Ever since the announcement of The Sims 4 StrangerVille Game Pack many have been left wondering if the new world is a destination world or an actual residental world where you can fully Build, Live and enjoy your gameplay.
SimGuruHouts has confirmed that the new world StrangerVille is a full on Residental World, meaning that your Sims can fully live there and experience the world just like any other (Willow Creek, Brindleton Bay).
Interestingly enough, Aaron has also confirmed that StrangerVille has a special option allowing you to immediately opt out of “Strange” features. This means that if you want to just play the new world without any storyline you definitely can with a click of a button!
Lots of people have been asking, so here you go:
StrangerVille is not a vacation world. Your Sims can live there and immerse themselves in the strangeness.
Also, there are ways to opt-out of the strange stuff going on in case you want it to be more of a “normal” place to live.
— Aaron Houts (@SimGuruHouts) February 20, 2019
In fact, I highly recommend moving in to get the full experience. Don't go crazy with what you imagine this might be, but there are some cool details that you'll get if you actually live there.
— Aaron Houts (@SimGuruHouts) February 20, 2019
…why wouldn’t it be?
It could have been a holiday world, like Selvadorada or Granite Falls 🙂 I’m excited, it looks like a cool place to live!
I was really scared they’d make it a Vacation World… this world is literally one of the three worlds I wanted in the game (the others being similar to Silent Hill and Aurora Skies) so I’m so glad they’re going the full distance.
…why wouldn’t it be?
It could have been a holiday world, like Selvadorada or Granite Falls 🙂 I’m excited, it looks like a cool place to live!
I was really scared they’d make it a Vacation World… this world is literally one of the three worlds I wanted in the game (the others being similar to Silent Hill and Aurora Skies) so I’m so glad they’re going the full distance.