The second round of voting finished a few days ago and SimGuruNinja has just revealed the results to the community.
If you are not sure what the Community Stuff Pack is all about, you can find out more here.
Since November, Simmers like you have been helping us shape the next Community Voted Stuff Pack by sharing your votes through The Sims™ channels. Initially, you and your fellow players chose the Arts and Crafts theme with gameplay focused on knitting, and now you’ve selected the marvelous art style for the new pack! We received an astounding number of responses in this round, and the art style with the most votes was… DIY Delight!
Now that the delightful art style has been finalized, our concept artists can start creating in-game objects and clothing based on DIY Delight for you to vote on in the next round. Keep your eye out at the end of January, when the Round 3 vote goes live to determine which Create A Sim assets will go into production! In the meantime, follow along on The Sims Forums for regular updates and spontaneous discussions about the new pack. You can also catch up with us on Twitter and Instagram, like us on Facebook, subscribe to our YouTube channel, and sign up for The Sims 4 newsletter to stay up to date.
See you for the next vote!
The third round of voting will be happening soon but, what do you think about the results of the round two vote? Is it what you expected?
Let us know what you think below in the comments!
CAS concept looks like My First Pet 2.0
Another privileged moron lol
I would love to see horses brought back. Could even do a farm living pack. I miss the horses. I’ve been playing sims since the first one.
I would agree with you. I have every sims game. Building a farm would be cool.
To control the animals again
It would be great to have affordable packs that cost like $10.
There’s a mod for that!
Agreed!! I got into Sims because it had horses in it, it would honestly break my heart a little if we don’t get horses…
I would like to see a sim medieval expansion pack, dragons would be nice
Yes, I’ll take a farm living pack as well. My sister and I were just talking about the fact they should do one.
I agree! Real SIM FAN HERE!
I would love’s to see horse a farm stuffs pack. And many other careers as well
For real For real..
I would love an expansion pack like this. A proper farming pack with animals and horses, that you can get raw ingredients from. And more plants to farm, with like a farmers market to sell your goods. I want this so bad
I’m Jay, nice to meet you xD
We really need the slow dance back. Also cars that can be driven. I also played Sims online loved it! Met real life friends from playing online.
I can’t remember if I voted DIY or Cozy, I liked both so I didn’t really care which won
Still debating on whether or not to buy this pack. What I really would like to see in the game is spiral stairs. Wish more ppl would ask for those. Seems the squeaky wheel really does get the oil first, as was the case with ppl complaining about getting toddlers back (could have kept that!). Spiral staircases would really help when building tiny houses with more than one level, a great space saver. Really looking forward to the Tiny Living stuff pack coming out on January 21st. Can’t wait! Wouldn’t mind having a farm pack. Not really crazy about raising horses. I’m fine with the cats and dogs, even though I tend to give my Siims a dog (I’m a dog person). Hopefully, EA listens to some of our comments. I have also been playing since the original The Sims came out.
@Drake What? Who are you talking to?
It’s a good win.
I would of liked cozy more because it was a lot more subtle and not as bright a DIY which I hope comes with darker colors
Werewolves, enough said.
I’m just having fun, but seriously. I’ve waited long enough, please bring Werewolves out already.
So basically the exact same art style that’s already in the game a million times.
I would love to see horses and that the horses can be your pet and farm house a farm life pack would be awesome
I wanted the granny stuff q.q it was different and I liked that.
It’s really sad we still don’t have any gameplay for elders… I was really hoping people would vote for something we don’t have. Instead people voted for parenthood 2.0… too bad.
I agree with all others wanting horses back in the game..
Yaaas! That was the only good one.
I liked the cozy one best.
Glad tiny living is coming.
Would have loved a hotel option or just more businesses to run. Being able to run the spa, and new businesses like daycare, hospital, salon or nightclub.
Would appreciate if babies had interactions like in Sims mobile, I love the crawling around and not seeing a child pop out of a cradle it’s disturbing.
On the whole EA’s team has done well…… It’s a pity, not enough people voted Granny chic that rocking chair was e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g!
Bring back Sims Online Please !!!!
