The Sims 4 The Sims 4 Updates

The Sims 4: New Update + Patch Notes! (November 7th, 2017)


The Sims 4: New Update + Patch Notes! (November 7th, 2017)

The Sims Team has released a brand new Update for The Sims 4!

To download the latest version of The Sims 4, simply open your Origin program and if the game doesn’t update automatically, right click on The Sims 4 and select ”Update”.

In case you have Mods or Custom Content, the game will automatically disable them for you after first launching The Sims 4 after the update. To re-enable all your Mods and Custom Content, select the Settings option in the Menu and select Settings. Under the”Other” section you’ll find the ”Enable Custom Content and Mods” option. Check it and restart your game in order for it to take effect!

Patch Notes

Version # PC / Mac

Hello Simmers!

You better sit down for this one. Sit! Stay. Good.

There’s a bit here, a bit new, a bit old, a bit no longer busted. And it might take a bit of time to bite through it. So, let’s roll over, try not to get dogged down, and dig on in.

What’s New?

  • Four new roofs are available in Build Mode: Pentagonal, Hexagonal, Octagonal, and Round Roofs!
    • All four can be found in the Roofs category.
  • Advanced Curvature Mode!
    • When you have a roof selected, hit SHIFT+C to expand your roof curvature edit options.
  • Gabled and Hipped roofs have additional manipulation points so their eaves can be adjusted on all 4 sides.
  • Photography has been made available to all players.
    • The Barely Better Digital Camera, Appreciably Average Digital Camera, and Crystal Clear Digital Camera objects are now available in Build Mode.
    • The Cell Phone interactions: Take Selfie, Take Photo With, Take Photo Of, and Take Photo, are available under from the cell phone entertainment menu.
    • Photography Skill can be learned by your Sims up to a skill level of 5.
    • Photos taken with the camera can have frames added to them.
      • Place the photo in the world, click on it, and select Add Frame.
  • My Households
    • The “My Households” panel in the Manage Household screen allows easier management of which households are considered important. Households placed in this panel are protected from being… deleted.
    • The “Maximum Sim Count” option specifies the number of protected Sims allowed. If the limit is reached, existing households need to be unprotected before new ones can be added.
    • The limit can be changed and does include an “Unlimited” option, although this setting is not recommended as it may cause performance issues or other undesirable behavior.
  • Shrink Objects, you can now shrink objects in your game using the Size Down cheat!
    • Similar to the Size Up cheat, which uses the Close Bracket, the Size Down cheat uses the Open Bracket.
    • This only changes the visual appearance of the object, and not the behavior.
    • Using it alongside MOO can allow you to create some great decorative configurations – like shelves full of MySim collectibles, or a Gulliver land to explore!
      • Be wary however, not all objects shrink or enlarge as expected. It is a cheat after all.
  • Grim’s Ghoulish Guitar is now optionally available at the Main Menu, click on the button, and follow the instructions for how you can download the guitar.

Alright, stop playing dead. Time to heel in. Get through the final stretch, and really let our tongues wag.

