Sim Guru Grant has been tweeting again, and this time he’s said about Gardening! Now we already know Plants will be affected by the Seasons, but now we know we are getting an entire Overhaul!
We’re releasing glass roofs and we have overhauled the gardening system for free, which you guys will get before the pack goes live. In fact, there have been free features with every expansion.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) June 6, 2018
What do you hope will be included in the Free Gardening Overhaul? Let us know in the comments.
“this time he’s said about Gardening!” Wow, such poor grammar.
Though, I’m interested in the overhaul.
except english isn’t his first language, so fuck you too?
Emma’s a she, and I’m pretty sure she’s from England, so…..
Yes, it is. She’s from England.
There are multiple grammars for many different dialects of English. Additionally, someone can speak English as a second language while living in or being from a predominantly English-speaking country. 🙂
Well said.
Very interested!))
I’m hoping children are able to help in the gardening process. Big hope.
I’m really wondering how the Cowplant will react to some of the weather. Like the snow and rain especially.
I NEED this for xbox
I’m sure they will try to improve gardening, but the question is will we like those changes? I’m anxious for more details.
I hope we won’t be able to place gardening plants indoors anymore without MOO (because it doesn’t makes sense), but we’re able to if the roof is a glass roof.
Why not? I grow plants indoors also. Not everybody has a garden plus the Sims is about freedom and not realism. Don’t place it indoors if it doesn’t make sense for you.
Dafür , dass es angeblich keinen Realismus bei den Sims gibt gibt es aber doch ziemlich viele reale Dinge im Spiel :))) Also ich mag mein spiel realistisch, mit Playmobil hab ich mit 12 gespielt gg*
I’d like “loving outdoors” sims attempt garden autonomous way just like neat ones cleaning
Liking the outdoors is a lot different from liking gardening. It’s not the same thing at all. To be neat, you have to keep things clean and tidy. Liking the outdoors doesn’t mean you want to grow your own vegetables, and not all gardeners like to go walking through forests.
“Evolve All” would be a big help for large gardens, as would Sims being able to autonomously garden, maybe when they have a high Gardening skill or the “Love Outdoors” trait.
One thing that would also help is better pathing through gardens when the Sims are using “Tend Garden” or “Harvest All” – mine seem to wander about all over the place and take twice as long as they would if they planned their routes out better!
Yes it be nice and i would love if we could have sprinklers in the garden if you could water every plant and a lawnmover
Evolve All pretty please!!
Hmm’ for the overhaul, probably a greenhouse, which would be nice for seasonal plants.
My biggest hope would be they make the plants look better, like how they looked in ts3. Tired of all the plants looking pretty much the same. It’d also be really awesome if they made it easier to sell produce and make it so we can actually do something with the flowers. (I hear they’re adding bouquets in seasons, but honestly flowers should have some use in base game because they’re available in base game. Doesn’t have to be anything too special, but at least give them something to do.)
uhh, can`t wait! This game is still my favorite, no matter how old I get! Also, going to need this for Xbox – it would be amazing!