Still can’t believe y’all picked THIS over Happy Haunts
Happy Haunts was one of my top two!! this was like number 3 super sad 🙁
Would love it if Sims could slow dance again.
I agree not sure why the slow dance was not considered again. I remember when a taxi would come and pick up sim for work really want drivable cars also. How hard are those things to put back in game?
Evidently, hard.
A Farm pack would be awesome. There could be certain aspects of this pack that would work with seasons and Pets.
MOVE ON! Bring on The Sims 5! #makethesimsgreatagain #veteranplayersknow
I forget what we are voting on next. I would like to see spiral stairs and elevators and categories for our library so we can separate our households, room builds, pet and so on
Why dont you just go get a mod and out in your game and you have it all it’s all on YouTube and none of it’s a virus, unless you click and ad.
Would like to see them bring back more supernaturals (werewolves, fairies, mummies, zombies). Looking forward to possibly seeing hotels/B&B’s as well as having more worlds and lots to visit/build. Disappointed happy haunts wasn’t the first winner but I’m still satisfied with this pack idea.
They should totally add the trend going on now to paint clothing items like jeans! And this should definitely be incorporated to school projects or a hobby or maybe even a new skill. Super excited!
If this pack that’s supposed to be all about what we want drops and doesn’t include freaking bunk beds I’m gonna riot
I mean I get it but what do bunk beds have to do with knitting?
What does bunk beds have to do with this pack?
This is the design choice that I liked the least out of all three so that sucks but oh well, hopefully the gameplay is interesting then
I want a horse….more animals would be nice…
Will this stuff pack be available for Xbox & PS4 as well?!
I would love to have the world adventure pack brought back. That still to this day is my favourite ever pack Sims ever brought out. Was great having holiday homes and tomb raiding…
Actually listen to the entire community on what packs to do next. You will have far more greater success and learn more about what your fans want.
That’s literally what they’re doing with this community voted stuff pack, right now, lol.
I love it!! Yes.
I also agree with the people proposing horses and farming. That would be really cool.
Hate it. Not buying this one.
Drivable cars and spiral stairs would be nice to have not pixelated cars they are ugly n fake n toys
Actually if you do this cheat called LiveEditObjects or something like that, all of the outside scenery objects that arent in build mode become unlocked! Which means GOOD quality cars become available! If you have strangerville that includes all these canyons and military trucks as well!!
Please do a school pack because there is a university pack
Bunk beds!!!!
Their could be a superpower pack or a pack with just cars and phones and different stuff
So bummed the community chose the brightest most childish style for this. It looks like a 5 yr olds dollhouse..
Great the worst one. Good job guys.
I wouldn’t mind a zombie apocalypse pack ♂️
It would be nice to see farms we could create our farms and produce and even sell,
Also the business we could be able to rent a room to someone or make small hotels or bed and breakfast.
And manage it .
Unfortunately low key hate this style 🙁 looks like all of the kid based packs we already have. kinda bummed granny style wasnt picked cuz I was lookin forward to some authentic cozy grandparent stuff with the knitting, not pinterest mom stuff…oh well C’est la vie!
Bring back Sims Castaways!
love to see a Food Pack become a thing or perhaps Burning Man.
From the comments it seems nobody voted for this lol… are they sure they didn’t pick ‘least voted’? I agree it looks like barf, at least Cozy had a more serious feel and Granny gave content for elders which we really lack… I’m pretty sure no one liked this style most yet it came out on top?
The comments here represent only a small fraction of the sims community. There are millions of players out there and not all of them are on this site. DIY Delight actually had a ton of support from lots of players. I saw support on lots of sims websites, among English, French, Chinese, Spanish, Itailian, fans and many more. Even on the sims twitter, when all of the options were initally announced, DIY had many vocal supporters. So, yeah, lots of people indeed liked this style.
wont buy this stuff pack…would buy it if its either cozy or granny…*sigh
laundry…knitting…now this..? I really don’t even believe we get the real results of our votes. This looks like all the other unusable furniture&recolors there are already. And it really looks like devs are conflating “artsy” with “tacky cat lady/dude”…I’m already feeling over this pack….
I think it looks like something that should have been in parenthood. I am really sad this theme won