General Issues

  • Now when hovering over the rotate options for blocks and walls in Build Mode, objects that will be impacted by the rotate will highlight yellow.
  • Teen Sims will now autonomously place their homework back into their inventory when finished.
    • Archetypal “Rebel” teens decry the modification, claiming cruelty to animals, “What’s my dog gonna eat now?!”
  • Homework that does end up in public spaces will be cleaned up after the active Sims have left the lot.
    • Canine Lot Service Dogs have responded with their own claims of animal cruelty, offering their criticism of the modifications, “Arooo, arf rrrr-ruff, aroo’grr.”
      • At time of publication, we are still waiting to hear back from the teens, but we can only expect things will not go well.
  • Children will no longer float while drinking the essence from a Cow Plant… because they are not allowed to do so.
    • If there is a top ten list of rules for Sims to live by, I’m going to add “allow my child to drink the essence of the dead” as one of those “don’t do that” items.
  • The Write Cookbook interaction will now always be available when reaching level 8 or higher in the Culinary Career.
  • Sims will once again receive a playful buff while taking a bubble bath.
  • We addressed an issue that could prevent Sims from spinning into outfits after purchasing from a retail mannequin.
  • The game clock should no longer skip forward and back when changing from 3x or ultra speeds back to speed 1.
    • The game clock will also no longer flutter, skitter, or scamper, dance, prance, carom, cavort, canter, or run… no, it will run.
  • Playing your old saves should no longer result in a mad rush for the restrooms.
    • “Where have you been, I’ve been stuck here for WHO KNOWS how long! Ok, you know what, just forget it… get out my way-it a minute, why are you deleting the toi… no no no no no, d’d’don’t do that… I’m sorry. Really, it was my fault, I should have gone before you left.”
  • Build Mode music should no longer indefinitely loop as a result of loading directly to Build Mode from the map screen.
  • Sims should no longer weed chess tables near their garden, when attempting to weed their garden.
  • Feminine framed male Sims with facial hair should no longer see chin distortions.
  • The cowplant is now safer! And by safer we mean, Grim will no longer fail to resurrect those eaten by the cowplant that were successfully pleaded, or flower bribed.
  • Deleting a household via the Manage Household dialog will no longer remove the option for a new family to move in to the lot and keep the old families furnishings.
    • I love that rug.
    • The entire family was last seen standing right there, on that rug, and then just *poof* they were gone, like they never even existed. It was really spoo…
    • Yea, but the rug.
  • The Angled Roof Trim now includes a red trim color, similar to the other roof trims.
  • Sims path will no longer be blocked by the Gathering of Garden Stones.
    • Looming high above the atoms upon which they stand, no longer shall the intrepid explorer of backyard rock gardens, stand frozen in fear, incapable of scaling the towering monument to Sim over nature!
  • The inspired child will no longer see all available interactions as Draw, but instead will see the appropriately titled actions of Draw Shapes, Draw Vehicle, and so on, and so forth.
  • ‘Sploit fix! Child and toddler Sims will no longer speed gain relationship with others in their toy playing relationship grind circles.
    • Yea, cheaters never win.
      • Btw, the modifyrelationship cheat still allows you to modify the relationships of Sims… cheater.
  • Non played adult Sims will no longer attempt to purchase child clothing, as it was preventing them from completing the checkout process.
    • Ok, so if you didn’t understand that purchase in Sims equates to wearing, you might think “this is a really odd fix”.
  • Childish Sims are once again able to Play in Puddles.
  • Angry Sims with appropriate mischief skill levels, and Evil or Mean child Sims can once again stomp on puddles.
  • Angry writers will no longer only have the option to Write Furiously when choosing to Write Genre Book.
  • Safety Seal Holiday Fireplace, Fiery Façade Fireplace, and Firewalkers Training Ground fireplaces now all provide environment scores.
  • Attempting to complete the Smash Dollhouse whim by smashing a dollhouse will now award satisfaction points upon said smashing.
  • Sims should now sit when attending a wedding…
    • Or rather, the majority of Sims should now sit when attending a wedding. We can’t hold up the proceedings if you create some ominous maze of doom in order to arrive…
    • or if you bring your starving friends past a grand buffet…
    • or if the bladder is just not going to wait…
    • But barring some great catastrophe, Sims should si… unless you just don’t like the groom.
  • The microphone will no longer lose all detail when a Sim chooses to use the microphone.
  • When learning that another Sim is a Regional Manager, you shall no longer learn they are a Business at Dewey, Cheatem & Howe Incorporated, but instead, you will learn that they are a Regional Manager.
    • We however, didn’t fix the missing Oxford comma.
      • I was always told an admission of grammar omission a day, keeps the grammar police at bay.
