Discover University

The Sims 4 Discover University: SimGuru Q&A

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With the reveal of The Sims 4 Discover University Expansion Pack some of the SimGurus have already started answering your questions revolving the pack!

Considering that not too many questions have been answered just yet we’ll make sure to update this post as soon as new tweets surface so make sure you check back on this post!

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Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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5 years ago

How the fricky schmicky is there a new death in University?

5 years ago
Reply to  Natalie

Death from Sleep Deprivation and Caffeine Overload lol

5 years ago
Reply to  Shalissa

I hope we get more info soon. Like, how do the dorms work? What majors are there? What can we expect from the new careers? How will a degree benefit our Sims exactly? Can any Sim go to uni?

5 years ago
Reply to  Natalie

Robots. Juice pong. Soccer ball. Enough said – they are Sims…everything comes with the risk of death and destruction.

5 years ago
Reply to  Natalie

Maybe by robots!!

5 years ago
Reply to  Natalie

“Juice” poisoning

5 years ago
Reply to  Natalie

in past university packs, sims could be crushed by vending machines and murphy beds

5 years ago
Reply to  Natalie

You die due student loan

5 years ago

Wouldn’t it be great if the new death was screwing up your robot build and it going haywire and killing you. I mean, it won’t be, but it’d still be cool…

5 years ago

How could they not answer a single question on dorms?!!! HOW?!!!

5 years ago
Reply to  sims4builds_

probably function like them apartments from city living. nothing new, nothing lit, a-fucking-gain, same old shit

5 years ago

Please tell me we get bunkbeds !?

5 years ago
Reply to  Lynn

Unfortunately, I’m sure if they were in there they would show them. They’ve had so many opportunities to add bunk beds and I can’t believe they haven’t been added yet.

5 years ago

I wonder if you can live in the University world, outside of going to Uni?

5 years ago
Reply to  Alissa

you can live in the dorms there or you can live outside of the University in the residential area

5 years ago

I want backpacks, pool table, and more classes/majors…

I’m so worried that we won’t get these features in this expansion pack. If features going to be removed for unknown reasons. Then I’ll be mad. But we have to wait and see if these are features are coming in the live stream.
I did ask some questions to SimGuruFrost but he didn’t answer my questions yet.

Colette M.B.
Colette M.B.
5 years ago
Reply to  SAD-MANGO

Sorry for the caps but JEEZ! My bars and pubs feel so empty and incomplete without pool tables.
I’m super excited about the ping additions… but I just want a pool table to put in my bars and my bachelor pads.

5 years ago

how rehearsed was that.

Colette M. B.
Colette M. B.
5 years ago

I’m loving everything I’m seeing so far… one thing I’d like to see is the ability to customize lifespan length, or at least another option added between “normal” and “long”. Normal is way too short, and long is excruciatingly long… one of my sims just entered adulthood and she maxed out her career long ago and has already maxed several skills. Long allows me to have them form relationships and have fun with their lives, along with building skills and their careers… but it takes the challenge out of it because it’s *too* long, if that makes sense. I know that has nothing to do with Uni, but it’s still something I think we need.

5 years ago
Reply to  Colette M. B.

Do you use mcc? You can manually choose the number of days for each state (child, teen, adult etc), it’s what I’ve done and it’s much better!

Colette M.B.
Colette M.B.
5 years ago
Reply to  Phoebe

I actually don’t. I’ve read a lot about it, I’ve also thought a lot about it too but I have quite a few mods as it is and I’m pretty sure there would be conflicts.
I may revisit the thought though… as it stands right now, adulthood for my sims is pretty much useless because skills get maxed during the teen/YA stages, and they are maxing out their careers as YAs so… I’m just killing time basically, LOTS of time… and I don’t like forcing them to age unless it’s their birthday.
Thanks for the suggestion, I’m actually really considering it now. I was just hoping another option or customizable lifespan lengths would be added so I didn’t have to rely on yet another mod.

5 years ago
Reply to  Colette M.B.

Definitely get MCC a try. I was hesitant for a while because just like you I had other mods I was using too. However MCC made it so I didn’t have to use some of those mods which made updating easier (or would but I like mods so I got more) for new patches. There is the ability to slow skill and career progression in MCC which you maybe interested in and yes changing lifespans plus prevent culling if you have a lot of sims you care for but can’t favorite them all. I also changed pregnancy lengths in my game since I play without aging so the birth would be too quick for me and have a mod that makes blowing out candles not age sims so I can have multiple birthdays for sims.

RandomSimmer ✌
RandomSimmer ✌
5 years ago

Is there new ways to woohoo?

5 years ago

Yes, there is shower woohoo

5 years ago

That’s awesome buuuut
When Are We getting back the color wheel
Love you guys but I def miss that feature

5 years ago
Reply to  Kamii

I believe they answered that already when cats & dogs was released and they said no to a color wheel being added as they would have to revamp CAS. Likely the revamping could break things and is expensive to do since they aren’t doing it new like with pets. You’re probably better off using CC recolors of items you’re interested in because the color wheel is very unlikely to happen.

5 years ago

anytime soon will you bring back the cars? and grocery stores I so miss my sims going grocery shopping like in sims 3:)

5 years ago
Reply to  angels04hold

Some people, such as myself, are hoping for cars or another form of public transportation like a bus or a car pool. I don’t think they’ve ever said flat out no to this question but kept it floating in the air. They might be working on it but this may require changes that are expensive or take much longer since they have deco cars driving on roads.

Martin Hansen
Martin Hansen
5 years ago

I was so happy when they did annonce this, i can’t wait to play it later this month 😀

Hoping your will add some cheats soon for the game

5 years ago

Bunk Beds? Roommates? We need answers…

Colette M.B.
Colette M.B.
5 years ago

So… is this ever going to be updated with more Q&A? Surely this isn’t exhaustive…

Colette M.B.
Colette M.B.
5 years ago
Reply to  Colette M.B.

Ugh never mind, I found part 2 about 2.2 seconds after I commented. My bad.