Challenges The Sims 4 Guides

The Sims 4: Hollieween Build Challenge

Blog Feature

Hello Simmers!

It’s been a while since I’ve created a build challenge and really wanted to get into the spooky mood this October!

The Hollieween Build Challenge has launched this week, so if you’re looking for a fun, creepy themed build challenge to sink your teeth into, look no further!

the sims, the sims 4 challenges, build challenges, the sims 4 build challenge, halloween build challenge, halloween challenge

The Rules:

  1. Roll the dice to pick your theme
  2. Pick any sized lot, in any world, and assign any venue type
  3. Roll the dice a second time to see which object you need to include*
  4. All DLC is allowed! No money restrictions! Custom content is not allowed (sorry CC lovers!)
  5. Upload to the gallery using the hashtag #Hollieween2017! Also you can create a speed build or a walk through and upload it to twitch, but I understand if it’s not possible to do so.

Check out the official video here!

I’ll check out each build live on my twitch channel from now until Halloween! You can feel free to submit your builds after that as well!

*The anti-balloon balloon item is from the Digital Deluxe version of the basegame. If you do not have this version, feel free to re-roll!

About the author


HollieBB is a full-time content creator and a passionate Simmer. She livestreams daily on

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7 years ago

Oh love this…gonna have to try it!!!