  • Children born to a parent with the Beloved aspiration reward trait are now born with a parent-child relationship to that parent, rather than relationship unknown.
  • Planter boxes now have a burned state.
  • We fixed an issue where yfBottom_SP08Jeggings and ymBottom_SP08Jeggings were showing through the fyTop_BlouseCollarUp, yfTop_Ep02Blazer, fyTop_JacketTweedClassic, and ymTop_GP03Vest incorrectly.
  • The Load option from the Main Menu will no longer go missing after creating a household in a new save, and exiting the game before placing them on a lot.
  • The Ornate Victorian Roof Line will now properly place on Flat Round rooms.
  • The pizza delivery Sim will now leave after an appropriate amount of time after the delivered takes the delivery from the deliverer.
  • Toddlers can once again nap on chairs.
  • Lazy Sims can once again Nap Lazily upon Living Chairs.
    • Sensing a pattern here…
  • We fixed an issue that sometimes prevented Sims from planting their seeds.
  • The Contains New Items identifier for the Clutter category will now properly clear as expected.
  • Instructing a Sim to eat from their inventory, while they are seated with a glass of water, will no longer cause adult Sims to pop up and down, and child Sims to float.
  • Eat Leftovers and Put In Inventory will now have the correct text in Russian, rather than two versions of Eat Leftovers.
  • Attempting to continue the Microscope upgrade for Improve Lens Quality will no longer require “2 drink.”
    • Obviously lens quality decreases after 2 drink.
  • Moving lots and keeping your furnishings will no longer prevent you from live dragging food into the fridge once it has been replaced on the lot.
  • Sims not on their home lots will no longer disappear to the unknown after merging their household with another.
    • Wonder if this is related to the hole outside of Vlad’s house…
  • We have addressed some issues with the outfit combinations of festival goers, and have lessened the bizarre combinations.
  • Children in the family tree will now remember their parents, even if the parent is deleted. Which means, they will no longer be considered half-siblings to their brothers or sisters if they did indeed share the same two parents.
  • Using undo to change the age of a Sim from a toddler to another age will no longer cause the Swimwear and Athletic outfit types to disappear.
  • Relationship status will now properly reflect its current state without the need of traveling.
    • We don’t know each other, why are you bothering me?
      • We’ve literally been talking for 8 hours.
    • Um, I’d remember something like that. See, my panel says we’re just acquaintances.
      • Ok fine, come with me to the park.
    • Whatever… fine, we’re at the park no… WE’RE MARRIED?!
  • Now if you are taking a selfie you will be holding a phone.
  • Sims with the Connections reward trait will now receive the lower level career rewards as expected, when joining a new career and getting a career level boost.
  • Troll teh Forums will no longer take a long time to cancel.
  • Addressed an issue with the walls of the Landgraab lot that were incorrectly set and were preventing the placement of other objects.
  • Socializing with your adopted child will now properly satisfy the Socialize with your child 10 times goal of the Big Happy Family aspiration.
  • Using the Salvage into Parts interaction will now salvage the salvage into parts as expected.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing male Sims from receiving the Widower buff when their spouse dies.
  • Lot traits are now in alphabetical order.
  • Using the Set as Head cheat on an object, routing off lot, and then using the Reset Sim cheat will now properly clean up the duplicated object, rather than leave it in an unreachable location off lot.
    • That couch yours?
      • Yep, wore it on my head.
    • How about the hot tub?
      • Yep, headdress.
    • The end table?
      • Look, they are all mine, OK? The end table, the bookshelf, the treadmill, the DJ Booth, the guitar, all of them, OK?! I wore all of them on my head! Are you happy now?
    • The toilet too?
  • Downloading a lot from the Gallery will no longer cause wall placed items on half walls to sometimes be placed on the floor.
  • Social events such as Birthday, Wedding, Dinner, Costume, House parties, or Dates, can now be hosted on Generic Lots.
    • Of course, informing your fiancé that your wedding will be on “generic lot” may have other issues?
  • The Brazilian Portuguese Sims, Morgana and Silvana, shall no longer be known as Marcio and Siobhan.
  • On page one of the Lot Traits lesson under the Build Mode category, we have added a period at the end of the last sentence
  • When randomizing your female Sims jaw in Create a Sim, randomization will now choose from all Jaws… duunnn dunnn, duuuunnnn duun.
  • The science career interaction Tinker will now properly show a focused emotion interaction option when the Sim is focused.
  • The Killer Queen Double Bed now says, as well as gives, 4 Energy, rather than saying 1 and giving 4.
    • Turns out 4 energy is also dynamite with a laser beam.
  • The Square Confection, Campanulate, Photopollution, and Round Confection Ceiling Lights will now all fade appropriately when viewed in Live Mode.
  • We have added some more words to the profanity filter; among the words added are plum, plum, plum, and plum.

