If you’re anything like me, then you have what might just be the slowest Internet connection in the world, or at least it feels that way to you. If you’re a Simmer like me (and obviously, you are, because you’re here reading this), you know all too well how agonizing a slow connection can be on the day of a new expansion release. It’s usually hours and hours of crying, pleading with the Sims gods, and scratching desperately at your computer screen in anticipation.
But fear not! I have the solution! Instead of all that unpleasantness, here are five ways you can pass the time and get your Cats & Dogs fix while waiting for Cats & Dogs to come to you at last.
Watch ALL of the livestreams
Hey, if you can’t play your favourite game, what’s the next best thing? Watching someone else play your favourite game, of course! Luckily, there are plenty to keep you entertained for hours on end until you can play, yourself. Stroll on over to Sims Community‘s YouTube channel to check out replays of all of the SimGuru livestreams for Cats & Dogs. We also have our very own launch party livestream replay available on our channel. We are so here for you during this difficult time.
Read ALL of the articles
Sims Community has got you covered with all of the latest and greatest info about Cats & Dogs, from Build/Buy and CAS overviews to an interactive Brindleton Bay world map and much more! Brush up on your research ahead of time so you can dive right into all the fun when that glorious Ready to Play button pops up in Origin. You can find all of our Cats & Dogs articles right here.
Get your smustle on
You can always air out your pre-expansion jitters with some therapeutic interpretive dance; the smustle. Naturally. Break out your best smustling moves in the middle of the living room. Who knows? Maybe your real life cats and dogs will decide to join in! They’re lovably unpredictable like that, aren’t they?
Chat with us!
Did you know Sims Community is on social media? Well, we are, and we love hearing from you! Tweet us or leave us a comment on Facebook to let us know about all the Cats & Dogs feelings! All of them! You might not know this, but we here at Sims Community are in fact, licensed therapists! DISCLAIMER: That was a joke. We are not licensed therapists. We just really love The Sims. Like you.
That’s right. In… and out. In… and out. Ahhhh. It will be okay. You will get through this and Sims Community will be here for you through it all with our videos, articles, and social media posts. We can’t really help you with the smustle, though. Sorry.
We’re pawsitive that these five coping techniques are exactly what you need right meow to make it through your download process. It can be ruff, but we’re not kitten when we say you’ve got this! (Too much pun? Nah. Never too much pun).
Image Credit: Lady Hope
It took one minute and 25 seconds to download for me…lol
Whoah what sorcery is that?! Awesome that you got to play right away. I hope the article still made you laugh, anyway. 🙂 Happy Simming!
Took around 8 minutes for me!
Took 8 minutes for me