Moschino has just launched their The Sims X Moschino Apparel Capsule Collection!
Starting today you’ll be able to purchase over 30 new clothing pieces from, as well as other boutiques and fashion retailers worldwide that offer the Moschino brand.
Please note that this is only the first part of The Sims X Moschino Collaboration. EA and Moschino have promised that we can expect more details about in-game content later this year, beside the free Freezer Bunny Moschino Hoodie that will be added very soon to The Sims 4, The Sims Mobile and The Sims FreePlay.
You can check out the full collection, the prices as well as a special promotional video for this Collection HERE!
I can skip it.
Same here! XD
In Norway we have to pay 25% tax
They aren’t even nice. This collection is just a big nope. A lot of people agree saying it’s ugly, overpriced, and embarrassing. Nicest thing is the earrings which I have seen some very similar ones online, handmade, with resin, for far cheaper.
” EA e Moschino prometeram que podemos esperar mais detalhes sobre o conteúdo do jogo ainda este ano”
no thx we are already hating this stuff no need for more
While I *don’t* like most of the stuff, I *do* like the Llamacorn shirt and the Freezer Bunny hoodie — and I absolutely love the plumbob umbrella and swimsuit!! <3 But there is no way I could afford any of it!!
I love the hoodie, but there is no way I could ever afford it. It’s a shame!
Already buying each individual pack is bad enough now this? We arnt rich here lmao
Most of the outfits are quite nice but I wont pull it off lol. but I so want that umbrella with the plumbobs
I really love the Umbrella too and is probably the only thing I can justify myself legitimately buying, even if it does cost close to £100.
This stuff should be up there for free!
Now Simmer end up paying for the promotion of a brand!?
Not cool, Moschino and EA!
Are you really trying to get mad because designer clothing isn’t free?
The difference is that this is virtual (!) designer clothing.
It’s fine that they promote the real thing in a game, but then don’t ask money for it. That simply isn’t cool!
Where did you get the idea we’re paying for the promotion? The garments themselves are the what costs money, not the advertising. Seems like you’re trying to complain about having to pay for real-life clothes, which you may need reminding isn’t absolutely essential when it comes to designer brands. Especially as the Moschino range hasn’t been designed specifically for The Sims community. It’s an expression of Fun, just like so many other collections Jeremy Scott has designed.
And, unless this ends up being the Branded Stuff Pack of The Sims 4, any other clothing items we get in the game will come with free updates, just like any other collaboration for CAS we’ve been given in the past.
The timing of this collaboration is too perfect for my Uni work, as I looked at The Sims for my project. Definitely referencing it when comparing to the Dungarees I made utilising the Emotions as the Sashiko colour palette.