— Michael Duke (@SimGuruDuke) October 12, 2017
No plans currently
— Michael Duke (@SimGuruDuke) October 12, 2017
That is our intention. 🙂 no details to share yet though…
— Michael Duke (@SimGuruDuke) October 12, 2017
It is possible sure, but having played that way in our early days, I don’t recommend it. Try what we did build and let me know if you still think that is better
— Michael Duke (@SimGuruDuke) October 12, 2017
This is a brand new approach. We took ideas from previous console games though
— Michael Duke (@SimGuruDuke) October 13, 2017
— Michael Duke (@SimGuruDuke) October 13, 2017
No cc on the console
— Michael Duke (@SimGuruDuke) October 13, 2017
It is possible. We have no plans at this time though.
— Michael Duke (@SimGuruDuke) October 13, 2017
You can open the cheat menu by holding down L2, L1, R2, R1 all at once. Then you can type cheats in just like PC
— Michael Duke (@SimGuruDuke) October 13, 2017
Nope. DLC will work with any version of the base game. The DLC must be downloaded though.
— Michael Duke (@SimGuruDuke) October 14, 2017
Grims guitar will be given to any player who links their console with their ea account.
— Michael Duke (@SimGuruDuke) October 15, 2017
Grims guitar will be given to any player who links their console with their ea account.
— Michael Duke (@SimGuruDuke) October 15, 2017
Exactly! 🙂
— Michael Duke (@SimGuruDuke) October 19, 2017
It will not be supported at launch but it is possible over time. I want to hear from you all once you have been hands on.
— Michael Duke (@SimGuruDuke) October 19, 2017
Yes. We got it 🙂
— Michael Duke (@SimGuruDuke) October 21, 2017
Yes, PS4 has a platinum trophy.
— Michael Duke (@SimGuruDuke) October 24, 2017
— Michael Duke (@SimGuruDuke) October 25, 2017
If you purchased deluxe party edition it should unlock on the 14th
— Michael Duke (@SimGuruDuke) October 25, 2017
Yes, all day 1 dlc will be available to deluxe edition owners on the 14th
— Michael Duke (@SimGuruDuke) October 25, 2017