Get to Work

  • We have increased the chance of alien abduction, slightly.
  • Planted plants are no longer allowed to be put up for sale.
    • Unplanted plants are still good.
  • Baking skill gain is now boosted when inspired.
  • Placing a mannequin in a room will no longer trigger auto lights to turn on.
    • ‘Fraidy-catequins!
  • We have removed an odd shadow that appeared along the neckline of the Adult Male Mannequin – Abstract mannequin.
  • We addressed some issues that were causing retail employees to stop ringing up customers; employees should more consistently ring up customers now.
  • The Corporate Fridge Raider Revenue Generating Cooler now states that it provides a Food Quality: 6.
  • Out of This World Desktop can now have its focused emotional aura disabled.
  • We fixed an issue that could prevent the cloning machine from properly functioning if it was upgraded prior to initiating an attempt to clone a Sim.
    • Sir, I’m terribly sorry, but you have tampered with the factory settings, the tag on the underside clearly states “A Clone Machine may not function or, through function, allow a Sim to operate said machines function. The Clone Machine must obey its purpose of cloning except where such attempts would conflict with the first law of non-function.”
    • And Sir, clearly the upgrade violated the Clone Machines primary function.
  • THE Front Desk now believes itself to be a desk.

Get Together

  • Radio music played at event lots will no longer continue to play when visiting that lot after the event ceases.

City Living

  • Repair-Sims will now stay up to 10 hours on your lot fixing your busted and broken.
  • The interaction to Scrap Unfinished Mix is now present on DJ Booth mix-tapes.
    • Mix tapes? Tape… tapes. Yea…
      • Do you put the tape in the phone booth before or after you set the clock on your newspaper?
  • Fixing a broken electric box while the power is out will now fix the broken electric box, rather than permanently leave you without power.
  • Solent Sink now properly gives (and states), Hygiene 4 and Reliability 5.
  • The Public Throne now provides Hygiene 3.
    • I’ve been to a public throne, I’ve never experienced this mythical “hygiene 3”.
  • Vendors will no longer leave a stall unattended when joining in on group activities, but will instead close their stall before joining.
  • The In the Know reward trait discount, from the City Native aspiration, is now properly applied to all festival swag including festival t-shirts.
  • A Sims age information in their hover-tip will no longer disappear after interacting with an object socially.
    • Your birthday? I, uh… hold still, I can’t… mouse over… wait a minute, have you been talking to the toilet again?!
  • Cancelling a Practice Singing interaction will now also cancel the audio.
  • Cream color for the yfTop_EP03JacketTie will now properly apply the cream, and not pink, version of the top.
  • We addressed an issue that could cause festivals to overlap one another due to the previous festival not properly cleaning itself up.
    • Welcome to the Romantic Spicy Hijinks-a-Con!
  • Sims’ career outfits are no longer permanently altered when buying a Festival T-Shirt. However, this may still be an issue with the Curry Challenge tee.
  • Yum Cooker will no longer revert to the yellow swatch color when it gets dirty, but remain the color initially chosen by you.
  • Sims with the Instant Upgrade interaction, can now instant upgrade the garbage chute.
    • Yes Ludo, we know, “Smell bad.”
  • Toddlers can now talk to a Sim painting a mural, but are no longer allowed to Kick Off the Sim from the mural.
    • What’s that lil’ Timmy? The puppy fell down the well? Dinner’s ready? You want to play ball? It’s bedtime? Want to roughhouse? You need help up the stairs? Your mother is talking with the repair man?
      • No! Get off mural, my turn!
  • The ceilings of some apartments were inconsistently painted. We’ve gone in and touched them up to appear consistently painted.
    • Of course, you can see the ceiling if you zoom in close with the walls up, and then tilt the camera up!
    • Um… you can… tilt the camera up if you are in Sims 3 camera mode!
    • Yea, so… you can change to Sims 3 camera mode by… opening the options panel and switching to the game camera tab!
    • Ok? Great!
      • It’s the option called The Sims 3 Camera… put a check mark there.
      • Walls up? Oh…
  • Sims living in apartments can now initiate the jog action and expect that their Sim will start jogging.
    • I often initiate the jog interaction, and then immediately allow myself to route fail on the couch.
      • Working as intended.
  • Giving another Sim your apartment key will no longer cause social events without goals to spontaneously occur.
    • You aren’t participating in the event?
      • What event?
    • Um, the event everyone else is focused on.
      • I don’t see..
    • I understand. I’m going to need you to come with me, just some questions.
  • The Location aspiration is now properly sorted in its location within the Live Mode Aspirations location… alphabetically.
  • Played, but inactive households, will no longer moonlight as buskers.
  • Sleeping Sims should no longer sink into the ground when directed to Dream Big on a basketball hoop.
  • Sims will no longer fly away with a spin when choosing to Dream Big from a seated position.
    • You get the feeling that “dream big” was misinterpreted by engineering?
  • Festival T-Shirts can now be found under Tops -> T-Shirts in Create a Sim.
    • You can also find undershirts under tops…
      • And stomachs… stomachs are usually under tops.
  • Also belly buttons.
    • Sometimes arms and shoulders…
      • …though if arms, it’s most likely shoulders too.
  • Sims in City Life careers now receive promotion raises when achieving levels greater than the listed maximum level.
  • Right AND left handed Sims can now hold a sparkler when given one.
    • Equal hands for all.
  • Birds will no longer fly through the Jasmine Suite Apartments.
    • The building is on lockdown… the birds are held at bay, but for how long? Prepare yourself, Judgement is Coming!
      • …this November, rated G by the motion picture association of Sims.
  • Romance festival harvestable flowers are now properly named. Lily flowers are no longer called snapdragons, but now lilies. And dragonfruit are no longer called lilies, but now snapdragons.
  • Mannequin heads should no longer distort when wearing the various hats found in City Living!
  • Paint Mural interaction will now stay in queue until the action completes or the player cancels it, and will no longer remove itself from the queue but continue to play the action, preventing the player from cancelling.
  • We fixed an issue that could result in object ownership issues when moving objects out of the household inventory onto a new lot after moving or merging in with a new family.
    • In this case, the ownership of the object determined whether or not the player was allowed to move the object out of the inventory. The game thought the active household did not own the objects, and thus prevented the player from using them.

