On Thursday 3rd October 2019, a new patch will be released which will see the support of the macOS Lion 10.7 come to an end. EA_David has shared a Q&A over on Answers HQ which answers most common questions and also lets you know what to do to prevent the game from updating and keeping it playable on macOS Lion.
Please note: This is only for those who play The Sims 4 on a macOS Lion system.
You can read EA_David’s full post below.
Dear Simmers,
We hope you’re all doing well. If you are a Mac user, please read the below!
If you currently play The SimsTM 4 and run macOS Lion (10.7) there will be important changes you need to know about. Starting next month, we will be unable to support macOS Lion (10.7). On October 3, 2019 we will release a patch update that will no longer support The Sims 4 on that operating system.
If you wish to continue playing the game while running macOS Lion (10.7), do not update The Sims 4 with the October 3 patch, or any future game patches. To prevent the update, you will need to disable automatic updates on Origin. This will allow you to continue playing the game, however, you will not receive any future updates for the base game or be able to play any additional packs released after October 3.
macOS Lion (10.7) Q&A
How do I disable automatic updates on Origin?
To disable Auto-Update in the Origin 9 client:
- Go to the “Origin” drop-down menu and select “Preferences”
- In the “General” section, under “Updates,” un-check the “Automatically keep my games up to date” option
This will prevent automatic updates from being applied to any Origin games you own. You will still be notified when updates are available, but you will need to manually choose to download updates. Make sure not to manually download The Sims 4 updates.
Will I have access to the Gallery if I don’t get any additional updates?
Yes, you will continue to have access to the Gallery where you can both upload and download content.
WIll my progress be saved if I don’t get updates?
Yes, your existing game-saves will be preserved.
Will I be able to continue playing with all the packs I own?
Yes, all packs that you have purchased and installed will still be installed. Any packs you have purchased and have not yet installed will still be available for download from the Origin client.
Which packs will I be able to play?
You will be able to play all released packs up to and including Realm of Magic.
Interesting but honestly you probably shouldn’t be playing sims 4 on a Dino like macOS Lion