Outdoor Retreat

  • When selecting to play a Sim that is currently on a vacation lot, you will no longer load into their home lot.

Dine Out

  • We closed a hole in the world near the end of a sidewalk outside of Vlad’s home.
    • In other news, farmer Merrel has accused Vlad of pumpkin sabotage.


  • Babies will no longer become invisible in a mirror when picked up by a vampire.
    • Floating babies are adorable.

Movie Hangout

  • Child Sims will no longer stretch when watching TV without any available chairs.

Romantic Garden

  • The Sette from the Park Place bench and Marbleized Chesterfield bench now count as benches when creating a venue that requires a bench.

Ok, that was a lot. Let’s just close this out simply, with a handshake… shake. Good. Here’s a treat, now out you go. Go on, time to pee. I’m off to cat nap.


About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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Marlies Yland
Marlies Yland
7 years ago

Can they also fix the bug at the scientist career that you have to keep inventing the same stuff. It’s getting annoying

7 years ago
Reply to  Marlies Yland

i dont mind that at all, i get to sell it. its extra money for my sim 🙂

7 years ago

FINALLY! we can finally not have to go in and replace the furnishings. all my sims neighbors had empty houses and I never knew.

Diego Silva
Diego Silva
7 years ago

Marcio finally managed to change her name. I’m happy for her. After all the transformation. This puts an end to all the embarrassment she suffered in Sims society. Now her ID has a female name.

justice Armstrong
justice Armstrong
7 years ago

i cant see my custom mods i have in the game

7 years ago

I hate bitching, but…. ARE YOU PRETEND DETECTIVE CAREER ISSUES DO NOT EXIST?? thank you… I don’t shout most days, really

7 years ago
Reply to  ania

This is a real issue and I was looking for this too!!!!!!

7 years ago

anyone else having a problem with the sim not staying still in CAS?

7 years ago
Reply to  Mayonayys

With me after the update CAS only shows a sim and no menu for clothing and such. I do have de menu in the upper right corner but it doesn’t respond. The only that still works is the adjusting of the sims’ body when you click on it 🙁 I hope they can fix it when Cats and Dogs comes out

7 years ago
Reply to  Anne

hey, there Anne, This is happening to me too and if you try to build a house with out a sim it takes sooooooooooo long i have been waiting 1 hour to build a house fir me and my pets when it comes out!
– Sims4player….

7 years ago
Reply to  Anne

@Anne Hey! take all your costum content and stuff like that your lots anything like that! and make 2 new folders! and if your on Origen you just have to reupdate the game and it should work
just tell me if it dose not work! ok! thanks!!

7 years ago
Reply to  Anne

do you have the more columns mod if so that could be your problem it was mine

7 years ago
Reply to  itsmejoy7

Yeah that’s it! Thank you, my problem is solved :)! Also thank you @Sims4player for helping me

7 years ago
Reply to  Mayonayys

Mayonayys i am and Anne is too soooo we are all in this, i have been waiting 1 hour to build a house and yeah =(

7 years ago

@Mayonayys Hey! take all your costum content and stuff like that your lots anything like that! and make 2 new folders! and if your on Origen you just have to reupdate the game and it should work
just tell me if it dose not work! ok! thanks!

7 years ago

Hello there, um will im haveing truble with sims 4, i have been waiting 1 hour now to load into sims 4 bulding thing but i have not made a sim yet so thats another thing,
no1. My sims 4 crate a sim will not work, i cant see any of the things i can only see the sim.
no2. i have been waiting 1 hour for making a lot so i can make a house (i have not made a sim yet so u know) but the screen is working and i have restarted my pc 4 times, and restarted sims 4 four times to and i just dont under stand i have deleted some off my costum content to and its still taking for evry plzz can you help me im sorry for wasting your time thoe if i am…. – Sims4Player….

7 years ago

do you have the more columns mod if so that could be your problem it was mine

7 years ago

when I go into cas all I see is the sim and nothing else and I cant click on anything I know it has something to do with a mod but I don’t know which one plz help

7 years ago
Reply to  itsmejoy7

now my origin or sims 4 wont load

7 years ago

Finally photography! I hope it’s going to come to the console release.

7 years ago

Toda hora que carrego um lote, aparece “Falha ao carregar o jogo. código de erro 102:70c7f9a6:e6aa41f3. É recomendado reiniciar o jogo.” me ajuda, por favor

7 years ago

Everytime I try to play an active household my game gets stuck on the loading screen 🙁 been trying to fix it for 3 ours but I don’t want to lose my custom content, anyone else having this issue or know how to fix it?

7 years ago

I’m not very happy that the cameras from Get To Work are base game now, as that was one of the reasons I even bought the pack. I can see why, I guess, it’s just not really fair.

7 years ago

The patch is really good. Although. I think there’s a way for a nice wedding event would work in the sims 4:

1st, enable for sims to sit down in a wedding maybe MAXIS or EA should make the wedding arch as interactive with the other guests to where someone cries (romantic traits) and everybody is sitting down

2nd, guests sims celebrating after the wedding is done like throwing flowers/petals or blowing a party whistle.

3rd, I think they should make everyone in the wedding guests as a group so no one goes off wandering somewhere while there’s an actual wedding is going and after wedding is done then the group disbands.

4th, after wedding should have
Lastly, if the wedding isn’t happening or the sims who’s getting married cancelled the wedding will have negative relationships with all the guest came in at that wedding. Also, that sim who’s getting married cancelled the wedding will have a very embarrassed moodlet and the romantic relationship status with the bride/groom will go back to 0 and friend relationship status will lower to only friends…

*Wedding in real world is real world takes a lot time, effort, money, and planning to do.

I’m hoping they add more new expansions like similar to the sims 3 supernatural, showtime and more game packs and more stuff packs also….

6 years ago

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